File #: 2813-2020    Version: 1
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 11/25/2020 In control: Public Service & Transportation Committee
On agenda: 12/7/2020 Final action: 12/11/2020
Title: To authorize the Finance and Management Director to enter into two (2) contracts for the option to purchase Non-CDL, Diesel and CNG Bucket Trucks with Altec Inc. and Esec Corporation; to authorize the expenditure of $2.00 to establish the contracts from the General Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($2.00)



BACKGROUND: This legislation authorizes the Finance and Management Director to establish two (2) Universal Term Contracts (UTC) for the option to purchase Bucket Trucks for the Department of Public Service and all city agencies. The term of the proposed option contracts would be two (2) years, expiring September 30, 2022. The vehicles are used by the Department of Public Service maintenance crews for installing items such as street signs and traffic lights. These contracts will expedite the delivery of bucket trucks, by establishing a Universal Term Contracts for use by City agencies.  In the past, bucket trucks were bid in each instance, which led to long delays in some instances, imperiling the City’s operations.  In addition, the expenditure of $2.00 is hereby authorized from General Budget Reservation BRPO001343.                     



A formal best value proposal (BVP) was solicited for the purchase a combination of vehicle engine types in conjunction with varying aerial device lengths.


Proposals were evaluated by a five (5) member committee, based upon various criteria including specification conformity and completeness of response, total cost of ownership, past performance, total cost of ownership and past performance resulting in an award recommendation to Altec Inc. and Esec Corporation.


BID INFORMATION:  Request for Quote RFQ016083 was advertised and proposals were opened on September 3, 2020.  Five (5) responses were received. 


An evaluation committee consisting of one (1) representative from the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, one (1) from the Department of Public Service, one (1) from the Department of Public Utilities and two (2) from Division of Fleet Management that provide technical expertise.  Each member of the committee scored and ranked written proposals submitted by the offerors.  After evaluating all offers and their cost proposals, in compliance with Columbus City Code 329, the committee submitted final rankings. 


Altec Inc. and Esec Corporation received the highest scores, with 102.2 and 99.2 points of 130 points possible, respectively. Each selected offerors provide a variety of aerial devices to meet each department agency operational and service needs.  Based upon the final scores for Altec Inc. and Esec Corporation, the Committee was satisfied with awarding two (2) companies all truck types based on the best value and cost to the City. 


The request for purchase of the Bucket Trucks used the best value competitive sealed proposal process to award the supplier that provided the relevant criteria specifically listed in the RFP and the lowest cost of other equipment as options for each unit.


In accordance with the Committee recommendations, the Purchasing Office recommends the award of two contracts as follows:

The contracts for the option to purchase Single and Tandem Axle CNG and Diesel Bucket Trucks with 40ft -70ft. aerial devices to Altec Inc. and ESEC Corporation.



Contract Compliance:     

Altec Inc.                                                                        Vendor Number #025767                      Exp. 2/6/2022

Esec Corporation                                Vendor Number# 006602                      Exp. 4/15/2021

            Estimated Annual Expenditure: $900,000


Emergency Designation:  The Finance and Management Department respectfully requests this legislation to be considered an emergency ordinance so vehicles can be replaced that are no longer operational.


These companies are not debarred according to the Excluded Parties listing of the Federal Government and are not listed in the Auditor of States database for Findings for Recovery.


FISCAL IMPACT: Funding to establish these option contracts is from the General Fund.  City Agencies will be required to obtain approval to expend from their own appropriations for their estimated annual expenditures. 




To authorize the Finance and Management Director to enter into two (2) contracts for the option to purchase Non-CDL, Diesel and CNG Bucket Trucks with Altec Inc. and Esec Corporation; to authorize the expenditure of $2.00 to establish the contracts from the General Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($2.00)





WHEREAS, the Department of Public Service, the Department of Public Utilities and other agencies have ongoing needs to purchase Non-CDL, Diesel and CNG Bucket Trucks; and


WHEREAS, a formal request for proposal (RFP) for a multi-year Universal Term Contract (UTC) was solicited and evaluated by a multi-departmental committee via Request for Quote RFQ016083 resulting in the recommendation to award Altec Inc. and Esec Corporation; and


WHEREAS, this ordinance addresses Purchasing objective of 1) maximizing the use of City resources by obtaining optimal products/services at low prices and 2) encouraging economic development by improving access to City bid opportunities and 3) providing effective option contracts for City agencies to efficiently maintain their supply chain and service to the public; and


WHEREAS, in order to maintain a supply of Non-CDL, Diesel and CNG Bucket Trucks, this is being submitted for consideration as an emergency measure; and


WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the usual daily operation of the Department of Finance, Purchasing Office, in that it is immediately necessary to authorize the Director to enter into contracts for the option to purchase Non-CDL, Diesel and CNG Bucket Trucks to obtain the equipment as quickly as possible, thereby preserving the public health, peace, property, safety, and welfare; now, therefore:





SECTION 1.  That the Finance and Management Director is hereby authorized to enter into the following contracts for the option to purchase Non-CDL, Diesel and CNG Bucket Trucks in accordance with Request for Quote No. RFQ016083 until September 30, 2022, as follows:


Altec Inc., All Items, $1.00

Esec Corporation, All Items, $1.00.


SECTION 2. That the expenditure of $2.00 is hereby authorized from General Budget Reservation BRPO001343 of this ordinance to pay the cost thereof.


SECTION 3.  That the funds necessary to carry out the purpose of this ordinance are hereby deemed appropriated, and the City Auditor shall establish such accounting codes as necessary.


SECTION 4.  That for the reason stated in the preamble hereto, which is hereby made a part hereof, this ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor, or ten days after passage if the Mayor neither approves nor vetoes the same.