File #: 0332-2022    Version: 1
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 1/25/2022 In control: Public Service & Transportation Committee
On agenda: 2/7/2022 Final action: 2/10/2022
Title: To amend the 2021 Capital Improvement Budget; to authorize the Director of Public Service to execute a professional services contract modification with Etch Solutions, LLC relative to the Smart Columbus - Multimodal Trip Planning Application project; to authorize the expenditure of up to $44,220.00 from the Streets and Highways Bond Fund to pay for the contract modification; and to declare an emergency. ($44,220.00)
Attachments: 1. 0332-2022 Accounting Template



This ordinance authorizes the transfer of signature authority from the Chief Innovation Officer to the City’s Director of Public Service or the Director of Public Service’s designee for all past, present and future contracts and modifications entered into by the City of Columbus in connection to the USDOT Smart City Challenge Operating System (OS) project with Etch Solutions, LLC, herein known as Etch, along with all future documents requiring signature until the project is completed.


This third modification will authorize the Director of Public Service to enter into a professional services contract modification with Etch, in an amount of up to $44,220.00.  The City of Columbus, Department of Public Service (DPS) utilizes a parking prediction model that resides on the existing OS. With the decommissioning of the OS, DPS desires to move this model to the Etch platform which currently hosts the Multimodal Trip Planning Application (MMTPA), Pivot.


Pursuant to Ordinance 2864-2018, the Smart City Program Management Office initiated a procurement effort that resulted in the award and execution of a professional services contract with Etch in the amount of up to $900,000.00 for the purchase of a new application environment for the execution of multimodal transportation, known as the Multimodal Trip Planning Application (MMTPA) for end to end (door to door) multimodal trip execution.  Ordinance 0112-2020 authorized the Chief Innovation Officer to modify the contract in the amount of $250,000.00.  Ordinance 0228-2021 authorized the Chief Innovation Officer to modify the contract in the amount of $200,000.00.  This ordinance authorizes the Chief Innovation Officer to further modify the contract in the amount of $44,220.00.


Ordinance 0990-2021 authorized the assignment of all past, present and future business done by the City of Columbus to reflect the change of the company name from MTECH Solutions, LLC to Etch Solutions, LLC. 


The purpose of this contract modification is to add funding and scope to the original contract.   The City of Columbus, Department of Public Service (DPS) utilizes a parking prediction model that resides on the existing Operating System (OS). At the time of the original contract, it was unknown whether or not the Smart Columbus OS would continue.  With the decommissioning of the OS, DPS desires to move this model to the Etch platform which currently hosts the MMTPA platform, Pivot.


The contract dollar amount to date is as follows: 

The original contract amount:                                                                                       $900,000.00 (Ord. No. 2864-2018, PO147350)                         

The total of Modification No. 1:                                                                                        $250,000.00 (Ord. No. 0112-2020, PO221775)

The total of Modification No. 2:                                                                                    $200,000.00 (Ord. No. 0228-2021, PO260950)                     

The total of Modification No. 3:                                                                                      $44,220.00 (This Ordinance)


Total Contract amount including all modifications:       $1,394,220.00  


Searches in the System for Award Management (Federal) and the Findings for Recovery list (State) produced no findings against Etch.



The contract compliance number for Etch Solutions is WBE026781 and expires 08/30/2024.



Funding in the amount of $44,220.00 is available and appropriated for this project in the Streets and Highways Bond Fund, Fund 7704.  An amendment to the 2021 Capital Improvement Budget is necessary for the purpose of providing sufficient spending authority in the proper project.



Emergency action is requested in that it is immediately necessary to authorize the Director of Public Service to execute a contract with Etch authorizing the encumbrance and expenditure of requisite engineering and design funding so as to prevent unnecessary delays in the Operating System deployment schedule.



To amend the 2021 Capital Improvement Budget; to authorize the Director of Public Service to execute a professional services contract modification with Etch Solutions, LLC relative to the Smart Columbus - Multimodal Trip Planning Application project; to authorize the expenditure of up to $44,220.00 from the Streets and Highways Bond Fund to pay for the contract modification; and to declare an emergency.  ($44,220.00)



WHEREAS, Ordinance 2864-2018 authorized the Director of Public Service to enter into a professional services contract with Etch in an amount of up to $900,000.00 for the execution of multimodal transportation, known as the Multimodal Trip Planning Application (MMTPA) for end to end (door to door) multimodal trip execution; and


WHEREAS, Ordinance 0112-2020 authorized the Director of Public Service to enter into a professional services contract with Etch in an amount of up to $250,000.00 for the continued execution of multimodal transportation, known as the Multimodal Trip Planning Application (MMTPA) for end to end (door to door) multimodal trip execution; and


WHEREAS, Ordinance 0228-2021 authorized the Director of Public Service to enter into a professional services contract with Etch in an amount of up to $200,000.00 for the continued execution of multimodal transportation, known as the Multimodal Trip Planning Application (MMTPA) for end to end (door to door) multimodal trip execution; and


WHEREAS, it is necessary to execute a third contract modification with Etch to add additional funding and scope in order to move the parking prediction model that resides on the existing Operating System to the Etch platform which currently hosts the multi-modal trip planning application, Pivot; and


WHEREAS, funding for this contract modification is available in Fund 7704, the Streets and Highways Bond Fund; and


WHEREAS, it is necessary to amend the 2021 Capital Improvement Budget to establish budget authority in the proper project for this contract modification; and


WHEREAS, it is necessary to expend funds to pay for work performed as part of the contract modification; and


WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the usual daily operation of the Department of Public Service in that it is immediately necessary to authorize the Director of Pubic Service to execute a contract modification with Etch authorizing the encumbrance and expenditure of requisite engineering and design funding so as to prevent unnecessary delays in the Operating System deployment schedule and to adhere to the terms and conditions of that program, thereby preserving the public health, peace, property, safety and welfare; now, therefore:




SECTION 1.  That the 2021 Capital Improvement Budget, authorized by Ordinance 2707-2021, be amended as follows to establish sufficient authority for this project:


Fund / Project / Project Name / Current / Change /Amended

7704 / P530163-100000 / Smart City Challenge (Voted Carryover) / $227,772.00 / ($44,220.00) / $183,552.00


7704 / P530163-100015 / Smart Columbus - Multimodal Trip Planning Application - Common Payment System (Voted Carryover) / $200,000.00 / $44,220.00 / $244,220.00


SECTION 2.  That the Director of Public Service, on behalf of the Department of Public Service, be and is hereby authorized to execute a professional services contract modification with Etch Solutions, LLC, 2967 Switzer Avenue, Suite D, Columbus, Ohio 43219, in an amount of up to $44,220.00 related to the Smart Columbus - Multimodal Trip Planning Application project.


SECTION 3.  That the expenditure of $44,220.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be and is hereby authorized in Fund 7704 (Streets and Highways Bond Funds), Dept-Div 5912 (Division of Design and Construction), Project P530163-100015 (Smart Columbus - Multimodal Trip Planning Application - Common Payment System), in Object Class 06 (Capital Outlay) per the accounting codes in the attachment to this ordinance.


SECTION 4.  That the funds necessary to carry out the purpose of this ordinance are hereby deemed appropriated, and the City Auditor shall establish such accounting codes as necessary.


SECTION 5. That the City Auditor is authorized to make any accounting changes to revise the funding source for all contracts or contract modifications associated with this ordinance.


SECTION 6. That the City Auditor is hereby authorized to transfer the unencumbered balance in a project account to the unallocated balance account within the same fund upon receipt of certification by the Director of Public Service administering said project that the project has been completed and the monies are no longer required for said project.


SECTION 7. That for the reasons stated in the preamble hereto, which is hereby made a part hereof, this ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor, or 10 days after passage if the Mayor neither approves nor vetoes the same.