1. Background
The City of Columbus, Department of Public Service, received a request from the property owner, 431 First, LLC asking that the City allow a basement vault to remain encroaching into the public right-of-way for their project.
The project is located at 66-68 North High Street and along the North side of East Gay Street. This project is a renovation of the building, planter boxes, and lights. The existing encroachment consists of a below ground basement vault built approximately in 1910 that protrudes into the public right-of-way as described below and shown on the attached exhibit.
The following legislation authorizes the Director of the Department of Public Service to execute those documents necessary for the City to grant this encroachment to legally allow the vault to remain extended into the public rights-of-way. Allowing this element to remain, will enhance the building and help keep the original structures foundation to remain as is. A value of $500.00 for the encroachment easement was established.
2. Fiscal Impact
The City will receive a total of $500.00, to be deposited in Fund 7748, Project P537650, for granting the requested encroachment.
To authorize the Director of the Department of Public Service to execute those documents necessary for the City to grant 431 First, LLC encroachment easements along East Gay Street. ($0.00)
WHEREAS, the City of Columbus, Department of Public Service, received a request from the property owner, 431 First, LLC asking that the City allow a basement vault to remain encroaching into the public right-of-way, for their project. The project is located at 66-68 North High Street and along the North side of East Gay Street; and
WHEREAS, this project is a renovation of the building, planter boxes, and lights. The existing encroachment consists of a below ground basement vault built approximately in 1910 that protrudes into the public right-of-way as described below and shown on the attached exhibit; and
WHEREAS, a value of $500.00 to be deposited in Fund 7748, Project P537650, for the encroachment easements was established; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary in the usual daily operation of the Department of Public Service to authorize the Director to execute those documents necessary for the City to grant this encroachment to legally allow the vault to remain extended into the public rights-of-way. Allowing this element to remain will enhance the building and help keep the original structures foundation to remain as is; now, therefore
SECTION 1. That the Director of the Department of Public Service to execute those documents necessary for the City to grant this encroachment to legally allow the vault to remain extended into the public rights-of-way. Allowing this element to remain will enhance the building and help keep the original structures foundation to remain as is; to-wit:
3 Dimensional Encroachment Easement
0.044 Acre
Situated in the State of Ohio, County of Franklin, City of Columbus, and being 0.044 acre of land, said 0.044 acre being located within the right-of-way of E. Gay Street as dedicated in Plat Book “F”, Page 332 (destroyed by fire) and re-recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 247 and Plat Book 14, Page 27, said 0.044 acre 3 Dimensional easement being more particularly described as follows:
Beginning, for Reference, at the southwesterly corner of that tract of land as conveyed to 431 First LLC of record in Instrument No. 201209070132390 (P.I.D. 010-011603), said corner also being the southwesterly corner of Inlot 327 of said plat and being the right-of-way intersection of the easterly right-of-way line of N. High Street and the northerly right-of-way line of E. Gay Street;
Thence N 81° 53' 44" E, with the southerly line of said 431 First LLC tract and said northerly right-of-way line, 5.47 feet to the True Point of Beginning;
Thence N 81° 53' 44" E, continuing along said common line, 112.53 feet to the southeasterly corner of said 431 First LLC tract;
Thence across said right-of-way of E. Gay Street, the following three (3) courses and distances:
S 08° 06' 16" E, 17.00 feet to an angle point;
S 81° 53' 44" W, 112.53 feet to an angle point;
N 08° 06' 16" W, 17.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning, containing 0.044 acres (1,913+/- Square Feet, 22,956.1+/- Cubic Feet).
The described easement area shall encompass the vault located below ground under the sidewalk. The vertical limits are specifically identified as being from elevation 751.30' to 739.30'. The existing sidewalk elevation is 751.30' at the high end of the sidewalk.
The horizontal bearings shown herein are based on the Ohio State Plane Coordinate System, South Zone, NAD83 (NSRS 2011 adjustment) with the easterly right-of-way line of N. High Street to be N08°09'37"W. The vertical elevations shown are based on NAVD88 (Geoid 12B).
This description is based on existing records of the Franklin County Auditor's and Recorder's Offices, and an actual field survey made by Advanced Civil Design, Inc. in March 2020. A drawing of the above description has been prepared and made a part hereof.
All references used in this description can be found at the Recorder’s Office, Franklin County, Ohio, unless otherwise noted.
SECTION 2. That the City will receive a total of $500.00 to be deposited in Fund 7748, Project P537650, for granting the requested encroachments.
SECTION 3. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law.