File #: 3182-2021    Version: 1
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 11/22/2021 In control: Public Service & Transportation Committee
On agenda: 12/13/2021 Final action: 12/16/2021
Title: To amend the 2021 Capital Improvement Budget; to appropriate funds within the Streets and Highway Improvement Non Bond Fund and the General Fund; to authorize the transfer of funds within the Streets and Highway Improvement Non Bond Fund; to waive the competitive bidding requirements of Columbus City Code; to authorize the Director of Public Service to enter into a professional services contract with Carpenter Marty Transportation for the Roadway - RTMC Mobility project; to authorize the expenditure of up to $75,000.00 from the Streets and Highways Improvement Non Bond Fund and of up to $125,000.00 from the General Fund to pay for this contract; and to declare an emergency. ($200,000.00)
Attachments: 1. ORD 3182-2021BidWaiverForm.pdf, 2. ORD 3182-2021 Accounting Template.pdf



This ordinance authorizes the Director of Public Service to enter into professional services contract with Carpenter Marty Transportation in the amount of up to $200,000.00 for the Roadway - RTMC Mobility project.


The intent of this project is to provide the City of Columbus, Department of Public Service, additional resources for the RTMC Mobility project.  The Renner Road, Trabue Road, McKinley Avenue Corridor forms a route from the west side of Columbus to Downtown, servicing many communities and providing crucial access to local state and national vehicular transportation systems.  The area has had and will continue to have several projects in various developmental stages along its path.  This has greatly increased the amount of traffic and raised community concerns. 


The Thrive Companies contracted with Carpenter Marty Transportation to complete the first phase of analysis of the corridor.  The Department of Public Service will be engaging Carpenter Marty Transportation to provide the city with the second phase of analysis of how future developments will affect the corridor and how to best address future community transportation needs.


Searches in the Excluded Party List System (Federal) and the Findings for Recovery list (State) produced no findings against Carpenter Marty Transportation.



The contract compliance number Carpenter Marty Transportation is CC008494 and expires 10/14/2023. 



The Thrive Companies engaged Carpenter Marty Transportation to conduct a preliminary study of the area.  The Department of Public Services is requesting a bid waiver to enter into contract with Carpenter Marty Transportation in order to advance the study.  This is more cost efficient then bidding the contract out and starting with a new designer.  A bid waiver for the formal bidding requirements of Columbus City Code is requested to enter into contract.



This project is funded by a contribution of $25,000 from Metro Development, LLC and a contribution of $50,000 from Preferred Living, in Fund 7766, the Street and Highway Improvement Non Bond Fund. An amendment to the 2021 Capital Improvement Budget and a transfer of cash and appropriation is required to establish sufficient budget authority for the project.  Funds will need to be appropriated.


The remaining $125,000 is available in Fund 1000, General Fund.  Funds will need to be appropriated.



Emergency action is requested to expedite this contract to complete the project in a timely manner, to ensure the safety of the travelling public.



To amend the 2021 Capital Improvement Budget; to appropriate funds within the Streets and Highway Improvement Non Bond Fund and the General Fund; to authorize the transfer of funds within the Streets and Highway Improvement Non Bond Fund; to waive the competitive bidding requirements of Columbus City Code; to authorize the Director of Public Service to enter into a professional services contract with Carpenter Marty Transportation for the Roadway - RTMC Mobility project; to authorize the expenditure of up to $75,000.00 from the Streets and Highways Improvement Non Bond Fund and of up to $125,000.00 from the General Fund to pay for this contract; and to declare an emergency. ($200,000.00)



WHEREAS, there is a need to enter into a professional services contract to provide for analysis of the Renner Road, Trabue Road, McKinley Avenue Corridor and how to best address future community transportation needs; and


WHEREAS, it is necessary to waive the formal bidding requirements of the Columbus City Code and enter into a contract with Carpenter Marty Transportation in an amount of up to $200,00000.00 to provide professionals services as this is more cost efficient then bidding the contract out and starting with a new designer; and

WHEREAS, it is necessary to authorize an amendment to the 2021 Capital Improvement Budget for the purpose of providing sufficient spending authority for the aforementioned project expenditure; and


WHEREAS, it is necessary to authorize a transfer of funds within Fund 7766, the Streets and Highways Improvement Non Bond Fund, to establish sufficient cash to pay for the project; and


WHEREAS, funds must be appropriated within Fund 7766, the Streets and Highways Imp Non Bond Fund and Fund 1000, the General Fund; and


WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the usual daily operation of the Department of Public Service in that it is immediately necessary to authorize the Director of Public Service to enter into contract with Carpenter Marty Transportation in order to provide funding for the Roadway - RTMC Mobility so that improvements to the corridor can be addressed in a timely way, to ensure the safety of the traveling public thereby preserving the public health, peace, property, safety and welfare; now, therefore




SECTION 1. That the 2021 Capital Improvements Budget authorized by ordinance 2707-2021 be amended as follows to establish  sufficient authority for this project:


Fund / Project / Project Name / C.I.B. / Change / C.I.B. as Amended

7766 / P531045-100000 / Roadway - Trabue Rd. - Corridor Contribution Fee (Street & Highway Imp Carryover) / $550,000.00 / ($50,000.00) / $500,000.00

7766 / P531046-100000 / Roadway - Trabue Rd. - Regional Traffic Study Fee (Street & Highway Imp Carryover) / $25,000.00 / ($25,000.00) / $0.00


7766 / P531040-100000 / Roadway - RTMC Mobility (Street & Highway Imp Carryover) / $0.00 / $75,000.00 / $75,000.00


SECTION 2.  That the transfer of $50,000, or so much thereof as may be needed, is hereby authorized within Fund 7766 (Streets and Highways Non Bond Fund), from Dept-Div 5913 (Traffic Management), Project P531045-100000 (Roadway - Trabue Rd. - Corridor Contribution Fee), Object Class 06 (Capital Outlay) to Dept-Div 5913 (Traffic Management), Project P531040-100000 (Roadway - RTMC Mobility), Object Class 06 (Capital Outlay) per the account codes in the attachment to this ordinance.


SECTION 3.  That the transfer of $25,000, or so much thereof as may be needed, is hereby authorized within Fund 7766 (Streets and Highways Non Bond Fund), from Dept-Div 5913 (Traffic Management), Project P531046-100000 (Roadway - Trabue Rd. - Regional Traffic Study Fee), Object Class 06 (Capital Outlay) to Dept-Div 5913 (Traffic Management), Project P531040-100000 (Roadway - RTMC Mobility), Object Class 06 (Capital Outlay) per the account codes in the attachment to this ordinance.


SECTION 4.  That from the unappropriated monies and from all monies estimated to come into said fund from any and all sources and unappropriated for any other purpose during the fiscal year ended December 31, 2021, the sum of $125,000.00 is appropriated in Fund 1000 (General Fund), Dept-Div 5913 (Traffic Management), Object Class 06 (Capital Outlay) per the account codes in the attachment to this ordinance.


SECTION 5.  That from the unappropriated monies and from all monies estimated to come into said fund from any and all sources and unappropriated for any other purpose during the fiscal year ended December 31, 2021, the sum of $75,000.00 is appropriated in Fund 7766 (Streets and Highways Non Bond Fund), Dept-Div 5913 (Traffic Management), Project P531040-100000 (Roadway - RTMC Mobility), Object Class 06 (Capital Outlay) per the account codes in the attachment to this ordinance.


SECTION 6.  That this Council finds it in the City’s best interest to waive the competitive bidding provisions of City Code Chapter 329 for the Director of Public Service to enter into contract with Carpenter Marty Transportation for continued professional services for the analysis of the Renner Road, Trabue Road, McKinley Avenue Corridor project.


SECTION 7.  That the Director of Public Service be, and hereby is, authorized to enter into a professional services contract with Carpenter Marty Transportation at 6612 Singletree Drive, Columbus, OH  43229, for the Roadway - RTMC Mobility project in an amount up to $200,000.00.


SECTION 8.  That the expenditure of $75,000, or so much thereof as may be needed, is hereby authorized in Fund 7766 (Streets and Highways Non Bond Fund), Dept-Div 5913 (Traffic Management), Project P531040-100000 (Roadway - RTMC Mobility), in Object Class 06 (Capital Outlay) per the accounting codes in the attachment to this ordinance.


SECTION 9.  That the expenditure of $125,000, or so much thereof as may be needed, is hereby authorized in Fund 1000 (General Fund), from, Dept-Div 5913 (Traffic Management), in Object Class 06 (Capital Outlay) per the accounting codes in the attachment to this ordinance.


SECTION 10.  Funds are hereby deemed appropriated and expenditures and transfers authorized to carry out the purposes of this ordinance and the City Auditor shall establish such accounting codes as necessary.


SECTION 11.  That the City Auditor is authorized to make any accounting changes to revise the funding source for all contracts or contract modifications associated with this ordinance.


SECTION 12.  That the City Auditor is hereby authorized to transfer the unencumbered balance in a project account to the unallocated balance account within the same fund upon receipt of certification by the Director of the Department administering said project that the project has been completed and the monies are no longer required for said project.


SECTION 13.  That for the reasons stated in the preamble hereto, which is hereby made a part hereof, this ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor or ten days after passage if the Mayor neither approves nor vetoes the same.