File #: 3393-2023    Version: 1
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 11/21/2023 In control: Zoning Committee
On agenda: 12/11/2023 Final action: 12/14/2023
Title: To rezone 3075 S. HIGH ST. (43207), being 19.25± acres located on the west side of South High Street, 1,160± feet south of Southgate Drive, From: R-2, Residential District and CPD, Commercial Planned Development District, To: L-M, Limited Manufacturing District (Rezoning #Z21-093).
Attachments: 1. ORD3393-2023_Attachments, 2. ORD3393-2023_Labels



Rezoning Application: Z21-093


APPLICANT: Rambling House Soda; c/o Kim Mikanik, Agent; 1116 West Second Avenue; Columbus, OH 43212.


PROPOSED USE:  Distillery with eating and drinking establishment and retail.






CITY DEPARTMENTS' RECOMMENDATION: Approval. The 19.25± acre site consists of two undeveloped parcels in the R-2, Residential District and CPD, Commercial Planned Development District. The applicant requests the L-M, Limited Manufacturing District to allow a 5,000 square foot distillery and soda production facility with additional eating and drinking establishment and retail uses on site. The limitation text includes appropriate use restrictions and supplemental development standards that address building and parking setbacks, traffic and pedestrian connectivity, additional landscaping, fencing, and a commitment to develop the site in accordance with the submitted site plans. The requested L-M district is consistent with the Scioto Southland Area Plan’s (2007) recommendation for “Commercial,” “Office,” and “Open Space” land uses at this location. With the included limitation text and site plans, staff are supportive of the development as proposed.




To rezone 3075 S. HIGH ST. (43207), being 19.25± acres located on the west side of South High Street, 1,160± feet south of Southgate Drive, From: R-2, Residential District and CPD, Commercial Planned Development District, To: L-M, Limited Manufacturing District (Rezoning #Z21-093).




WHEREAS, application #Z21-093 is on file with the Department of Building and Zoning Services requesting rezoning of 19.25± acres from R-2, Residential District and CPD, Commercial Planned Development District, to L-M, Limited Manufacturing District; and


WHEREAS, the Development Commission recommends approval of said zoning change; and


WHEREAS, the Far South Columbus Area Commission recommends approval of said zoning change; and


WHEREAS, the City Departments recommend approval of said zoning change because the requested L-M, Limited Manufacturing District is consistent with the Scioto Southland Area Plan’s land use  recommendations, and the proposal includes appropriate land use restrictions, supplemental development standards, and a commitment to develop the site as demonstrated on the submitted site plans; now, therefore:




SECTION 1. That the Official Zoning Map of the City of Columbus, as adopted by Ordinance No. 0179 -03, passed February 24, 2003, and as subsequently amended, is hereby revised by changing the zoning of the property as follows:


3075 S. HIGH ST. (43207), being 19.25± acres located on the west side of South High Street, 1,160± feet south of Southgate Drive, and being more particularly described as follows:




Situated in the County of Franklin, in the State of Ohio, and in the City of Columbus, and bounded and described as follows:


Being a 14.96 acre tract, more or less, in the Southwest Quarter of Section 9, Township 4, Range 22, Congress Lands, deeded to Resource General Corporation in Official Record 2347, Page I-15, Recorder’s Office, Franklin County, Ohio, and being more particularly described as follows:


Beginning at an iron pin at the northeast corner of said 14.96 acre tract in the centerline of South High Street (U.S. 23) (80 feet wide); thence along said center line South 1° 49’ West a distance of 371.50 feet to a nail in the centerline of said South High Street at the northeast corner of R.S. Goodfleisch  14.7 acre tract (10-10-52); thence North 83° 58’ West along the south line of said 14.96 acre tract a distance of 766.50 feet to an iron pin; thence South 5° 13’ West a distance of 31.65 feet to an iron pin; thence North 89° 52’ West (passing the centerline of the Columbus Feeder of the Ohio Canal at 666 feet) a distance 781.5 feet to an iron in to the east bank of the Scioto River; thence with said bank North 15° 44’ East a distance of 438 feet to an iron pin; thence with said east bank North 13° 8’ East 226.50 feet to an iron pin; thence South 81° 29’ East (passing the centerline of the Columbus Feeder of the Ohio Canal at 36 feet) a distance of 225 feet to an iron pin; thence South 6° 10’ West a distance of 146.75 feet to an iron pin; thence South 83° 30’ East a distance of 1210.30 feet to the place of beginning, SUBJECT to all legal highways and to the right, title and interest of the State of Ohio in said Canal:


EXCEPTING therefrom premises deeded to Payless Statins, Inc., in Deed Book 2406, Page 19, Recorder’s Office, Franklin County, Ohio, described as follows:


Beginning at a nail in the centerline of South High Street at the southeast corner of the above described 14.96 acre tract; thence North 83° 58’ West along the south line of said 14.96 acre tract a distance of 300 feet to an iron pin; thence North 1° 49’ East parallel to the centerline of said South High Street a distance of 275 feet to an iron pin; thence South 83° 58’ East parallel to the south line of said 14.96 acre tract a distance of  00 feet to a nail in the centerline of said South High Street; thence along centerline of said South High Street a distance of 275 feet to the place of beginning.


Parcel: 010-112265




Situated in the State of Ohio, County of Franklin, City of Columbus.  Being part of Section 9, Township 4, Range 22, Congress Lands Eat of the Scioto River and being part of a 11.140 acre (by Auditor) tract conveyed to WXZ Retail Group/South High, LLC, in instrument Number 200703270052468 (except where otherwise noted all records herein cited are on file at the Franklin County Recorder’s Office Franklin County, Ohio being more particularly described as follows:


BEGINNING FOR REFERENCE at a point at the centerline intersection of South High Street *U.S. 23) and Williams Road, as shown on ODOT Right-of-Way Plans S.H. 5 Sec. F, EXP, G (pt.) sheet 2 of 5 dated 1939;


Thence North 19°29’00” East for a distance of 729.71 feet along the centerline of US 2 to a point of curvature:


Thence with a curve to the left having a radius of 2291.83 feet, a delta angle of 19°11’00”,  chord bearing of North 09°53’30” East, a chord length of 763.75 feet and an arc length of 767.33 feet, along the centerline of US 23 to a point of tangency;=:


Thence North 00°18’00” East a distance of 29.46 feet along the centerline of US 23 to a MAG nail set said point being the northeast corner of a 0.25 acre tract conveyed to James A. Lowe and Krisann A. Lowe in Official Record 32709 A01 and the southeast corner of the above referenced 11.140 acre by Auditor) WXZ Retail Group/South High, LLC tract:


Thence North 86°10’47” West for a total distance of 179.68 feet along the common line between said 0.25 acre Lowe tract and said 11.140 acre (by Auditor) tract to MAG nail set at the northwest corner of said 0.25 acre Lowe tract also being a northeast corner of a 15.676 acre tract conveyed to Southway Post No. 144, American Legion, Inc., in Official Record O4641 A12;


Thence South 89°59’02” West for a distance of 621.48 feet along the common line of said 15.676 acre Southway tract and said 11.140 acre (by Auditor) tract to an iron pipe set the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING;


Thence South 89017659’02” West continuing along said common line for a distance of 675.20 feet to an iron pipe set on the easterly line of the former Columbus Feeder of The Ohio and Erie Canal said pipe set being North 21°31’59” East a distance of 7.83 feet from an angle point in said line , 79.0’ left of Station 227+28.41 as shown on Sheet 8 of the Plat of The Columbus Feeder of the Ohio and Erie Canal by The Jennings-Lawrence Company, on file at the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Parks and Recreation Canal Land Program, said Canal Land being of the State of Ohio by the Canal Land Act of 18255;

Thence along said easterly line the following courses and distances:

North 21°31’59” East, 112.31 feet of an iron pipe set;

North 11°28’46” East, 122.37 feet to a ¾” rebar found in concrete;

North 05°08’32” East, 174.69 feet to an iron pipe set on the north line of the above referenced 11.140 acre (by Auditor) WXA Retail Group/South High, LL tract, the south line of aa 13.071 acre tract conveyed to a Resource General Corporation etal in Official Record 02347 ǀ15, Official Record 27597 J17 and Official Record 27598 A01:


Thence North 88°36’59” East for a distance of 520.71 feet along the said common line to an iron pipe set to the northwest corner of a proposed 0.231 acre tract, currently under lease to Columbus Cellular Telephone Company, Official Record 17764 F03.


Thence South 03°44’19” West for a distance of 100.40 feet along the westerly line of said proposed 0.231 acre tract to an iron pipe set;;


Thence North 88°36’59” East for a distance of 100.40 feet along the south line of said proposed 0.231 acre tract to a point on an east line of the 11.140 acre (by Auditor) WXZ Retail Group/South High, LLC tract, the west line of  2.941 acre tract conveyed to SS South High, LLC in Instrument Number 200406250148053, said point being referenced South 03°44’19” Est at a distance of 100.40 feet from a ¾” iron pipe found at a northeast corner of said 11.140 acre tract (northeast corner of proposed 0.231 acre tract and current Columbus Cellular Telephone Co. lease);


Thence South 03°44’19” West for a distance of  66.40 feet along the west line of said 2.941 acre South High, LLC tract to a ¾” iron pipe found at the southwest corner of said tract;


Thence South 03°44’19 West for a distance of 247.56 feet crossing said 11.140 acre WXZ Retail Group/South High, LLC tract to the TRUE POINT BEGINNING.


Containing 5.683 Acres, more or less.


Parcel: 010-290009


To Rezone From:  R-2, Residential District and CPD, Commercial Planned Development District.


To: L-M, Limited Manufacturing District.


SECTION 2.  That a Height District of thirty-five (35) feet is hereby established on the L-M, Limited Manufacturing District on this property.


SECTION 3.  That the Director of the Department of Building and Zoning Services be, and is hereby authorized and directed to make the said change on the said original zoning map and shall register a copy of the approved L-M, Limited Manufacturing District and Application among the records of the Department of Building and Zoning Services as required by Section 3370.03 of the Columbus City Codes; said site plans titled “RAMBLING HOUSE PRODUCTION FACILITY COMPLEX SHEETS C1.1 & C1.2,”and text titled, “LIMITATION TEXT,” all dated November 17, 2023, and signed by Kim Mikanik, Agent for the Applicant, and the text reading as follows:




EXISTING ZONING:  CPD, Commercial Planned Development District (Z10-008) and R2, Residential District (7/21/1958)

PROPOSED ZONING:  L-M, Limited Manufacturing District 

PROPERTY ADDRESS:  3075 S. High St, Columbus, OH 43207

PARCEL(S): 010-112265, 010-290009

APPLICANT: Rambling House Soda, c/o Kim Mikanik, Architect, Create Collaborative LLC,

1116 W. 2nd Ave. Columbus, OH 43212

PROPERTY OWNER:  City of Columbus, c/o Columbus Land Bank,

Contact, John Turner, 845 Parson Ave., Columbus, OH 43206

DATE OF TEXT:  November 17, 2023



1. INTRODUCTION:  The 19.25 +/- acre site is located on the west side of South High Street, 1,100 +/- feet south of Southgate Drive. The site is zoned R-2, Residential (7/21/1958) and CPD, Commercial (Z10-008). The site is undeveloped. Applicant proposes to rezone the site from CPD and R-2 to L-M to permit development of new 5,000 s.f. distillery and soda production facility which includes a tasting room and event space.  In addition to the production facility building there are also two proposed mixed use buildings for prospective tenants (restaurant, recreation and/or retail) in conjunction with and accessory to the production facility and outdoor recreation use on the site. The site abuts property to the north zoned L-AR-12 Residential, south and east zoned C-4 Commercial. The site abuts the Scioto River to the west. The site shall be developed in conjunction with the shared use recreation trail along the Scioto River. 


2. PERMITTED USES: The permitted uses shall be all uses of Chapters 3351-3356, C-1 Neighborhood Commercial, C-2 Office Commercial District, C-3 Community Scale Commercial and C-4, Regional Scale Commercial District, except the following uses: C-1 newspaper substation, C-2 armory, C-3 motor bus terminal, motel or hotel. In addition, the only proposed permitted use from Chapter 3363, M, Manufacturing District, Section 3363.14 Distilleries.

3. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: The applicable development standards shall be those standards contained in this development text and Chapter 3356, C-4, Regional Scale Commercial District, of the Columbus City Code.


A). Density, Height, Lot and/or Setback commitments:


1). Twenty-five (25) foot parking setback along South High Street.


2). Twenty-five (25) foot building setback north and south property lines. Twenty (20) building setback along South High Street.


B.) Access, Loading, Parking and/or other Traffic related commitments:


1.) Vehicular access to the site shall be by developed access points which include a full-turning movement curb-cut on South High Street.


2.) Right-of-way dedication of sixty (60) feet shall be provided from the centerline of South High Street.


3.) A minimum five (5) feet wide sidewalk with curb separation from the traveled way shall be provided between the proposed building entrance and the existing sidewalk along South High Street.


4.) Pedestrian connections shall be aligned with the stubs being constructed on the property to the north.


5.) Consideration will be given and consultation with the Department of Recreation and Parks shall be sought regarding connectivity to the property to the south prior to or during final site compliance review.


C.) Buffering, Landscaping, Open Space and/or Screening Commitments:


1). There shall be three (3) deciduous trees in the South High Street parking setback.


2). A 6 foot high earth mound shall be provided along the north property to provide the required screening per Section 3312.21.


3). Existing trees on site shall be protected and healthy trees retained within the right-of-way and in buffer areas of the property. Street trees shall be provided in areas where unhealthy trees may be removed. No building shall be constructed within wetland areas, and vegetation in stream and tributary corridors shall be protected.


5). Evergreen trees shall be planted as part of the landscape screening and buffering along the northern property line where it abuts the residential buildings on the adjacent property.


D.) Building design and/or Interior-Exterior treatment commitments:




E.) Dumpsters, Lighting, Outdoor display areas and/or other environmental commitments:




F.) Graphics and Signage commitments.




G.) Miscellaneous commitments:


1). Access to the proposed conservation easement and trail at the western edge of the site along the Scioto River shall be provided and retained as shown on the submitted site plan.


2). Development of the site shall be general conformance with the Site Plans titled “Rambling House Production Facility Complex” Sheets C1.1 and C1.2, dated 11/17/2023. The Site Plans may be slightly adjusted to reflect engineering, topographical, or other site data developed at the time final development and engineering plans are completed. Any slight adjustment to the Plan shall be reviewed and may be approved by the Director of the Building and Zoning Services Department or his designee upon submission of the appropriate data regarding the proposed adjustment.


SECTION 4. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law.