The City of Columbus, Department of Public Service in engaged in the Northeast MOU - Central College Ulry Road Reconstruction project. This project consists of improvements to the Central College Road, Ulry Road, and Lee Road intersection. This intersection will be widened to a 3-lane section for the entire limits of the project and the sanitary sewer subtrunk will be extended on Central College Road from the eastern project limit to the northwest corner of this intersection. Plans also include upgraded traffic signal, sidewalk and shared use path improvements and associated drainage.
A portion of real property owned by the City of Columbus known as 4787 Central College Road, Franklin County Parcel Number 010-258168-00, needs to be converted to and dedicated as right-of-way for roadway purposes to accommodate the improvements contemplated by this project. Current plans indicate 0.434 acres will need to be converted and dedicated for this purpose, to dedicate the property as road right-of-way and name the road right-of-way as Central College Road.
This ordinance permits the City to convert and dedicate the property as road right-of-way and name the road right-of-way as Central College Road.
There is no expenditure associated with this Ordinance.
To dedicate a tract of real property owned by the City of Columbus as road right-of-way; to name said public right-of way as Central College Road. ($0.00)
WHEREAS, Ohio Revised Code Chapter 723.03 requires property to be used as a public street or alley be accepted and dedicated as public right-of-way by an ordinance specially passed for such purpose; and
WHEREAS, current plans indicate City owned land, totaling 0.434 acres, will need to be converted and dedicated to right-of-way for this purpose; and
WHEREAS, the City desires to convert and dedicate a 0.434 acres, as public right-of-way; now therefore
SECTION 1. That the City of Columbus hereby dedicates the following described properties as road right-of-way; to-wit:
Being a parcel of land lying on the right side of the centerline of right-of-way of Central College Road as shown on a centerline survey plat set made in 2023 for the City of Columbus titled “Central College and Ulry Road Reconstruction” of Franklin County, Ohio:
Situated in the State of Ohio, County of Franklin, City of Columbus, lying in Quarter Township 1, Township 2 North, Range 17 West, United States Military District, and being part of that 15.75 acre tract conveyed as “Fourth Tract” to City of Columbus, Ohio by deed of record in Instrument Number 201312170206116, (all references are to the records of the Recorder's Office, Franklin County, Ohio), being more particularly described as follows:
BEGINNING at Franklin County Geodetic Survey monument 1576RESET located in the centerline of Central College Road (70 feet right-of-way) at the northeasterly corner of said 15.75 acre tract, the northwesterly corner of that 0.507 acre tract conveyed to City of Columbus, Ohio by deed of record in Instrument Number 200703020036215, the southwesterly corner of that 0.722 acre tract conveyed to City of Columbus, Ohio by deed of record in Instrument Number 200712180215640, at the westerly common corner of Sections 6 and 15 of Township 2 North, Range 16 West, in the easterly line of said Quarter Township 1, located along centerline of existing right-of-way of Central College Road station 46+68.18;
Thence South 03° 28' 20" West, with the line common to said 15.75 and 0.507 acre tracts, a distance of 47.53 feet to an iron pin set, located 47.50 feet right of existing centerline of right-of-way of Central College Road station 46+66.41;
Thence across said 15.75 acre tract, the following courses and distances:
North 87° 57' 02" West, a distance of 323.26 feet to an iron pin set, located 43.50 feet right of existing centerline of right-of-way of Central College Road station 43+43.17; and
North 88° 39' 34" West, a distance of 96.84 feet to an iron pin set in the line common to said 15.75 acre tract and that 10-1/2 acre tract conveyed to Nancy M. Kemp by deed of record in Deed Book 2988, Page 544 and Deed Book 3444, Page 806, located 43.50 feet right of existing centerline of right-of-way of Central College Road station 42+46.34;
Thence North 03° 40' 52" East, with said common line (passing a 6 inch metal fence post at a distance of 15.39 feet, located 28.12 feet right of existing centerline of right-of-way of Central College Road station 42+46.92), a total distance of 43.54 feet to an 8 inch magnetic spike set in said centerline at the northerly common corner of said 15.75 and 10-1/2 acre tracts, located along existing centerline of right-of-way of Central College Road station 42+48.12 (referencing Franklin County Geodetic Survey monument 5227 found North 88° 39’ 34” West, in the centerline of said Central College Road at a distance of 572.23 feet, located along existing centerline of right-of-way of Central College Road station 136+80.54);
Thence South 88° 39' 34" East, with said centerline, a distance of 420.06 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 0.434 acre, more or less, of which the present road occupies 0.289 acre, from Auditor’s Parcel Number 010-258168.
Subject, however, to all legal rights-of-way and/or easements, if any, of previous record.
Iron pins set, where indicated, are iron pipes, thirteen sixteenths (13/16) inch inside diameter, thirty (30) inches long with a plastic plug placed in the top bearing the initials EMHT INC.
The bearings herein are based on the Ohio State Plane Coordinate System (South Zone) as per NAD83 (NSRS 2007). Control for bearings was from coordinates of monuments D5RESET and 8825RESET, having a bearing of South 45° 01' 28" West, established by the Franklin County Engineering Department, using Global Positioning System procedures and equipment.
This description is based on an actual field survey performed by or under the direct supervision of Joshua M. Meyer, Professional Surveyor Number 8485 in 2020, 2021 and 2022.
SECTION 2. That the City of Columbus hereby converts and dedicates the above described road right-of-way as Central College Road.
SECTION 3. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law.