File #: 0760-2003    Version:
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 4/15/2003 In control: Zoning Committee
On agenda: 6/30/2003 Final action: 7/1/2003
Title: To rezone 2591 JOHNSTOWN ROAD (43219), being 6.78± acres located on the south side of Johnstown Road, 120± feet the southwest of North Cassady Avenue. From: R-2 and L-M L-M, Limited Manufacturing District To: L-M, Limited Manufacturing District.
Attachments: 1. ORD0760-2003siteplan.tif, 2. ORD0760-2003staffrpt.pdf, 3. ORD0760-2003zonemap.pdf, 4. ORD0760-2003gismap.pdf, 5. ORD0760-2003disclosure.tif, 6. ORD0760-2003labels.tif
REZONING:  Z02-049
APPLICANT:  Pasquale Giammarco and Sandro Treonze; c/o William F. Newman, Atty.; 600 South High Street; Columbus, Ohio 43215
PROPOSED USE:  Warehousing and outdoor storage.
DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION:  Approval (4-0) on November14, 2002.
CITY DEPARTMENTS' RECOMMENDATION:  Approval.  The requested L-M, Limited Manufacturing District allows additional warehouse construction and outside storage that is not allowed by the existing L-M limitation text, and is consistent with existing development patterns in the area.  The applicant has addressed I-670 Corridor Development Plan (1989) setback and screening recommendations in consideration of residentially zoned property to the south and will provide screening between open storage and five single-family dwellings that will become non-conforming by this rezoning.  
To rezone 2591 JOHNSTOWN ROAD (43219), being 6.78± acres located on the south side of Johnstown Road, 120± feet the southwest of North Cassady Avenue.  From: R-2 and L-M  L-M, Limited Manufacturing District To:  L-M, Limited Manufacturing District.
WHEREAS, application #Z02-049 is on file with the Building Services Division of the Department of Development requesting rezoning of 6.78± acres from the L-M, Limited Manufacturing District to L-M, Limited Manufacturing District.
WHEREAS,   the Development Commission recommends approval of said zoning change; and
WHEREAS, the City Departments recommend approval because the requested L-M, Limited Manufacturing District allows additional warehouse construction and outside storage that is not allowed by the existing L-M limitation text, and is consistent with existing development patterns in the area.  The applicant has addressed I-670 Corridor Development Plan (1989)setback and screening recommendations in consideration of residentially zoned property to the south and will provide screening between open storage and five single-family dwellings that will become non-conforming by this rezoning; now, therefore:
Section 1.  That the Official Zoning Map of the City of Columbus, as adopted by Ordinance No. 0179 -03, passed February 24, 2003, and as subsequently amended, is hereby revised by changing the zoning of the property as follows:
2591 JOHNSTOWN ROAD (43219), being 6.78± acres located on the south side of Johnstown Road, 120± feet the southwest of North Cassady Avenue, and being more particularly described as follows:
Situated in the State of Ohio, County of Franklin, City of Columbus, being a part of the Third Quarter, Township 1 North, Range 17 West, of the United States Military Lands, being the land conveyed to Sandro Treonze and Pasquale A. Giammarco as recorded in Official Record Volume 5670 D08, ORV 23544 F03, ORV 29016 H06, ORV 25469 F11, ORV 30990 D06, ORV 28339 D07 and Instrument Number 199906090147190, Lewis A. Caleb I.N. 200002110028881 and Constance C. Nicholas & Toney N. McKeever O.R.V. 8815 I03 (all references refer to records in the Franklin County Recorder's Office, Ohio) and more fully described as follows:
Beginning for reference at the old centerline intersection of Johnstown Road and Cassady Avenue;
Thence South 1º 46' 19" West a distance of 283.44 feet, along the old centerline of said Cassady Avenue, to a point at a northeasterly property corner of said Treonze and Giammarco, being the Point of Beginning;
Thence South 1º 46' 19" West a distance of 304.00 feet, the centerline of said Cassady Avenue, to a point;
Thence South 0° 41' 00" West a distance of 416.50 feet, along the centerline of said Cassady Avenue, to a point at the northeasterly corner of the Resubdivision of Part of Kensington;
Thence North 88° 30' 00" West a distance of 417.42 feet, along a northerly line of said Resubdivision of Part of Kensington, to a point at the southeasterly property corner of David A. Voyles;
Thence South 0° 41' 00" West a distance of 416.91 feet, along an easterly property line of said Voyles, to a point.
Thence North 1° 46' 19" East a distance of 190.00 feet, along an easterly property line of said Vogles, to a point in the old centerline of Johnstown Road;
Thence North 48° 02' 49" East a distance of 267.31 feet, along the centerline of said old Johnstown Road, to a point;
Thence South 41° 57' 11" East a distance of 160.00 feet to a point;
Thence North 69° 32' 49" East a distance of 122.76 feet, to the Point of Beginning containing 6.78 acres more or less.
This legal description was derived from previous deed of record and not an actual field survey.
To Rezone From:  L-M, Limited Manufacturing District
To:  L-M, Limited Manufacturing District
Section 2.  That a Height District of Thirty-five (35) feet is hereby established on the L-M, Limited Manufacturing  District on this property.
Section 3.  That the Director of the Department of Development be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to make the said changes on the said original zoning map in the office of the Building Services Division and shall register a copy of the approved L-M, Limited Manufacturing District and Application among the records of the Building Services Division as required by Section 3370.03 of the Columbus City Codes; said plan being titled, "ZONING SITE PLAN FOR 2591 JOHNSTOWN ROAD," and text being titled, "LIMITED OVERLAY DEVELOPMENT PLAN," both signed by William F. Newman, Attorney for the Applicant, and both dated April 15, 2003, and the text reading as follows:
PROPERTY ADDRESS:  2591 Johnstown Road
OWNER:  The Applicant
APPLICANT:  Pasquale Giammarco and Sandro Treonze; c/o William F.   Newman, Esq.; 600 South High Street, Columbus, OH 43215
DATE OF TEXT:  April 15, 2003
The application requests and proposes the use of adequate screening and the use of setback and foliage in conjunction with the requested L-M Limited Manufacturing zoning.  The screening is of highest standards deemed adequate to protect or maintain compatibility of area land uses.  The Applicant believes that the limitations proposed herein will be beneficial to neighboring properties and to the public interest.  Applicants Sandro Treonze and Pasquale Giammarco voluntarily propose, pursuant to Chapter 3370, Columbus City Code, to amend the rezoning of the property located at 2591 Johnstown Road so as to commit the subject property to limitations and conditions not provided by the proposed M zoning classification, by the establishment of the "Limited Overlay" as set forth herein.
The proposed additional warehouses will benefit the community by providing several more jobs for people living in the area.  The East Columbus Neighborhood Civic Association generally supports the rezoning.
Applicant proposes to limit the permitted use of this property to only the following less objectionable uses taken from Sections 3363.02 through 3363.08 of the City Zoning Code uses:
A.  Warehouse, storage in bulk, establishment for:
1.  Building material;
2.  Contractors equipment or similar storage.  No junk material; and no hazardous materials shall be permitted.
3.  Warehouse storage in bulk for:  Clothing, Cotton, Drugs, Dry good, Feed, Furniture, Hardware, Machinery, Metals, Paints, Paint Materials, Pipe, Rubber, Shop Supplies, Soil Stabilizer, Tobacco, Wood, Heating and Ventilating, Plumbing Supplies and Electrical Supplies.
4.  Metal and metal products - less objectionable:  Sheet Metal Products, Tool, die, gauge and machine shop services and Welding.
A.  Density, Height, Lot and/or Setback Commitments.
1.  The site shall be classified in the 35-foot height district, subject to an absolute building height restriction wherein no portion of any building, structure or accessory equipment, i.e. antennas, shall exceed an absolute height of 35 feet.
2.  The maximum height of any outside storage shall be limited to 10 feet.
3.  There shall be a 100-foot building and storage line from residentially zoned property.
4.  There shall be a 10-foot parking setback from the north property line.
5.  There shall be 25-foot storage and building setback lines from Cassady and Johnstown Road.
6.  There shall be a 20-foot storage setback line parallel to the western property line of existing parcels 010-182978, 010-126799, 010-126792, 010-126793, and shall remain in effect so long as any of these properties are residentially used.
7.  Total lot coverage of building and pavement areas shall not exceed 75% of lot area.
8.  The setback line from residentially zoned property located to the west shall be 30-feet in accord with Board of Zoning Adjustment (BZA) Board Order 02310-00095, dated February 25, 2003.
B.  Access, Loading, Parking and/or other Traffic Related Commitments.
1.  All curb cuts and access points are subject to the approval of the City of Columbus Transportation Division.  The applicant proposes that curb cuts and access points be located at the north end of the premises near intersection of Cassady and Johnstown Roads, as shown on the Site and Landscape Plan.   Other access points to Cassady Avenue may be requested, reviewed and approved by the City of Columbus Transportation Division.
2.  Loading areas shall not be located facing a street frontage. Loading areas shall be fully screened from view from Johnstown Road and Cassady Avenue to a minimum height of seven (7) feet utilizing any combination of walls) made of the same material as the principal building and/or landscaping, or wooden fencing, or slatted chain link fencing.   Parking and entrance shall be at rear of building.
C.  Buffer, Landscape, Open Space and Screening Commitment.
1.  All outside storage or operations shall be located 100-feet from residential boundaries and be one hundred percent (100%) screened to the height of 6-feet by a slatted fence and trees for additional screening as shown on the landscape plan.  Planting of bushes, shrubs, tree and foliage in front of and behind the fence shall be as delineated on the landscape plan.
2.  Landscape planting is hereby included as part of the site/landscape plan, and shall include the following:  three (3) CORNUS Florida (White Dogwood); six (10) Lonicera  fragrantissima (Fragrant Huneysuckle); and twenty-six (32) Pinus nigra (Austrian Pine).
a.  The minimum size of any trees at installation shall be 2.5 inch caliper for deciduous, 5 feet high for evergreen, and 1.5 inch caliper for ornamental.  Tree caliper shall be measured 6" above the ground surface.
b.  All trees and landscaping hg shall be well maintained. Dead items shall be replaced within six months, or the next planting season, whichever occurs first.
3.  A 6-foot slatted fence will be installed to enclose the premises.  In addition, shrubs, bushes, evergreens and trees will be added as shown on the site plan.
4.  In consideration of the sites proximity to Port Columbus Airport, trees that have a mature height of less than 40 feet shall be selected for all tree planting.
D.  Building Design and/or Interior-Exterior Treatment Commitments.
1.  Building materials shall include concrete and brick exteriors and asphalt roofs.
2.  Building shall be finished on all four (4) sides with the same materials.
3.  Mechanical equipment or other utility hardware on the roof of a building shall be screened from view at the property lines by the same material utilized on the building roof or building exterior. Color of the screening material shall be selected to blend with the predominant roof or building material to which the screening is adjacent to minimize visibility of the screening material. Ground mounted mechanical equipment, such as transformers, shall be dark in color and shall be fully screened from view by   landscaping and/or a wall or fence using the same building materials as the building. Mechanical equipment shall not have reflective surfaces visible from the air.
E.  Lighting, Outdoor Display Areas and/or Other Environmental Commitments.
1.  Light standards shall not exceed 28 feet in height except lights located within 100 feet of a residentially used or zoned property shall not exceed 18 feet in height.
2.  Lights shall have fully shielded, recessed lamps directed downward to prevent glare and shine above the horizontal plane.
3.  For aesthetic compatibility, lights shall be from the same or similar type and color; lighting shall not exceed .1 foot-candle along the property line of a residually used or zoned property.
4.  All external outdoor lighting fixtures to be used shall be from the same or similar manufacturer's type to insure aesthetic compatibility.
5.  Except for decorative lighting, all other light poles shall be metal and such light poles shall be of the same color.
6.  Light poles in the parking lots shall not exceed 18-feet in height and shall be placed in landscaped areas.
7.  Building mounted lighting within service areas shall be designed in such a way that no light spillage or glare occurs offsite.
8.  Wiring within the development shall be underground.
F.  Graphics and Signage Commitments.
All graphics and signage shall comply with the Graphics Code, Article15, Title 33 of the Columbus City Code and any variance to those requirements will be submitted to the Columbus Graphic Commission.
G.  Miscellaneous Commitments.
1.  The owner commits to develop in accordance with the site plan submitted herewith.
2.  The site is located in the 65 LDN noise contour of the Port Columbus International Airport.  An Aviation Easement over the tract shall be approved and recorded by the Port Columbus Airport Authority prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Zoning Clearance for any development on the property.
Section 4.  That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law.