1.0 BACKGROUND: This Ordinance authorizes the Director of Public Utilities to modify and increase the professional services agreement with EMA, Inc. for the Advanced Metering System (AMS) Study and Implementation Project, Division of Water Contract No. 2073.
The entire project consists of four (4) Phases. Original authorizing Ordinance No. 1597-2015 indicated the agreement will be modified an additional three (3) times, however, the Department now expects additional modifications. Phases 3 and 4 will require multiple modifications due to the complex nature of the scope and to provide funding in accordance with projected Capital Improvements Budget and Bond Sales.
1.1 Amount of additional funds to be expended: $750,000.00
Original agreement: $369,077.71 (EL017444)
Modification No. 1: $550,000.00 (PO065223)
Modification No. 2 (current): $750,000.00
Total to Date: $1,669,077.71
1.2. Reasons additional goods/services could not be foreseen:
This is a planned modification as indicated in the original authorizing legislation (Ordinance No. 1597-2015). Additional modifications are expected during future phases.
1.3. Reason other procurement processes are not used:
Modifications to the agreement were planned as part of the original Request for Proposals RFP. Additionally, the current consultant is familiar with the project and has completed all the work to-date. Bidding the work to another consultant will further delay the project and will result in higher costs due to bringing the new consultant up to speed on the project.
1.4. How cost of modification was determined:
A cost proposal was provided by EMA, Inc. The proposal was reviewed by Department staff and deemed acceptable.
2.0 FUTURE CONTRACT MODIFICATION(S): Future modifications are anticipated to complete Phases 3 and 4 of the project. Modification No. 2 (current) is to provide Phase 3 and Phase 4 Services. These services include continued coordination of the AMS System vendor selection process and program management assistance during the implementation of the project.
The planning area is “City Wide” because this project serves multiple planning areas.
An AMS program is favorable to the DPU’s operations and customer service function, as replacing older water and electrical meters will improve service, decrease burden on maintenance operations, reduce water loss, improve revenue, and improve customer access to billing and consumption history. The AMS program will allow moving from quarterly to monthly billing in the future and will have a positive impact on customers as the bills will be more manageable in both cost and time.
4.0 CONTRACT COMPLIANCE INFO: 41-1467091, expires 3/24/19, Majority. DAX Vendor No. is 007843.
Searches in the Excluded Party List System (Federal) and the Findings for Recovery list (State) produced no findings against EMA, Inc.
5.0 FISCAL IMPACT: A transfer of funds within the Water G.O. Bond Fund will be necessary as well as an amendment to the 2019 Capital Improvements Budget.
To authorize the Director of Public Utilities to enter into a planned renewal of the professional services agreement with EMA, Inc. for the Advanced Metering System Project; for the Division of Water; to authorize a transfer and expenditure of up to $750,000.00 from the Water General Obligations Bond Fund; and to authorize an amendment to the 2019 Capital Improvements Budget. ($750,000.00)
WHEREAS, Contract No. EL017444 was authorized by Ordinance No. 1597-2015, passed July 20, 2015, was executed on August 21, 2015, and approved by the City Attorney on September 2, 2015, for the Advanced Metering System Study and Implementation Project; and
WHEREAS, Contract Modification No. 1 PO065223 established funding for Phase 2, preparing a Request for Proposal (RFP); and
WHEREAS, this Contract Modification No. 2 is necessary to continue the project scope and deliverables for the Advanced Metering System, Phases 3 and 4; and
WHEREAS, future modifications are expected to procure funds for the vendor selection process and to provide program management assistance during implementation of the AMS system as part of Phases 3 and 4; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary to authorize the Director of Public Utilities to modify and increase the professional services agreement with EMA, Inc. for the Advanced Metering System Study and Implementation Project; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary to authorize a transfer and expenditure of funds within the Water G.O. Bond Fund, for the Division of Water; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary to authorize an amendment to the 2019 Capital Improvements Budget for purposes of providing sufficient funding and expenditure authority for the aforementioned project expenditure; and
WHEREAS, it has become necessary in the usual daily operation of the Department of Public Utilities, Division of Water, to authorize the Director of Public Utilities renew the professional services agreement with EMA, Inc., for the Advanced Metering System Study and Implementation Project, for the preservation of the public health, peace, property, safety and welfare; now, therefore
SECTION 1. That the Director of Public Utilities is hereby authorized and directed to modify and increase the professional services agreement with EMA, Inc. for the Advanced Metering System Project, in an amount up to $750,000.00.
SECTION 2. That this contract renewal is in compliance with Chapter 329 of Columbus City Codes.
SECTION 3. That the transfer of $750,000.00 or so much thereof as may be needed, is hereby authorized between projects within Fund 6006 - Water G.O. Bond Fund, per the account codes in the attachment to this ordinance.
SECTION 4. That the 2019 Capital Improvements Budget is hereby amended in Fund 6006 - Water G.O. Bond Fund, as follows:
Project No. | Project Name | Revised Authority | Remaining Authority | Change
P690394-100000 (Carryover) | Water Meters | $2,014,612 | $1,264,612 | -750,000
P690358-100000 (Carryover) | Automated Meter Reading | $0 | $750,000 | +$750,000
SECTION 5. That the expenditure of $750,000.00 or so much thereof as may be needed, is hereby authorized in Fund 6006 - Water G.O. Bonds Fund, in Object Class 06, Capital Outlay, per the accounting codes in the attachment to this ordinance.
SECTION 6. That the funds necessary to carry out the purpose of this Ordinance are hereby deemed appropriated, and the City Auditor shall establish such accounting codes as necessary.
SECTION 7. That the City Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to transfer any unencumbered balance in the project account to the unallocated balance within the same fund upon receipt of certification by the Director of the Department administering said project that the project has been completed and the monies no longer required for said project; except that no transfer shall be made from a project account by monies from more than one source.
SECTION 8. That the City Auditor is authorized to establish proper project accounting numbers as appropriate.
SECTION 9. That the City Auditor is authorized to make any accounting changes to revise the funding source for all contracts or contract modifications associated with this Ordinance.
SECTION 10. That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law.