File #: 0698-2018    Version: 1
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 3/1/2018 In control: Public Utilities Committee
On agenda: 5/7/2018 Final action: 5/10/2018
Title: To authorize the Director of Public Utilities to enter into a contract modification with 360water Inc., for professional services in connection with the Department of Public Utilities Training and Safety Program; and to extend the contract to June 16, 2019. ($0.00)
Attachments: 1. Ord 0698-2018 Subcontractor Form, 2. Ord 0698-2018 Addl Info



This legislation authorizes the Director of Public Utilities to enter into a contract modification (Mod #5) with 360water, Inc., for the purpose of providing professional training and technical services necessary to execute the Department of Public Utilities (DPU) Training and Safety Programs.  This work is part of the City’s continued effort to upgrade and maintain training and safety programs.  The Department of Public Utilities has personnel that require training on equipment, process systems, environmental programs, Utility specific items, and safety.  This contract will address those areas of need.  The work may include, but is not limited to:   safety training, maintenance tool training, facility process coursework development, ICP Integrated Contingency Plan updates, Control and Countermeasures Plan update; and other similar training tasks as assigned. 


The original language allowed for the option to renew the contract for four (4) additional years, on a year-to-year basis upon mutual agreement, budget authority and approval by Columbus City Council.  This fifth modification would be for an extension of time to allow employees to conclude the training and safety programs provided by 360water, Inc. within the Department of Public Utilities.  This modification will extend the contract expiration to June 16, 2019.  All terms and conditions of the original agreement remain in full force.  


1.                      Amount of additional funds:

Total amount of additional funds for this contract modification No. 5 is to ADD $0.00.  Total contract amount including this modification is $1,190,000.00.


2.                     Reasons additional goods/services could not be foreseen:

Additional funds are not needed at this time as there are currently enough funds available to cover the cost of the work needing completed. 


3.                     Reason other procurement processes are not used:

Work under this modification is a continuation of services included in the scope of the original contract.  This modification will only add time for the work to be completed.


4.                     How cost of modification was determined:

The cost, terms and conditions are in accordance with the original agreement.


SUPPLIER:  360water, Inc. (31-1704111), Expires June 9, 2019.  This vendor holds F1 certification with the City of Columbus.


The company is not debarred according to the Excluded Party Listing System of the Federal Government or prohibited from being awarded a contract according to the Auditor of State Unresolved Findings for Recovery Certified Search.


FISCAL IMPACT:  $0.00 is budgeted and available for this planned modification. 


$141,891.75 was spent in 2017

$170,666.73 was spent in 2016




To authorize the Director of Public Utilities to enter into a contract modification with 360water Inc., for professional services in connection with the Department of Public Utilities Training and Safety Program; and to extend the contract to June 16, 2019.  ($0.00)





WHEREAS, the Department of Public Utilities has a contract with 360water, Inc. for professional services in connection with the Department of Public Utilities Training and Safety Program; and


WHEREAS, the vendor has agreed to modify and extend Contract EL014471 at current prices and conditions, to and including June 16, 2019, and it is in the best interest of the City to exercise this option; and


WHEREAS, it has become necessary in the usual daily operation of the Department of Public Utilities to authorize the Director of Public Utilities to modify and extend the current contract for professional services for the Department of Public Utilities Training and Safety Program with 360water, Inc.; now, therefore




SECTION 1.  That the Director of Public Utilities be, and hereby is, authorized to modify and extend the current contract with 360water, Inc. for professional services for the Department of Public Utilities Training and Safety Program, in accordance with the terms and conditions as shown in the agreement on file in the office of the Department of Public Utilities, Training Section.  Total amount of modification No. 5 is ADD $0.00.  Total contract amount including this modification is $1,190,000.00.  This modification No. 5 will extend the contract to and including June 16, 2019.


SECTION 2.  That this modification is in accordance with the relevant provisions of Chapter 329 of City Code relating to contract modifications.


SECTION 3.  That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law.