File #: 0163-2025    Version: 1
Type: Ordinance Status: Second Reading
File created: 1/15/2025 In control: Zoning Committee
On agenda: 2/3/2025 Final action:
Title: To rezone 1895 JETWAY BLVD. (43219), being 7.98± acres located on the west side of Jetway Boulevard; 1,500± feet north of Old Country Lane, From: L-M, Limited Manufacturing District, To: L-M, Limited Manufacturing District (Rezoning #Z24-061).
Attachments: 1. ORD0163-2025_Attachments, 2. ORD0163-2025_Labels



Rezoning Application Z24-061


APPLICANT:  Jetway, LLC; c/o Aamer Patel; 2028 East Den White Boulevard, Suite 240-6325; Austin, TX 78741.


PROPOSED USE: Limited manufacturing uses.






CITY DEPARTMENTS' RECOMMENDATION: Approval. The 7.98± acre site consists of two undeveloped parcels in the L-M, Limited Manufacturing District, with part of the site being subject to the I-670 Graphics Control Overlay. The applicant requests a new L-M district at this location to update commitments regarding building materials, setbacks, and buffering pertaining to the western property line. The requested L-M district is consistent with both the Northeast Area Plan’s (2007) land use recommendation of “Office-Light Industrial,” and the existing zoning pattern along Jetway Boulevard. Additionally, the request includes a site plan demonstrating tree preservation and buffering along the western property line that effectively screens adjacent residential uses.




To rezone 1895 JETWAY BLVD. (43219), being 7.98± acres located on the west side of Jetway Boulevard; 1,500± feet north of Old Country Lane, From: L-M, Limited Manufacturing District, To: L-M, Limited Manufacturing District (Rezoning #Z24-061).




WHEREAS, application #Z24-061 is on file with the Department of Building and Zoning Services requesting rezoning of 7.98± acres from L-M, Limited Manufacturing District, to L-M, Limited Manufacturing District; and


WHEREAS, the Development Commission recommends approval of said zoning change; and


WHEREAS, the Northeast Area Commission recommends approval of said zoning change; and


WHEREAS, the City Departments recommend approval of said zoning change because the requested L-M, Limited Manufacturing District is consistent with both the Northeast Area Plan’s land use recommendation for “Office-Light Industrial” uses, and the existing development pattern along Jetway Boulevard, while also providing a site plan that demonstrates tree preservation and buffering of adjacent residential uses to the west; now, therefore:




SECTION 1.  That the Official Zoning Map of the City of Columbus, as adopted by Ordinance No. 0179 -03, passed February 24, 2003, and as subsequently amended, is hereby revised by changing the zoning of the property as follows:


1895 JETWAY BLVD. (43219), being 7.98± acres located on the west side of Jetway Boulevard; 1,500± feet north of Old Country Lane, and being more particularly described as follows: The Land referred to herein below is situated in the County of Franklin, State of Ohio, and is described as follows:


Parcel No.1


Situated in the State of Ohio, County of Franklin, City of Columbus, Third Quarter of Township 1, Range 17, United States Military Lands, and being 2.984 acres of Parcel One, as conveyed to I-670 Stelzer Road Limited Partnership, Official Record Volume 15161 E06 (all references refer to records on file in the Recorder's Office, Franklin County, Ohio), said tract of land being more fully described as follows:


Beginning for reference at an iron pin found at the northeasterly corner of "Cumberland Ridge Section 2", as recorded in Plat book 40, Page 121, a northwesterly corner of Parcel One;


Thence South 2° 08' 00" West, along a westerly line of said Parcel One, an easterly line of

"Cumberland Ridge Section 2", 734.14 feet to an iron pin set, being the Point of Beginning;


Thence North 83° 09' 43" East 361.78 feet to an iron pin set;


Thence South 6° 50' 17" East 60.00 feet to a point;


Thence along a curve to the right (delta = 100° 08' 23", radius = 20.00 feet) a chord bearing South 46° 46' 05" East a distance of 30.67 feet to a point;


Thence South 3° 18' 05" West 290.43 feet to an iron pin set;


Thence North 86° 41' 55" West 384.18 feet to an iron pin set in the westerly line of Parcel One;


Thence North 2° 20' 53" East, continuing with a westerly line of Parcel One, an easterly line of "Cumberland Ridge Section 2", 52.04 feet to an existing iron pin;


Thence North 2° 08' 0" East, along the westerly line of Parcel One, an easterly line of "Cumberland Ridge Section 2", 253.51 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 2.984 acres of land.


This description was prepared from an actual field survey in May of 2000 by Hockaden and Associates, Inc., Consulting Engineers and Surveyors.


Bearings are based upon the northerly line of Parcel One, as described in Official Record Volume 15161 E06, bearing South 86° 15’ 45” East.


Parcel No. 2:


Situated in the State of Ohio, County of Franklin, City of Columbus, Third Quarter Township 1, Range 17, United States Military Lands, being 5.0001 acres all out of the I-670 Stelzer Road Limited Partnership 42.193 acre tract as described in Official Record Volume 15161 E06 (all references to records being on file in the Office of the Recorder, Franklin County, Ohio) and being more particularly described as follows:


The True Place of Beginning being at an existing iron pin found at the northeast corner of

"Cumberland Ridge Section 2" (P.B. 40, Page 121), a northwesterly corner of said 1-670 Stelzer Road Limited Partnership 42.193 acre tract;


Thence South 86° 15' 45" East, along a City of Columbus Corporation Line, being the northerly line of said 1-670 Stelzer Road Limited Partnership 42.193 acre tract, a distance of 313.10 feet to an iron pin set;


Thence South 2° 53' 39" West, a distance of 677.30 feet to an iron pin set;


Thence South 83° 09' 27" West, a distance of 308.35 feet to an iron pin set in the easterly line of said "Cumberland Ridge Section 2", being in a westerly line of said I-670 Stelzer Road Limited Partnership 42.193 acre tract;


Thence North 2° 10' 45" East, along the easterly line of said "Cumberland Ridge Section 2", being a City of Columbus Corporation Line, and being a westerly line of said I-670 Stelzer Road Limited Partnership 42.193 acre tract, a distance of 734.12 feet to said True Place of Beginning and containing 5.0001 acre.


For the purpose of this description, a bearing of South 86° 15' 45" East was used on a northerly line of a 42.193 acre tract of land owned by 1-670 Stelzer Road Limited Partnership, being of record in Official Record Volume 15161 E06, on file in the Office of the Recorder, Franklin County, Ohio


Parcel Nos.: 010-255956 and 010-255957


To Rezone From:  L-M, Limited Manufacturing District


To: L-M, Limited Manufacturing District.


SECTION 2.  That a Height District of thirty-five (35) feet is hereby established on the L-M, Limited Manufacturing District on this property.


SECTION 3.  That the Director of the Department of Building and Zoning Services be, and is hereby authorized and directed to make the said changes on the said official zoning map in the office of the Department of Building and Zoning Services and shall register a copy of the approved L-M, Limited Manufacturing District and Application among the records of the Department of Building and Zoning Services as required by Section 3370.03 of the Columbus City Codes, said site plan titled, “ZONING SITE PLAN,” dated December 16, 2024, said building elevations titled, “EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS - BUILDING 1” and “EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS - BUILDING 2,” both dated December 20, 2024, and limitation text titled, “LIMITATION TEXT,” dated December 20, 2024, all signed by Aamer Patel, Applicant, and the text reading as follows:





PROPERTY ADDRESS:  1895 Jetway Blvd.

PROPERTY OWNER:                      Jetway, LLC

APPLICANT:   Pioneer Development

DATE of TEXT:  12/18/2024





In 1990 a 64 acre tract of land was rezoned to L-M, Limited Manufacturing in Zoning Case 290-

107. Parcels 010-255956 and 010-255957 (Subject Site) are the subject of this zoning application. Subject Site is to be developed into light industrial buildings with modified building material requirements and adjusted setback requirements. The Subject Site shall be developed in accordance with the submitted site plan titled “Zoning Site Plan” dated 12/16/2024 and submitted building elevations titled “Exterior Elevations - Building 1” and “Exterior Elevations - Building 2” both dated 12/20/2024.




A.  No manufacturing or processing shall be permitted except as listed below in item D.


B.  Those uses contained in Section 3353.03 (C-2, Commercial) of the Columbus City Code shall be



C.  Those less objectionable uses permitted in the M, Manufacturing District as provided for in Sections 3363.02 through 3363.08 (M, Manufacturing) of the Columbus City Code, except there shall be none of the following uses permitted therein:


1. Mini-warehouses for the specific use of personal storage


2. Warehouse, storage in bulk or sales establishment for:

•  Lumber yard

•  Automobile wrecking or rag, paper, iron or other junk yard

•  Fuel


3.  Warehouse or storage in bulk for:

•  Feed

•  Paint or paint products

•  Soil stabilizer


4.  Underground storage of liquid fuels, petroleum products and volatile oils


5.  Wholesaling or distributing establishment of wholesale market


 6.   Loading, unloading and transportation of materials of structures for such purposes including:

•  Truck or transfer terminal

•  Freight house

•  Bus garage or repair shop

•  Railroad yard

•  Stables

•  Wagon sheds


7.  Compounding, assembling, packaging or treatment of:

•  Insecticides, fungicides, disinfectants and related industrial and household chemical compounds

•  Laboratories except analytical and computer


8.  Compounding, assembling, packaging or treatment of:

•  Automobile, truck, trailer, and motorcycle

•  Blacksmithing, horseshoeing

•  Plating, electrolytic process

•  Wagon shop

•  Welding


9.  Compounding, assembling, packaging or treatment of:

•  Dry cleaning and dyeing plant

•  Fur finishing

•  Laundry (employing more than three persons)

•  Monument shop

•  Motion picture producing

•  Paint and shellac

•  Printing, publishing or engraving (other than as permitted in Commercial District)

•  Research and development laboratories and offices in connection with such laboratories

•  Show printing

•  Steam laundry


D.  The following uses shall be permitted:


1.  Manufacturing, processing of:


a.  Cosmetics and toiletries (the manufacturing of perfumes shall not be permitted unless approved by the Columbus Health Department)

b.  Pharmaceutical products (the manufacturing of pharmaceutical products other than capsules and tablets shall not be permitted unless approved by the Columbus Health Department)

c.  Metal products (fabrication)

d.  Sheet metal products

e.  Wood products

f.  Cigar or cigarette

g.  Leather goods (tanning of leather goods shall not be permitted)




Except as specified herein, the applicable development                      standards of Chapter 3363, M, Manufacturing District, of the Zoning Code shall apply.


A.  Density, Height, Lot and/or Setback commitments.


1.  There shall be no building in excess of 100,000 square feet nor shall the total building area exceed 250,000 square feet.


2.  Along the west line of the Subject Site, there shall be a minimum parking and building setback of sixty (60) feet. Only the rear or side of structures shall face said west line.


3.  No structure shall exceed twenty-five (25) feet in height except any office structure which shall be no more than thirty (30) feet in height.


B.  Access, Loading, Parking and/or other Traffic related commitments.


1.  All parking areas shall be designed and constructed to promote safety among adjacent parking areas. Such designs shall provide for efficient circulation with respect to public streets, service roads, adjacent uses, loading areas, and parcel pickup lanes.


2.  Hudson Street at the east boundary of Cumberland Ridge Subdivision shall not be extended into the premises.


C.  Buffering, Landscaping, Open space and/or Screening commitments.


1.  Lot coverage for structures and paved areas shall not exceed eighty-five percent (85%). Sidewalks and paved plazas at building entrances shall not be considered a part of Lot coverage.


2.  Loading areas, dumpsters and satellite dishes and propane tanks shall be screened by structures and/or landscaping to a minimum height of seven (7) feet.


3.  Within the sixty (60) foot parking and building setback as specified in 3.A.2, the existing trees and vegetation shall be preserved and maintained.


4.  Within the sixty (60) foot parking and building setback as specified in 3.A.2, between the loading space proposed for the northern building and the adjacent properties to the west, the applicant shall plant evergreen trees in two staggered rows, spaced at 12 feet on center. Evergreen trees shall be a minimum of 4 feet tall at installation.


D.  Building design and/or Interior-Exterior treatment commitments.


The Subject Site shall be developed in accordance with the submitted building elevations titled “Exterior Elevations - Building 1” and “Exterior Elevations - Building 2” both dated 12/20/2024. The building elevations may be slightly adjusted to reflect engineering, topographical or other site data developed at the time of development or when engineering plans are completed. Any slight adjustment to the elevations shall be reviewed and may be approved by the Director of the Department of Building and Zoning Services or his designee upon submission of the appropriate data regarding the proposed adjustment.


E.  Dumpsters, Lighting, Outdoor display areas and/or other environmental commitments.


1.  There shall be no outdoor storage on the premises.


2.  Except for decorative lighting, all other light poles shall be metal and such light poles shall be of the same color of either black, brown or bronze.


3.  Wiring within the Subject Site shall be underground except where above ground wires are presently permitted by legal easements to an electric or power concern, including the primary service lines from above ground wire.


4.  Parking lot lighting standards shall not exceed twenty-five (25) feet in height; provided, however, ground lighting shall be permitted so long as said ground lighting shall be no higher than four (4) feet in the space one hundred and fifty (150) feet from the residential property line; provided further, that nothing herein contained shall prohibit adequate security lighting on any building so long as it is directed away from the residential area.


F.  Graphics and Signage commitments.


1.  All ground-supported signage shall be brick, stone, granite, marble, metal or wood; provided, however, where such signage is not brick, stone, granite or marble, such ground supported signage shall be set in a black, brown or bronze frame with black, brown or bronze external signage supports.


2.  All other graphics and signage shall comply with Article 15, Chapter 33 of the Zoning Code, and any variance to those requirements will be submitted to the Columbus Graphics Commission for consideration.


G.  Miscellaneous commitments.


The Subject Site shall be developed in accordance with the submitted site plan titled “-Zoning Site Plan” dated 12/16/2024. The site plan may be slightly adjusted to reflect engineering, topographical or other site data developed at the time of development or when engineering plans are completed. Any slight adjustment to the plan shall be reviewed and may be approved by the Director of the Department of Building and Zoning Services or his designee upon submission of the appropriate data regarding the proposed adjustment.


SECTION 4.  That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law.