This ordinance authorizes the Director of the Department of Public Utilities to enter into a grant agreement with Ohio EPA for Lead Service Line Mapping.
The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (Ohio EPA) H2Ohio Lead Service Line Inventory and Mapping Grant assists public water systems with preparing service line inventories as required by the U.S. EPA Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) and to be better positioned for future lead service line replacement projects. H2Ohio is a comprehensive and data-driven approach to reduce harmful algal blooms, improve wastewater, water infrastructure, and prevent lead contamination in Ohio.
The grant funding is restricted to the activities related to the identification, mapping, and integration of service line information into the public water systems asset management program for future replacement of lead service lines. Eligibility of activities will be project specific and determined on a case-by-case basis by Ohio EPA. Eligible activities may include, but are not limited to: activities related to identification and verification of service line materials; developing an asset inventory and its integration into a Geographic Information System (GIS), and incorporation of service line information into the public water systems asset management program for future service line replacement planning.
The application window for this grant opportunity was from 8/11/2022 to 9/9/2022. The application process did not require the commitment of any matching funds.
This ordinance will authorize the appropriation of $50,000.00 to the Water Grants Fund 6013. There is no matching grant requirement from the Ohio EPA for the use of these funds.
Emergency action is requested to immediately provide the Department of Public Utilities with the authorization to enter into the grant agreement so lead service lines in the water system can be identified and replaced as soon as possible.
To authorize and direct the Director of the Department of Public Utilities to enter into a grant agreement with Ohio EPA and accept a grant in the amount of $50,000.00 for an H2Ohio Lead Service Line Inventory and Mapping project; to authorize the appropriation of $50,000.00 in the Department of Public Utilities Water Grants Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($50,000.00)
WHEREAS, H2Ohio Grants are awarded on a competitive basis by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency for a comprehensive water quality initiative that is working to strategically address serious water issues that have been building in Ohio for decades; and
WHEREAS, the Director of Public Utilities is authorized to apply for and accept the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency H2Ohio Grant in accordance with the conditions of the grant award; and
WHEREAS, the Director of Public Utilities is authorized to execute a grant agreement with the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency; and
WHEREAS, the Department of Public Utilities will utilize the grant funds from the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency to fund a lead service line inventory and mapping project; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary to appropriate the grant funds so they can be expended on this important project; and
WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the usual daily operation of the Department of Public Utilities in that it is immediately necessary to authorize the Director to enter into a grant agreement with Ohio EPA for the H2Ohio Lead Service Line Inventory and Mapping Grant so lead service lines in the water system can be identified and replaced as soon as possible, thereby preserving the public health, peace, property, safety and welfare; now, therefore,
SECTION 1. That the Director of the Department of Public Utilities Development is authorized and directed to enter into grant agreements with Ohio EPA and to accept and expend awarded grant funds for an H2Ohio Lead Service Line Inventory and Mapping project.
SECTION 2. That from the unappropriated monies in the Water Grants Fund (6013) and from monies estimated to come into said fund from any and all sources and unappropriated for any purpose during the subgrant award period, the sum of $50,000.00 is appropriated in Fund 6013 Water Grants Fund in Object Class 03 Purchased Services, per the amount in the attachment to this ordinance. The appropriations are authorized upon receipt of executed grant agreement or notice of award.
SECTION 3. That at the end of the grant period, any repayment of unencumbered balances required by the grantor is hereby authorized without additional legislation required to make the repayment, and any unused City match monies may be transferred back to the City fund from which they originated, in accordance with all applicable grant agreements.
SECTION 4. That from the unappropriated monies and from all monies estimated to come into said fund from any and all sources and unappropriated for any other purpose during the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023, and any additional awarded funds are appropriated in Fund 6013 according to notification of award or grant agreement by the grantor.
SECTION 5. That for the reasons stated in the preamble hereto, which is hereby made a part hereof, this ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor or ten days after passage if the Mayor neither approves nor vetoes the same.