File #: 1255-2011    Version: 1
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 8/22/2011 In control: Public Service & Transportation Committee
On agenda: 9/12/2011 Final action: 9/13/2011
Title: To authorize the Director of Public Service to enter into a professional engineering service contract with Moody Nolan Inc. for the Pedestrian Safety Improvement - Weinland Park Community Mobility Plan contract; to authorize the expenditure of $135,000.00 from the Streets and Highways G.O.Bonds fund; and to declare an emergency. ($135,000.00)
Attachments: 1. 1255-2011 Proposal Recommendation Memo



This legislation authorizes the Director of Public Service to enter into a professional engineering services contract with Moody Nolan Inc.


This contract authorizes engineering services for preliminary engineering and design recommendations from the Weinland Park Community Mobility Plan (WPCMP). Work will include detailed design of several features throughout the Weinland Park area, in addition to the 4th Street and Summit Street corridors, as specified in the Scope of Services. Designs are to conform to the Weinland Park Community Mobility Plan unless specified otherwise.


Project boundaries for Weinland Park include those within the boundaries of High Street, Chittenden Ave, Railroad Tracks east of 5th Ave, and 5th Avenue, plus the corridors of Fourth Street and Summit Street from Hudson Avenue to Interstate 670.


The Weinland Park Community Mobility Plan includes the design and construction of sidewalk and ADA ramps at project improvement locations.  There are 46 bus stops and 8 transit routes within the limits of this project.   Pedestrian generators and destinations impacting the proposed project include High Street, Weinland Park Elementary School campus, Grant Avenue,  Columbus Coated Fabrics redevelopment and the Ohio State University, and Godman Guild.


Ordinance 0861-2008 authorized the Director of Public Service to enter into a professional services contract with Stantec, a consulting engineering firm, to develop the Weinland Park Community Mobility Plan.  Work involved in that contract included the development of complete streets-oriented pedestrian safety and traffic calming improvement concepts and strategies to enhance the livability and vitality of the Weinland Park neighborhood and the Summit Street and North Forth Street corridors.


The Department of Public Service, Office of Support Services solicited a Request for Proposals for the Pedestrian Safety Improvements - Weinland Park Community Mobility Plan contract.  The project was advertised through the City's Vendor Services web site from June 20, 2011, to July 21, 2011.  The city received 6 responses.  5 proposals were deemed minimally compliant and were fully evaluated when the Evaluation Committee met on August 9, 2011.


 Company Name                                                       City/State            Majority/MBE/FBE/ASN /PHC

Moody Nolan Inc.                                             Columbus, OH                 MBE

Stantec Consulting Services, Inc.                   Columbus, OH                 Majority

Columbus Engineering Consultants, Inc.      Columbus, OH                 MBE

Shaffer Pomeroy, Ltd.                                       Worthington, OH            UNK

Kabil Associates                                                Columbus, OH                 AS1


Moody Nolan Inc.  received the highest score by the evaluation committee.  Moody Nolan Inc. will be awarded the contract for the amount of  $135,000.00. 


Searches in the Excluded Party List System (Federal) and the Findings for Recovery list (State) produced no findings against Moody Nolan Inc.



The contract compliance number for Moody Nolan Inc. is 31-1256984 and Expires 6/30/12.



Funding for this project is budgeted in the 2011 Capital Improvement Budget and available within the Streets and Highways G.O.Bonds Fund.



Emergency action is requested to provide funding for the professional services described above at the earliest possible time to provide for project design and to have plans available to provide for pedestrian safety.



To authorize the Director of Public Service to enter into a professional engineering service contract with Moody Nolan Inc. for the Pedestrian Safety Improvement - Weinland Park Community Mobility Plan contract; to authorize the expenditure of $135,000.00 from the Streets and Highways G.O.Bonds fund; and to declare an emergency.  ($135,000.00)



WHEREAS, ordinance 0861-2008 authorized the Director of Public Service to enter into a professional services contract to develop the Weinland Park Community Mobility Plan; and


WHEREAS, the plan consists of complete streets-oriented pedestrian safety and traffic calming concepts and strategies to enhance the livability and vitality of the Weinland Park neighborhood and the Summit Street and North Forth Street corridors.  The scope of work also includes studying the potential conversion of Summit Street and Fourth Street to two-way operation; and


WHEREAS, there is a need to provide professional engineering services for preliminary engineering and final design of recommendations from the Weinland Park Community Mobility Plan (WPCMP); and


WHEREAS, work will include detailed design of several features throughout the Weinland Park area, in addition to the 4th Street and Summit Street corridors; and


WHEREAS, designs are to conform to the Weinland Park Community Mobility Plan unless specified otherwise; and

WHEREAS, The Department of Public Service, Office of Support Services solicited a Request for Proposals for the Pedestrian Safety Improvement - Weinland Park Community Mobility Plan contract; and


WHEREAS, Moody Nolan Inc. submitted the best overall proposals for this contract; and


WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the usual daily operation of the Department of Public Service, in that this legislation should go forth immediately to provide funding for project design to provide analysis and engineering  projects in order to continue the growth of the bicycle infrastructure within the City, thereby preserving the public health, peace, property, safety and welfare; now, therefore


SECTION 1.  That the Director of Public Service be and hereby is authorized to enter into a professional services contract in the amount of $135,000.00 for the Pedestrian Safety Improvement - Weinland Park Community Mobility Plan contract with Moody Nolan Inc., 300 Spruce Street, Suite 300, Columbus, OH 43215 for engineering services associated with the Pedestrian Safety Improvement - Weinland Park Community Mobility Plan contract.


SECTION 2.  That the expenditure of $135,000.00, or so much thereof as may be needed, be and hereby is authorized from the Streets and Highways G.O. Bonds Fund, Fund 704, Dept-Div No. 59-10, Division of Mobility Options as follows:


Fund / project # / project / O.L. 01/03 Codes / OCA Code / amount

704 /590105-100039 / Pedestrian Safety Improvement - Weinland Park Community Mobility Program / 06-6682 / 740539 / $135,000.00


SECTION 3.  That the City Auditor is authorized to make any accounting changes to revise the funding source for all contracts or contract modifications associated with this ordinance.


SECTION 4.  That for the reasons stated in the preamble hereto, which is hereby made a part hereof, this ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval by the mayor, or ten days after passage if the mayor neither approves nor vetoes the same.