This ordinance will authorize the assignment of all past, present, and future business done by the City of Columbus with Chester Engineers (Ohio), Inc. (FID 20-2401674) to Hatch Chester (Ohio), Inc. Their tax ID number will remain the same. Chester Engineers (Ohio), Inc. notified the Department of Public Utilities on June 8, 2017 of a formal name change to Hatch Chester (Ohio), Inc. Notwithstanding the above name change, all other company details such as: tax ID number, physical address, remit-to address, phone numbers, email addresses, etc. remain unchanged. No additional funding is required under this ordinance. This ordinance will also allow for the use of the unspent/existing balance on multiple purchase orders and auditor's certificates, a list of which is attached to this ordinance with their associated ordinances.
Emergency action is requested to expedite authorization of this action to allow for payment of the current contracts with this vendor.
Vendor Name: Hatch Chester (Ohio), Inc. (DAX Vendor Acct.#:001157); CC#:/FID#: 20-2401674; Expiration Date: 04/17/19
No additional funding is required under this ordinance. This ordinance will allow for the use of the unspent/existing balance on purchase orders identified in the attachment to this ordinance.
To authorize the assignment of all past, present and future business done by the City of Columbus with Chester Engineers (Ohio), Inc. to Hatch Chester (Ohio), Inc, a name change only; to authorize the use of the existing balance on existing purchase orders and auditor's certificates to be utilized with Hatch Chester (Ohio), Inc.; no additional funds are associated with this legislation; and to declare an emergency. ($0.00)
WHEREAS, this ordinance will authorize the assignment of all past, present, and future business done by the City of Columbus with Chester Engineers (Ohio), Inc. to Hatch Chester (Ohio), Inc.; and
WHEREAS, Chester Engineers (Ohio), Inc. notified the City of Columbus of its formal name change on June 8, 2017 to Hatch Chester (Ohio), Inc. Notwithstanding the above name change, all other company details such as tax ID number, physical address, remit-to address, phone numbers, email addresses, etc. remain unchanged; and
WHEREAS, no additional funding is required under this ordinance. This ordinance will allow for the use of the unspent/existing balance on multiple purchase orders and auditor's certificates (list attached to this ordinance) to be utilized with Hatch Chester (Ohio), Inc; and
WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the daily operation of the Department of Public Utilities in that it is immediately necessary to authorize the assignment of all past, present, and future business done by the City of Columbus with Chester Engineers (Ohio), Inc. to Hatch Chester (Ohio), Inc. (name change only), and allow for the use of the existing balance on multiple purchase orders to be utilized with Hatch Chester (Ohio), Inc. to allow for payment of the current annual maintenance and support services contract associated with the City's Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) systems, for the immediate preservation of the public health, peace, property, safety, and welfare; now, therefore
SECTION 1: That all past, present, and future business done by the City of Columbus with Chester Engineers (Ohio), Inc. is hereby assigned to Hatch Chester (Ohio), Inc. (name change only). No additional funding is required under this ordinance and
SECTION 2: That the City is hereby authorized to use the existing balance on purchase orders and auditor's certificates established under prior ordinance numbers detailed on the attachment to this ordinance to be utilized with Hatch Chester (Ohio), Inc.
SECTION 3: That the City Auditor is authorized to make any accounting changes to revise the funding source for all contracts or contract modifications associated with this ordinance.
SECTION 4: That the funds necessary to carry out the purpose of this ordinance are hereby deemed appropriated, and the City Auditor shall establish such accounting codes as necessary.
SECTION 5: That for the reasons stated in the preamble hereto, which is hereby made a part hereof, this ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor, or ten days after passage if the Mayor neither approves nor vetoes the same.