File #: 0888-2004    Version: 1
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 5/5/2004 In control: Finance & Economic Development Committee
On agenda: 5/17/2004 Final action: 5/19/2004
Title: Authorizing the issuance and sale of special assessment bond anticipation notes in the amount of $354,000 for the Berwick I Street Light Assessment Project. ($354,000). Section 55(b) of the City Charter
Authorizing the issuance and sale of special assessment bond anticipation notes in the amount of $354,000 for the Berwick I Street Light Assessment Project.  The notes will be purchased by the City's Treasury Investment Board.
Authorizing the issuance and sale of special assessment bond anticipation notes in the amount of $354,000 for the Berwick I Street Light Assessment Project.  ($354,000).
Section 55(b) of the City Charter
      WHEREAS, pursuant to Ordinance 1998-2003 adopted September 22, 2003, this Council determined to proceed with the street lighting project described below in accordance with Resolution 033X-2003 adopted by this Council on March 10, 2003; and
      WHEREAS, the City Auditor has certified to this Council that the estimated life of the improvements to be constructed from the proceeds of the bonds and notes hereinafter referred to exceeds five (5) years, the maximum maturity of bonds being ten (10) years and the maximum maturity of notes being five (5) years; and
      WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary to issue notes in anticipation of the issuance of bonds, in the amount of $354,000, to provide for the payment of a portion of the costs of the street lighting project described below;
      Section 1.      It is hereby declared necessary to issue bonds of the City of Columbus, Ohio, (the "City") in the principal sum of $354,000 (the "Bonds") in anticipation of the levy and collection of special assessments for the purpose of providing funds to pay the costs of installing a high pressure sodium street lighting system with ornamental poles and underground wiring for the Berwick I Area, including Burnaby Drive, Floribunda Drive, Halleck Place, Halleck Drive, Mitzi Drive, Peace Place, Rose View Drive, Schaaf Drive, Sonata Drive, Spartan Drive, Stafford Place, Talisman Court, Tiffany Court, Haddon Road from College Avenue to and including parcel number 010-101705, Kenview Road South from Halleck Place to and including parcel number 010-140920, Kenwick Road from Scottwood Road to Kenview Road South, Roosevelt Avenue from Scottwood Road to Sonata Drive, Scottwood Road from Haddon Road to James Road, and Sherbrooke Place from Scottwood Road to Stafford Place.
      Section 2.      The Bonds shall be of the denomination of $5,000 or any integral multiple thereof (except that one Bond may be in the denomination of $4,000 or any integral multiple of $5,000 in excess thereof), shall be dated on or before the maturity date of the Notes hereinafter provided for and issued in anticipation of the issuance of such Bonds, shall bear interest at a rate presently estimated to be six and one-half per centum (6.5%) per annum, payable semiannually until the principal sum is paid and shall mature in ten (10) annual installments after their issuance.
      Section 3.      It is necessary to issue and this Council hereby determines that notes (the "Notes") in the principal amount of $354,000 shall be issued in anticipation of the levy and collection of said special assessments and in anticipation of the issuance of the Bonds for the purpose set forth above.
      Section 4.      After said improvements are completed and the costs thereof ascertained, Council shall by ordinance assess upon the benefited property, in the manner provided in the legislation referring to said improvements and heretofore adopted by this Council, the entire cost and expense thereof, except the portion to be paid by the City in accordance with the provisions of the Ohio Revised Code and Section 178 of the City Charter, and shall authorize the issuance of the Bonds under the provisions of Section 133.30 of the Ohio Revised Code and Section 189 of the City Charter.
      All assessments collected for the improvements and the unexpended balances remaining in the special improvement fund after the cost and expense of the improvements have been paid, shall be applied to the payment of principal of and interest on the Notes, and then to the payment of principal of and interest on the Bonds.
      Section 5.      In the event that the special assessments are not levied or the Bonds are not issued to provide a fund for the payment of the Notes at maturity, a general tax shall be levied against all of the property in the City for the payment of the Notes and the interest thereon; provided, however, that during the years while the Notes are outstanding there shall be levied on all taxable property in the City, in addition to all other taxes and inside of the limitations of Article XII, Section 2, of the Constitution of Ohio, a direct tax annually not less than that which would have been levied if the Bonds had been issued without the prior issuance of the Notes.
      Said tax shall be and is hereby ordered computed, certified, levied and extended upon the tax duplicate and shall be collected by the same officer, in the same manner, and at the same time that taxes for general purposes for each of said years are certified, extended and collected.  Said tax shall be placed before and in preference to all other items and for the full amount thereof.  Funds derived from said levies hereby required shall be placed in a separate and distinct fund, which, together with interest collected on the same shall be irrevocably pledged for the payment of the principal and interest on the Notes or the Bonds when and as the same fall due; provided, however, that in each year to the extent that funds from the collection of the special assessments referred to in Section 1 hereof or other sources are lawfully available for the payment of the Notes and Bonds, and are appropriated for such purpose, the amount of such tax shall be reduced by the amount of such funds so available and appropriated.
      Section 6.      The Notes shall be the full general obligation of the City and the full faith, credit and revenue of the City are hereby pledged for the prompt payment of the same.  The par value to be received from the sale of the Bonds and any excess funds resulting from the issuance of the Notes shall, to the extent necessary, be used only for the retirement of the Notes at maturity, together with interest thereon, and is hereby pledged for such purpose.
      Section 7.      The Notes shall be designated "City of Columbus, Ohio Berwick I Street Light Assessment Bond Anticipation Notes, 5-04".
      Section 8.      The Notes shall be issued only as one fully registered note, in the denomination of $354,000; shall be numbered RN-1; shall be dated May 19, 2004; shall mature on November 19, 2005; and shall bear interest payable at maturity at the rate of two and fifteen-hundredths percent (2.15%) per annum.  The Notes shall be subject to redemption, at a redemption price equal to the par amount redeemed, at the option of the City at any time prior to maturity upon one day's prior written notice to the Note Registrar.
      Section 9.      The Notes shall express upon their faces the purpose for which they are issued and that they are issued pursuant to this Ordinance; shall be executed by the Mayor and the City Auditor of the Municipality, in their official capacities, provided that any of those signatures may be a facsimile.  No Note shall be valid or become obligatory for any purpose or shall be entitled to any security or benefit under this Ordinance unless and until a certificate of authentication, as printed on the Note, is signed by the Note Registrar (as defined in Section 10 hereof) as authenticating agent.  Authentication by the Note Registrar shall be conclusive evidence that the Note so authenticated has been duly issued and delivered under this Ordinance and is entitled to the security and benefit of this Ordinance.
      The principal of and interest on the Notes shall be payable in lawful money of the United States of America without deduction for the services of the Note Registrar as paying agent.  The principal of and interest on the Notes shall be payable upon presentation and surrender of the Notes at their maturity at the office of the Note Registrar.
      Section 10.      The Trustees of the Sinking Fund of the City of Columbus is appointed to act as the authenticating agent, note registrar, transfer agent and paying agent (collectively, the "Note Registrar") for the Notes.  So long as any of the Notes remain outstanding, the City will cause to be maintained and kept by the Note Registrar, at the office of the Note Registrar, all books and records necessary for the registration, exchange and transfer of Notes as provided in this Section (the "Note Register").  The person in whose name any Note shall be registered on the Note Register shall be regarded as the absolute owner thereof for all purposes.  Payment of or on account of the principal of and interest on any Note shall be made only to or upon the order of that person.  Neither the City nor the Note Registrar shall be affected by any notice to the contrary, but the registration may be changed as herein provided.  All payments shall be valid and effectual to satisfy and discharge the liability upon the Notes, including the interest thereon, to the extent of the amount or amounts so paid.
      A Note may be transferred only on the Note Register upon presentation and surrender thereof at the principal office of the Note Registrar, together with an assignment executed by the registered owner or by a person authorized by the owner to do so by a power of attorney in a form satisfactory to the Note Registrar.  Upon that transfer, the Note Registrar shall complete, authenticate and deliver a new Note in the principal amount equal to the principal amount of the Note surrendered and bearing interest at the same rate and maturing on the same date.
      The City and the Note Registrar shall not be required to transfer or exchange any Note for a period of fifteen days next preceding the date of its maturity.
      In all cases in which Notes are transferred hereunder, the City shall cause to be executed and the Note Registrar shall authenticate and deliver Notes in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance.  The exchange or transfer shall be without charge to the owner; except that the City and Note Registrar may make a charge sufficient to reimburse them for any tax or other governmental charge required to be paid with respect to the transfer.  The City or the Note Registrar may require that those charges, if any, be paid before it begins the procedure for the transfer of the Notes.  All Notes issued upon any transfer shall be the valid obligations of the City, evidencing the same debt, and entitled to the same benefits under this Ordinance, as the Notes surrendered upon that transfer.
      Section 11.      The Notes shall be sold to the City's Treasury Investment Board at a price equal to 100% of the principal amount thereof plus accrued interest, if any, from the dated date of the Notes to the date of purchase.
      The proceeds from the sale of the Notes, except accrued interest or costs of issuance, allocable to the Notes shall be deposited in the City Treasury and applied to the payment of the costs of the project described in Section 1 of this Ordinance.
      Any accrued interest or premium received from such sale shall be deposited in the City Treasury and shall be credited to the proper Bond Retirement Fund to be applied to the payment of the principal of and interest on the Notes in the manner provided by law.  Said proceeds are hereby appropriated for such purposes.
      Section 12.      The City hereby covenants that it will comply with the requirements of all existing and future laws which must be satisfied in order that interest on the Notes is and will continue to be excluded from gross income for federal income tax purposes, including without limitation restrictions on the use of the property financed with the proceeds of the Notes so that the Notes will not constitute "private activity bonds" within the meaning of Section 141 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code").  The City further covenants that it will restrict the use of the proceeds of the Notes in such manner and to such extent, if any, as may be necessary, after taking into account reasonable expectations at the time the debt is incurred, so that they will not constitute arbitrage bonds under Section 148 of the Code and the regulations prescribed thereunder (the "Regulations).
      The City Auditor or the Director of Finance, or any other officer, including the City Clerk, is hereby authorized and directed (a) to make or effect any election, selection, designation, choice, consent, approval or waiver on behalf of the City with respect to the Notes as permitted or required to be made or given under the federal income tax laws, for the purpose of assuring, enhancing or protecting favorable tax treatment or the status of the Notes or interest thereon or assisting compliance with requirements for that purpose, reducing the burden or expense of such compliance, reducing any rebate amount or any payment of penalties, or making any payments of special amounts in lieu of making computations to determine, or paying, any excess earnings as rebate, or obviating those amounts or payments, as determined by the City Auditor or the Director of Finance, which action shall be in writing and signed by the City Auditor or the Director of Finance, or any other officer, including the City Clerk, on behalf of the City; (b) to take any and all actions, make or obtain calculations, and make or give reports, covenants and certifications of and on behalf of the City, as may be appropriate to assure such exclusion of interest from gross income and the intended tax status of the Notes; and (c) to give an appropriate certificate on behalf of the City, for inclusion in the transcript of proceedings, setting forth the facts, estimates and circumstances, and reasonable expectations of the City pertaining to Section 148 and the Regulations, and the representations, warranties and covenants of the City regarding compliance by the City with sections 141 through 140 of the Code and the Regulations.
      The City Auditor shall keep and maintain adequate records pertaining to investment of all proceeds of the Notes sufficient to permit, to the maximum extent possible and presently foreseeable, the City to comply with any federal law or regulation now or hereafter having applicability to the Notes which limits the amount of Note proceed which may be invested on an unrestricted yield or requires the city to rebate arbitrage profits (or penalties in lieu thereof) to the United States Department of the Treasury.  The City Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to file such reports with, and rebate arbitrage profits (or penalties in lieu thereof) to, the United States Department of the Treasury, to the extent that any federal law or regulation having applicability to the Notes requires any such reports or rebates.
      Section 13.      It is hereby found and determined that all formal actions of this Council concerning and relating to the adoption of this ordinance were adopted in an open meeting of this Council, and that all deliberations of this Council and of any of its committees that resulted in such formal action, were in meetings open to the public, in compliance with all legal requirements including Section 121.22 of the Ohio Revised Code.
      Section 14.      It is hereby found and determined that all acts, conditions and things necessary to be done precedent to and in the issuing of the Notes in order to make them legal, valid and binding obligations of the City have happened, been done and been performed in regular and due form as required by law; that the full faith, credit and revenue of the City are hereby irrevocably pledged for the prompt payment of the principal and interest thereof at maturity; and that no limitation of indebtedness or taxation, either statutory or constitutional, has been exceeded in issuing the Notes.
      Section 15.      The City Clerk is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of this ordinance to the Auditors of Franklin County, Fairfield County and Delaware County, Ohio.
      Section 16.      In accordance with Section 55(b) of the Charter of the City of Columbus, Ohio, this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and immediately after its passage and approval by the Mayor, or ten days after passage if the Mayor neither approves nor vetoes the same.