File #: 3010-2021    Version: 1
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 11/9/2021 In control: Public Service & Transportation Committee
On agenda: 12/6/2021 Final action: 12/8/2021
Title: To authorize the City Attorney to file complaints in order to immediately appropriate and accept the remaining fee simple and lesser real estate necessary to timely complete the Arterial Street Rehabilitation - Hudson Street Phase 2 - I-71 to Cleveland Avenue Project; to authorize an expenditure of $8,493.00 from existing ACDI001358-10; and to declare an emergency. ($8,493.00)



BACKGROUND: The City’s Department of Public Service (“DPS”) is performing the Arterial Street Rehabilitation - Hudson Street Phase 2 - I-71 to Cleveland Avenue Project (“Public Project”). The City must acquire certain fee simple title and lesser real estate located in the vicinity of Hudson Street between I-71 and Cleveland Avenue (collectively, “Real Estate”) in order for DPS to timely complete the Public Project. The City passed Ordinance Numbers 2822-2019 and 2760-2020 authorizing the City Attorney to acquire the Real Estate. Furthermore, the City also adopted Resolution 0017X-2021 establishing the City’s intent to appropriate the Real Estate. The City’s acquisition of the Real Estate will help make, improve, or repair certain portions of the public right-of-way of Hudson Street between I-71 and Cleveland Avenue which will be open to the public without charge.


The City Attorney, pursuant to Columbus City Code, Section 909.03, served notice to all of the owners of the Real Estate of the (i) Public Project’s public purpose and necessity, and (ii) adoption of Resolution 0017X-2021. However, the City Attorney was unable to either locate some of the Real Estate’s owner(s) or agree with some of the Real Estate’s owner(s) in good faith regarding the amount of just compensation.




FISCAL IMPACT: Funding to acquire the Real Estate is available through the Streets and Highways GO Bond Fund, Fund Number 7704 pursuant to existing Auditor’s Certificate ACDI001358-10.


EMERGENCY JUSTIFICATION:  Emergency action is requested in order to acquire the Real Estate and allow DPS to timely complete the Public Project without unnecessary delay, which will preserve the public peace, health, property, safety and welfare.




To authorize the City Attorney to file complaints in order to immediately appropriate and accept the remaining fee simple and lesser real estate necessary to timely complete the Arterial Street Rehabilitation - Hudson Street Phase 2 - I-71 to Cleveland Avenue Project; to authorize an expenditure of $8,493.00 from existing ACDI001358-10; and to declare an emergency. ($8,493.00)




WHEREAS, the City intends to make, improve, or repair certain public right-of-ways by completing the Arterial Street Rehabilitation - Hudson Street Phase 2 - I-71 to Cleveland Avenue Project (“Public Project”); and


WHEREAS, the City intends for the City Attorney to acquire the necessary fee simple title and lesser real estate located in the vicinity of the public right-of-way of Hudson Street between I-71 and Cleveland Avenue; and


WHEREAS, the City, pursuant to the passage of Ordinance Numbers 2822-2019 and 2760-2020 and the adoption of Resolution Number 0017X-2021, intends to authorize the City Attorney to spend City funds and file the necessary complaints to immediately appropriate and accept title to the remainder of the Real Estate; and


WHEREAS, the City intends for the Real Estate’s acquisition to help make, improve, or repair certain portions of the public right-of-way of Hudson Street between I-71 and Cleveland Avenue which will be open to the public without charge; and


WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the usual daily operations of DPS in that it is immediately necessary to declare the City’s intent to appropriate and accept the Real Estate and to authorize the City Attorney to file complaints in order to immediately appropriate and accept the remaining fee simple and lesser real estate in order to prevent unnecessary delay in completing the Public Project, which will preserve the public peace, property, health, welfare, and safety; and now, therefore:




SECTION 1.                     That the fee simple and lesser real estate associated with the project parcel numbers listed in Section Four (4) of this ordinance (“Real Estate”) are (i) fully described in Resolution 0017X-2021 and incorporated into this ordinance for reference as if rewritten, and (ii) to be immediately appropriated and accepted for the public purpose of the Department of Public Service (“DPS”) timely completing the Arterial Street Rehabilitation - Hudson Street Phase 2 - I-71 to Cleveland Avenue Project (“Public Project”).


SECTION 2.                     That the City declares, pursuant to the City's power and authority under the Ohio Constitution, Ohio Revised Code Sections 715.01, 717.01, 719.01, and 719.02, the City's Charter, and Columbus City Code Chapter 909, the appropriation of the Real Estate is necessary for the Public Project, because the City was unable to locate the Real Estate’s owner(s) or agree in good faith with the Real Estate’s owner(s) regarding the amount of just compensation to be paid by the City for the Real Estate.


SECTION 3.                     That the City intends to obtain immediate possession of the Real Estate for the Public Project.


SECTION 4.                     That the City declares that the fair market value of the Real Estate as follows:






Parcel 23A-WD FMVE $300

Deila Myer

Service by Publication


Parcel 27A-WD FMVE $300

City National Bank and Trust Company of Columbus, Ohio

Service by publication


Parcel 32A-WD FMVE $300

The Citizens Trust and Savings Bank, As Trustee

Service by publication


Parcel 51-P, -T   FMVE $817

Maurice Cardwell

1398 S. Ohio Ave.

Columbus, OH 43211

And Service by publication


Parcel 55T- FMVE $1,008

Green Coast Lion, Ltd

5581 Whimpstone Ct.

Worthington, Ohio 43235


Parcel 67A-WD FMVE $300.00

Alvay Atwood (deceased)

Address unknown

Published May 12, 2021, May 19, 2021 & May 26, 2021


Parcel 69A-WD FMVE $300.00

Billie Jean Ward (deceased)

Address unknown

Published   May 12, 2021, May 19, 2021 & May 26, 2021


Parcel 77-P, -T - FMVE - $1,599

Yadira Hawkins

2936 S. Semoran Blvd. #103

Orlando, FL 32822


Parcel 81-T-FMVE-$2,669

The New Palistine Baptist Church 

1000 E. Hudson Street

Columbus, OH 43211


Parcel 81A-WD-FMVE $300

The Bryden Realty Company

Publication-No Address Known


Parcel 83A-WD-FMVE $300

Laura J. Haag

Publication-No Address Known


Parcel 84A-WD-FMVE $300

Charles A. Everitt

Publication-No Address Known


SECTION 5.                     That the City Attorney is authorized to file petitions necessary to appropriate the Real Estate in the appropriate court of common pleas and impanel a jury to inquire and assess the amount of just compensation for the Real Estate.


SECTION 6.                     That the Real Estate’s acquisition for the Public Project is required to make, improve, or repair certain portions of the public right-of-way of Hudson Street between I-71 and Cleveland Avenue and associated appurtenances, which will be open to the public without charge.


SECTION 7.  That the City Attorney, in order to pay for the Real Estate’s acquisition and appropriation costs for the Public Project, is authorized to spend up to Eight Thousand Four Hundred Ninety-three 00/100 U.S. Dollars ($8,493.00), or so much as may be needed from existing Auditor’s Certificate ACDI001358-10.         


SECTION 8.                     That the City Auditor is authorized to make any accounting changes to revise the funding source associated with this ordinance.


SECTION 9.                     That this ordinance, for the reasons stated in the preamble, which are made a part of this ordinance and fully incorporated for reference as if rewritten, is declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after this ordinance’s adoption and approval by the Mayor or ten (10) days after its adoption if the Mayor neither approves nor vetoes this ordinance.