File #: 0509-2022    Version: 1
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 2/10/2022 In control: Small & Minority Business Committee
On agenda: 3/21/2022 Final action: 3/23/2022
Title: To authorize the Director of the Department of Development to enter into contract in an amount up to $100,000.00 with Rev1 Ventures for the purpose of partnering in the Diversity Equity & Inclusion Grant Fund Program; to authorize an expenditure up to $100,000.00 from the General Fund; and to declare an emergency ($100,000.00)
Attachments: 1. 0509-2022 Rev1


BACKGROUND: This legislation authorizes the Director of the Department of Development to enter into contract with Rev1 Ventures for the purpose of partnering in the Diversity Equity & Inclusion Grant Fund Program.


Rev1 Ventures, formerly known as TechColumbus, is a seed stage venture development organization that combines investment capital and strategic services to help entrepreneurs build products that people want and companies that succeed.  Rev1 Ventures led a successful regional proposal to the State of Ohio to secure $18.7 million for the Entrepreneurial Signature Program (ESP) which accelerates the creation and growth of new technology companies in Central Ohio.  The City of Columbus has been a partner in support of the Rev1 Venture’s Entrepreneurial Support Program since 2007 by providing annual financial support.  Rev1 Ventures has also been a partner with the City of Columbus by providing grant and loans through the COVID Small Business Response and Recovery Program.      


The mission of the Rev1 Diversity Equity and Inclusion Grant Fund Program is to continue to provide support to the business community by leveling the playing field for underserved entrepreneurs and innovators.   


The grant fund will provide services which will include the following: (1) salary and benefits for underserved entrepreneurs/innovators for up to 1 year; (2) support for recruiting diverse CEO and key leaders; (3) support for early product development;  and (4) subsidized salary for hiring diverse interns and fellows through Rev1 Venture’s Innovative Internship Program.


Rev1 Ventures has announced its expansion of support for women and persons of color who are seeking to commercialize technologies and launch new scalable businesses in the Columbus Region.  The funding totals nearly $3MM in new programs, including a $1.4MM grant from the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) “Build to Scale” program, which aims to accelerate technology entrepreneurship by increasing inclusive access to business support and startup capital.


The services included in this contract cannot be provided by existing city employees because these services are beyond the City’s current expertise and capacity to provide.

Emergency action is requested to provide support to Rev1 Ventures in the launching of the new Diversity Equity & Inclusion Grant Fund Program and avoid disruption in services.


FISCAL IMPACT: Funding is available in the Department of Development’s 2022 General Fund Budget.


CONTRACT COMPLIANCE:  Rev1 Venture’s contract compliance number is 011852 and it expires on 5/18/22.



To authorize the Director of the Department of Development to enter into contract in an amount up to $100,000.00 with Rev1 Ventures for the purpose of partnering  in the Diversity Equity & Inclusion Grant Fund Program; to authorize an expenditure up to $100,000.00 from the General Fund; and to declare an emergency ($100,000.00)



WHEREAS, Rev1 Ventures has launched a new program called the Diversity Equity & Inclusion Grant Fund for the purpose of providing support to the business community by leveling the playing field for underserved entrepreneurs and innovators; and


WHEREAS, Rev1 Ventures, formerly known as TechColumbus, is a seed stage venture development organization that combines investment capital and strategic services to help entrepreneurs build products that people want and companies succeed; and


WHEREAS,  Rev1 Ventures led a successful regional proposal to the State of Ohio to secure $18.7 million for the Entrepreneurial Signature Program (ESP) which accelerates the creation and growth of new technology companies in Central Ohio; and


WHEREAS, the City of Columbus has partnered with Rev1 Ventures since 2007 by providing annual financial support to the Entrepreneurial Support Program; and


WHEREAS, the City of Columbus has also partnered with Rev1 Ventures to provide grants and loans to businesses through the COVID Small Business Response and Recovery Program; and


WHEREAS, the City of Columbus desires to partner with Rev1 Ventures in the Diversity Equity & Inclusion Grant Fund Program; and      


WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the usual daily operation of the Department of Development in that it is immediately necessary to authorize the Director to enter into contract with Rev1 Ventures for partnering  in the Diversity Equity & Inclusion Grant Fund Program and avoid disruption in services all for the preservation of the public health, peace, property, safety and welfare; Now, Therefore,




SECTION 1.                     That the Director of the Department of Development is authorized to enter into a contract with Rev1 Ventures in an amount up to $100,000 for partnership in the Diversity Equity & Inclusion Fund Program.


SECTION 2.                     That for the purpose stated in Section 1, the expenditure of $100,000, or so much thereof as may be needed, is hereby authorized in Fund 1000 (General Fund), Dept-Div 4402 (Economic Development) in Object Class 03 (Contractual Services) per the accounting codes in the attachment to this ordinance.


SECTION 3.                     That the funds necessary to carry out the purpose of this ordinance are hereby deemed appropriated, and the City Auditor shall establish such accounting codes as necessary.


SECTION 4.                     That this contract is awarded in accordance with the relevant provisions of City Code Chapter 329 relating to not-for-profit service contracts. 


SECTION 5.   That the City Auditor is authorized to make any accounting changes to revise the funding source for all contracts or contract modification associated with this ordinance.


SECTION 6.                     That, for the reasons stated in the preamble hereto, which is hereby made a part hereof, this ordinance is declared to be an emergency measure and will take effect and be in force from and after its approval by the Mayor, or ten days after passage if the Mayor neither approves nor vetoes the same.