File #: 2593-2020    Version: 1
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 11/9/2020 In control: Public Utilities Committee
On agenda: 11/23/2020 Final action: 11/25/2020
Title: To authorize the Director of Public Utilities to modify the professional engineering services agreement with Stantec Consulting Services for the Land Stewardship Update Project; to provide a change to the scope of services at no additional contract cost; for the Division of Water; and to declare an emergency. ($0.00)
Attachments: 1. ORD 2593-2020 Information



1. BACKGROUND:  This Ordinance authorizes the Director of Public Utilities to modify the professional engineering services agreement with Stantec Consulting Services for the Land Stewardship Update Project, Capital Improvements Project No. 690557-100000, Division of Water Contract No. 2147.


The Department desires a program for managing City-owned property adjacent to the drinking water sources of Hoover, O’Shaughnessy, and Griggs Reservoirs.  This project will create a detailed and complete manual for a revised “land stewardship program” to protect the environmental integrity of the City’s properties along the reservoirs’ shorelines and the drinking water supplies, while addressing the City’s willingness to allow adjacent property owners to perform stewardship activities on city property.


Under Phase 1 (original agreement), a preliminary assessment study and draft design standards and sunset guidance document services were performed.


Under Phase 2 (Renewal No. 1) detailed eligibility determination and updated program implementation services for all city-owned reservoir property was performed.


Modification No. 2 (current) is needed to provide a change to the scope of services for Renewal No. 1 at no additional contract cost. It will authorize the development and hosting of an external website to support and effectively communicate the rollout of the updated land stewardship program.


FUTURE RENEWAL:  The Division may need to enter into a future Renewal (No. 3) which could include services to address more complex concepts that may develop or be discovered during the initial two phases of this project, and unexpected situations requiring unique solutions or plans.


See “Ord #2593-2020  Information” for a more detailed description of all phases.


The Community Planning Area for this project is “99 - Citywide” since the project covers several communities.


1.1 Amount of additional funds to be expended:  $0.00

Original Contract Amount:                     $   529,500.00                     (PO098680)

Renewal #1:                     $   903,800.00                     (PO180442)

Modification #2 (current):                     $             0.00

Renewal #3 (future):                     $   250,000.00

Total (Orig. + Rens/Mods 1-3):                     $1,683,300.00


1.2. Reason other procurement processes are not used: 

The detailed eligibility determination and updated program implementation (Phase 2) services were included in the RFP advertisement for which the Division received proposals on July 28, 2017 from one interested firm.  As it pertains to the current Modification No. 2, the current consultant has since gained detailed knowledge of the revised land stewardship program, including design standards criteria and city-owned reservoir property, which is essential for completing the website development and external hosting for the land stewardship program.  The proposed work can also be completed by the consultant with no additional contract cost. Awarding this work to a new consultant would require duplication of project work already performed, increasing project costs and extending the project schedule.


1.3. How cost of renewal was determined:

Stantec Consulting Services projected the hours/resources necessary to complete the Modification No. 2 services based on anticipated design needs and the available budget under the current contact (Renewal No. 1), and the resulting scope and cost was reviewed by the City.


2. ECONOMIC IMPACT/ADVANTAGES; COMMUNITY OUTREACH; PROJECT DEVELOPMENT; ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS/ADVANTAGES OF PROJECT:  The work performed under this project will update and improve the City’s land stewardship program which will support the City’s efforts to manage city-owned property adjacent to the drinking water sources of Hoover, O’Shaughnessy, and Griggs Reservoirs. In addition, the performed work will protect the environmental integrity of the city’s properties along the reservoirs’ shorelines and the drinking water supplies, while addressing the city’s willingness to allow adjacent property owners to perform stewardship activities on city property. 


Planned work associated with services for Renewal No. 1 and Modification No. 2 will have outward communication and briefing with external stakeholders. An external website will be developed and hosted to effectively communicate the updated land stewardship program. A virtual presentation on the updated program will be conducted during the first quarter of 2021.


Improvements to the existing land stewardship program will provide better transparency and consistent application of the program design standards across city-owned property for the adjacent property owners. This program update will ensure continued protection of the environmental integrity of the landscape by promoting riparian buffers which reduce sedimentation, provide embankment stabilization, naturally filter storm water runoff and other potential pollutant sources, and protect the raw water supply for the City.


3. CONTRACT COMPLIANCE INFO:  11-2167170, expires 8/1/21, MAJ, DAX No. 0462


Searches in the Excluded Party List System (Federal) and the Findings for Recovery list (State) produced no findings against Stantec Consulting Services.


4.  EMERGENCY DESIGNATION:  Due to the time sensitive nature to complete the proposed services, emergency designation is being sought to prevent project delay.


5.  FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact since funds are not needed for this Modification.





To authorize the Director of Public Utilities to modify the professional engineering services agreement with Stantec Consulting Services for the Land Stewardship Update Project; to provide a change to the scope of services at no additional contract cost; for the Division of Water; and to declare an emergency. ($0.00)





WHEREAS, Contract No. PO098680 was authorized by Ordinance No. 2998-2017, passed December 11, 2017, was executed on January 12, 2018, and approved by the City Attorney on January 19, 2018, for the Land Stewardship Update Project; and


WHEREAS, Contract Renewal No. 1 under PO180442 was authorized by Ordinance No. 1241-2019, passed June 3, 2019, was executed July 3, 2019, and approved by the City Attorney on July 10, 2019, for the Land Stewardship Update Project; and


WHEREAS, Contract Modification No. 2 (current) is needed to provide a change to the scope of services for Renewal No. 1 at no additional contract cost. It will authorize the development and hosting of an external website to support and effectively communicate the rollout of the updated land stewardship program; and


WHEREAS, Contract Renewal No. 3 (future) may be needed to provide services to address more complex concepts that may develop or be discovered during the initial two phases of this project, and unexpected situations requiring unique solutions or plans; and


WHEREAS, it is necessary for this Council to authorize the Director of Public Utilities to modify the professional engineering services agreement with Stantec Consulting Services for the Land Stewardship Update Project; and


WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the usual daily operation of the Department of Public Utilities, Division of Water, in that it is immediately necessary to authorize the Director of Public Utilities to modify the professional engineering services agreement with Stantec Consulting Services, for the Land Stewardship Update Project, in an emergency manner to prevent project delay due to the time-sensitive nature of the proposed services, for the immediate preservation of the public health, peace, property, safety and welfare; NOW, THEREFORE,




SECTION 1.  That the Director of Public Utilities is hereby authorized to modify the professional engineering services agreement with Stantec Consulting Services (FID #31-1612308); 1500 Lake Shore Drive, Suite 100, Columbus, Ohio 43204; for the Land Stewardship Update Project, for the Division of Water.


SECTION 2.  That this Modification is in compliance with Chapter 329 of Columbus City Codes.


SECTION 3.  That the City Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to transfer any unencumbered balance in the project account to the unallocated balance within the same fund upon receipt of certification by the Director of the Department administering said project that the project has been completed and the monies no longer required for said project; except that no transfer shall be made from a project account by monies from more than one source.


SECTION 4.  That the City Auditor is authorized to establish proper project accounting numbers as appropriate.


SECTION 5.  That the City Auditor is authorized to make any accounting changes to revise the funding source for all contracts or contract modifications associated with this Ordinance.


SECTION 6.  That for reasons stated in the preamble hereto, which is hereby made a part hereof, this Ordinance is declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor, or ten days after passage if the Mayor neither approves nor vetoes the same.