Rezoning Application: Z18-013
APPLICANT: Morso Holding Co.; c/o Jeffrey L. Brown, Atty.; 37 West Broad Street, Suite 460; Columbus, OH 43215.
PROPOSED USE: Modify building setback of a mixed-use development.
CITY DEPARTMENTS' RECOMMENDATION: Approval. The site, formerly the Northeast Career Center, is being used for storage and is zoned CPD, Commercial Planned Development District. The applicant proposes the CPD, Commercial Planned Development District to modify the existing building setback along Stelzer Road to be more consistent with the development standards of the overall Easton Development and with adjacent properties that recently received setback variances from the Board of Zoning Adjustment. This site is located within the boundaries of the Northeast Area Plan (2007), which recommends “Mixed Use- Regional Retail / Office / Light Industrial” land uses for this location. The development text commits to a site plan, and includes use restrictions, density and setback requirements, site access provisions, landscaping, environmental commitments, and graphics controls. The requested CPD, Commercial Planned Development District will allow future development that is consistent with the land use recommendations of the Northeast Area Plan and with adjacent urban development patterns that are supported by Planning Division Staff.
To rezone 3871 STELZER ROAD (43219), being 12.56± acres located at the southwest corner of Stelzer Road and Alston Street, From: CPD, Commercial Planned Development District, To: CPD, Commercial Planned Development District (Rezoning # Z18-013).
WHEREAS, application # Z18-013 is on file with the Department of Building and Zoning Services requesting rezoning of 12.56± acres from CPD, Commercial Planned Development District, to CPD, Commercial Planned Development District; and
WHEREAS, the Development Commission recommends approval of said zoning change; and
WHEREAS, the Northeast Area Commission recommends approval of said zoning change; and
WHEREAS, the City Departments recommend approval of said zoning change because the requested CPD, Commercial Planned Development District is consistent with the density and development standards of the adjacent commercial developments and will not add incompatible uses to the area; now, therefore:
SECTION 1. That the Official Zoning Map of the City of Columbus, as adopted by Ordinance # 0179 -03, passed February 24, 2003, and as subsequently amended, is hereby revised by changing the zoning of the property as follows:
3871 STELZER ROAD (43219), being 12.56± acres located at the southwest corner of Stelzer Road and Alston Street, and being more particularly described as follows:
Situated in the State of Ohio, County of Franklin, City of Columbus, Quarter Township 2, Township 1, Range 17, United States Military Lands, being all of the remainder of the original 28.054 acre tract conveyed to the Board of Education of the City School District of Columbus, Ohio by deed of record in Deed Book 3492, Page 865, (all references are to the records of the Recorder's Office, Franklin County, Ohio) and being more particularly described as follows:
Beginning for Reference, at the centerline intersection of Gramercy Street and Easton Loop East, as recorded in Plat Book 93, Page 1;
Thence North 00° 48’ 27” East, a distance of 29.01 feet, with the centerline of said Easton Loop East, to a point at the intersection of said centerline with the extended northerly right-of-way line of said Gramercy Street, being in the southerly line of Easton Loop East as recorded in Plat Book 99, Page 55;
Thence South 87° 41’ 33” East, a distance of 40.01 feet, with the extension of said northerly right-of-way line, to an iron pin set in the westerly line of the remainder of said original 28.054 acre tract, the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING;
Thence North 00° 48' 27" East, a distance of 408.50 feet, with the easterly right-of-way of said Easton Loop East (P.B. 99, Page 55), to an iron pin set at a point of curvature;
Thence with the arc of said curve to the right, having a central angle of 49° 27' 20", a radius of 40.00 feet, an arc length of 34.53 feet, and a chord which bears North 25° 32' 04" East, a chord distance of 33.46 feet, continuing with said easterly right-of-way line, to an iron pin set in the southerly right-of-way line of Alston Street as recorded in Plat Book 99, Page 55;
Thence with the southerly right-of-way line of said Alston Street, the following courses and distances:
South 88° 47' 28" East, a distance of 447.46 feet, to an iron pin set at a point of curvature;
With the arc of said curve to the left, having a central angle of 07° 42' 58", a radius of 1542.00 feet, an arc length of 207.66 feet, and a chord which bears North 87° 21' 04" East, a chord distance of 207.50 feet, to an iron pin set at a point of reverse curvature;
With the arc of said curve to the right, having a central angle of 93° 03' 16", a radius of 40.00 feet, an arc length of 64.96 feet, and a chord which bears South 49° 58' 47" East, a chord distance of 58.06 feet, to an iron pin set at a point of compound curvature in the westerly right-of-way line of Stelzer Road, being in the westerly line of the 2.0712 acre tract conveyed as Parcel 118-WD to City of Columbus, Ohio by deed of record in Official Record 28448 J18;
Thence with the arc of said curve to the right, having a central angle of 04° 28' 13", a radius of 1372.40 feet, an arc length of 107.08 feet, and a chord which bears South 01° 13' 03" East, a chord distance of 107.05 feet, with said westerly right-of-way line and the westerly line of said 2.0712 acre tract, to an iron pin set at a point of tangency;
Thence South 01° 01' 04" West, a distance of 600.89 feet, continuing with said westerly right-of-way line, to an iron pin set at a point of curvature in the northerly right-of-way line of Colliery Avenue as recorded in Plat Book 93, Page 1;
Thence with the northerly right-of-way line of said Colliery Avenue, the following courses and distances:
With the arc of said curve to the right, having a central angle of 92° 52' 11", a radius of 50.00 feet, an arc length of 81.04 feet, and a chord which bears South 47° 27' 09" West, a chord distance of 72.46 feet, to an iron pin set at a point of tangency;
North 86° 06' 45" West, a distance of 8.85 feet, to an iron pin set at a point of curvature;
With the arc of said curve to the left, having a central angle of 01° 34' 48", a radius of 2549.00 feet, an arc length of 70.29 feet, and a chord which bears North 86° 54' 09" West, a chord distance of 70.28 feet, to an iron pin set at a point of tangency;
North 87° 41' 33" West, a distance of 481.45 feet, to an iron pin set at a point of curvature;
With the arc of said curve to the right, having a central angle of 66° 00' 40", a radius of 40.00 feet, an arc length of 46.08 feet, and a chord which bears North 54° 41' 13" West, a chord distance of 43.58 feet, to an iron pin set at a point of reverse curvature in the easterly right-of-way line of said Easton Loop East (P.B. 93, Pg. 1);
Thence with the easterly right-of-way line of said Easton Loop East (P.B. 93, Pg. 1), the following courses and distances:
With the arc of said curve to the left, having a central angle of 00° 15’ 21”, a radius of 540.00 feet, an arc length of 2.41 feet, and a chord which bears North 21° 48’ 34” West, a chord distance of 2.41 feet, to an iron pin set at a point of tangency;
North 21° 56' 14" West, a distance of 76.26 feet, to an iron pin set at a point of curvature;
With the arc of said curve to the right, having a central angle of 22° 44' 41", a radius of 460.00 feet, an arc length of 182.61 feet, and a chord which bears North 10° 33' 53" West, a chord distance of 181.41 feet, to an iron pin set at a point of tangency;
North 00° 48’ 27” East, a distance of 55.06 feet, to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 12.555 acres of land more or less.
Iron pins set, where indicated, are iron pipes, thirteen sixteenths (13/16) inch inside diameter, thirty (30) inches long with a plastic plug placed in the top bearing the initials EMHT INC.
Bearings are based on the northerly right-of-way line of Colliery Avenue, being South 87° 41' 33" East, as recorded in Plat Book 93, Page 1, Recorder's Office, Franklin County, Ohio.
To Rezone From: CPD, Commercial Planned Development District.
To: CPD, Commercial Planned Development District.
SECTION 2. That a Height District of sixty (60) feet is hereby established on the CPD, Commercial Planned Development District on this property.
SECTION 3. That the Director of the Department of Building and Zoning Services be, and is hereby authorized and directed to make the said change on the said original zoning map and shall register a copy of the approved CPD, Commercial Planned Development District and Application among the records of the Department of Building and Zoning Services as required by Section 3311.12 of the Columbus City Codes; said site plan being titled, "EASTON REZONING APPLICATION,” and said text being titled, "CPD TEXT," both dated May 23, 2018, and signed by Jeffrey L. Brown, Attorney for the Applicant, and the text reading as follows:
PROPERTY ADDRESS: 3871Stelzer Road
OWNER: Morso Holding Co.
APPLICANT: Morso Holding Co.
DATE OF TEXT: 5/23/18
1. INTRODUCTION: The property was acquired by the property owner in December 2005. It is the site of the former Northeast Career Center. The applicant has zoned the properties to the north, west and south of the site for commercial development as part of the overall Easton development. The applicant wants to establish compatible development standards on this site and make it part of the overall Easton development. In 2018 the applicant has developed its plans for this area and wants to adjust the building and parking setbacks along Stelzer Road to zero. Prior plans anticipated retention areas along the roadway. The construction of the Macy parking garage permitted most of the drainage for this area to be under the garage which opened up the setback to create a more urban walkable development for the next phase of the Eaton Town Center.
2. PERMITTED USES: The following uses shall be permitted within this subarea: public parking garages and those uses listed in Chapter 3356 (C-4. Commercial District) of Columbus City Code: Excepting therefrom: armor car, animal shelter, astrology, blood & organ bank, check cashing & loans (stand-alone operation), coin laundries (stand-alone operation), crematory/funeral homes & services, fortune telling and palm reading, halfway house, investigation guard and security service, mission/temporary shelters, new or used car lot except in connection with a new automobile salesroom, pawn broker, repossession service, vending machine operators.
3. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: Unless otherwise specified in the following text, the applicable development standards are contained in Chapter 3356 (C-4, Commercial) of the Columbus City Code.
A. Density, Lot and/or Setback Commitments:
1. Minimum setback from Stelzer Road shall be 0 feet for buildings.
2. Minimum setbacks from Easton Loop East, Alston Street, and Colliery Avenue shall be zero for parking, maneuvering, loading and buildings.
3. The setback required in Section 3A shall not apply to any pedestrian bridges (provided that there is at least 15 feet of overhead clearance between the ground and the underside of the pedestrian bridge), or any motor bus shelter; the setback for said items shall be zero.
B. Access, Loading, Parking, and/or Other Traffic Related Commitments:
1. The location of any proposed building or parking areas will need to accommodate adequate sight distance at all public intersections and access points.
2. Parking:
The following parking ratios shall be provided unless varied by a shared parking analysis or by the Board of Zoning Adjustment:
Retail: 1 parking space for every 300 sq. ft. of gross floor area
Restaurant: 1 parking space for every 75 sq. ft. of gross floor area
Office (general and medical): 1 parking space for every 333 sq. ft. of gross floor area
Theater: 1 parking space for every 4 seats
Hotel with conference facility: 1.5 parking spaces per hotel room (no additional parking shall be required for meeting rooms, restaurant spaces, and other accessory uses within the hotel/conference center)
Health Club: 1 parking space for every 250 sq. ft. of gross floor area
Place of Assembly/Entertainment: 1 parking space for every 75 sq. ft. of gross floor area
Temporary outdoor skating rink as part of the Town Center: No additional parking shall be required
In order to arrive at the final required parking figure it is necessary to reduce the parking demand for each use by recognizing the reduction factors that are used in the ULI shared parking analysis. The reduction factors are vacancy allowance, non-auto transportation (walk, COTA, cab, bike) and captive market allowance (% of people visiting more than one business).
Retail Reduction Factor
Vacancy - 2%
Non-auto transportation - 4%
Captive market allowance - 18%
Restaurant Reduction Factor
Vacancy - 0%
Non-auto transportation - 4%
Captive market allowance - 15%
Office Reduction Factor
Vacancy - 9%
Non-auto transportation - 4%
Captive market allowance - 15%
Theater Reduction Factor
Vacancy - 10%
Non-auto transportation - 4%
Captive market allowance - 15%
Health Club Reduction Factor
Vacancy - 2%
Non-auto transportation - 10%
Captive market allowance - 18%
Place of Assembly/Entertainment Reduction Factor
Vacancy - 2%
Non-auto transportation - 10%
Captive market allowance - 18%
The parking figures calculated from the ratios are then reduced by the appropriate reduction factor for each use to arrive at the total required number of parking spaces.
If the applicant wishes to provide fewer parking spaces than calculated by the above method, then the applicant shall prepare a shared parking analysis for the proposed project pursuant to the requirements of the Division of Traffic Management. The Division of Traffic Management shall review this shared parking analysis and if the division approves the study then the applicant shall provide the number of parking spaces shown in the study.
Public parking garages may be constructed in this subarea. The number of parking spaces within any garage(s) shall count toward meeting the overall parking requirement of the entire development in this area and Subarea 2B as defined in zoning case number Z97-083A.
The applicant may establish off-site parking areas which are located within 750 feet of the permitted use and committed to that use and/or tax parcel by a legal document. These off-site parking areas may be counted in determining the total required parking for that use and/or tax parcel. The applicant shall have the right to relocate these off-site parking areas so long as the same numbers of required parking spaces are reestablished subject to the above conditions.
Loading spaces: Due to the mixed use nature of this subarea it would be impossible for each use to have its own loading space on its own tax parcel (the required number of loading spaces shall be determined after discussions with the Division of Traffic Management, but the total number of loading spaces shall not exceed the current City Code requirement). These loading spaces do not have to be on the same tax parcel as the use it serves.
C. Buffering, Landscaping, Open Space, and/or Screening Commitments:
A tree row shall be established along Stelzer Road frontage containing one tree for every 30 feet of road frontage. Trees shall be equally spaced or grouped together.
D. Building Design and/or Interior-Exterior Treatment Commitments:
E. Dumpsters, Lighting, Outdoor Display Areas, and/or Other Environmental Commitments:
No materials, supplies, equipment or products shall be stored or permitted to remain on any portion of the parcel outside a permitted structure.
F. Graphics and Signage Commitments:
1. All signage and graphics shall conform to Article 15 of the Columbus City Code, as it applies to the C-4, Commercial District. Any variance to the sign requirement shall be submitted to the Columbus Graphics Commission.
2. Entry features may be established within the subarea and may contain signage. Minimum setback for entry features shall be 5 feet from right-of-way line. In no case, shall entry features interfere with maintaining safe clear sight distances at intersections. Depending on the final form of the entry features, appropriate variances or a Graphics Plan may be required.
3. No freeway or pole signs shall be permitted.
G. Miscellaneous Commitments:
1. At the time of submittal for site compliance review, the applicant shall pay a city park fee of $400/acre.
2. Marked crosswalks will be part of the overall development plan for this subarea as approved by the Division of Traffic Management.
Natural Environment
The site is vacant and was the site of the former Northeast Career Center.
Land Uses
Surrounding zoning permits commercial uses.
Transportation and Circulation
Access will be from the various adjacent streets.
Visual Form of the Environment
The proposed development will be compatible with the architecture that has been established in the overall Easton development.
View and Visibility
The safety of the pedestrian and the motorist will be considered in the location of buildings and parking areas.
Proposed Development
Behavior Patterns
Existing development has established the behavior pattern for pedestrians and motorists.
The development would conform to the City requirements for light levels, sounds, smells and dust. It is anticipated that this development would not adversely affect proposed adjacent uses in this regard.
1. The approval of this CPD includes a variance to Section 3356.11 (Building setback) from 60 feet to 0 feet for Stelzer Road; 25 feet to zero feet for Easton Loop East and 25 feet to zero for Alston Street and Colliery Avenue; and a variance to Section 3312.27 (Parking setback) from 10 feet to zero for Alston Street, Colliery Avenue and Easton Loop East.
2. The approval of this CPD may include a possible parking and loading space reduction under a shared parking analysis.
SECTION 4. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law.