This ordinance is to authorize the Director of the Recreation and Parks Department to apply for grant funding to acquire properties along the Scioto River and Dysart Run, and to provide the necessary match funds. The Clean Ohio Conservation Fund is accepting applications for funding to preserve natural areas and greenway corridors. If awarded funding, a separate piece of legislation will be submitted to enter into a grant agreement and allocate the local match funds.
Background: This grant application would provide funding towards fee simple acquisition of two sites in Columbus, along the Scioto River near Fifth Avenue, and Dysart Run on the city’s far-east side.
Scioto River-Fifth Avenue Preservation
The project will acquire a 1.5 acre parcel along the east bank of the Scioto River, near the intersection of Fifth Avenue and Dublin Road, 1 mile south of Griggs Reservoir. The site contains over 680’ of scenic riverbank, woods, floodplain, and upland, and will provide excellent potential future access for the public to the waterway. The 6 mile central segment of the Scioto River, from Griggs Dam to downtown is recognized as one of the city’s most populated, active, and high quality waterways in Central Ohio. This site is one of the few remaining parcels that can be permanently protected along this stretch. Acquiring the site provides substantial water quality benefits, urban forest protection, and future public access.
Dysart Run Protection Project
Dysart Run is located on the city’s far-east side, near Broad Street and Waggoner Road. The stream is a main tributary of Blacklick Creek, and this site is one of the largest remaining forested tracts in the entire Blacklick Creek watershed. The property contains 41.5 acres and is adjacent to a Recreation and Parks natural area along a ravine of Dysart Run, bringing the total protection zone to over 50 acres. The site is listed for sale as potential development land. Acquiring the property provides significant long term preservation of water quality, urban forest, wildlife habitat, and future development of walking paths for area residents.
Principal Parties:
Ohio Public Works Commission
65 East State Street, Suite 312
Columbus, OH 43215
Emergency Justification: An emergency is being requested for this authorization as it is required as part of the grant application, which is due March 15, 2019.
Benefits to the Public: Protection of the city’s high quality waterways, greenway corridors, ravines, and urban forests. Both projects are within rapidly urbanizing areas of the city, and preservation of key natural sites is one of the main missions of Recreation and Parks. Conservation of these sites proposed in this Clean Ohio project relies heavily upon outside funding assistance to achieve these benefits.
Community Input/Issues: During the past decade, residents in these communities, and the city at large, has expressed strong priority for more protected stream corridors, headwater tributaries, access to nature, walking paths, and urban forest conservation.
Area(s) Affected: West Scioto and Far East
Master Plan Relation: Protecting the environmental health and resilience of the city’s waterways; providing long term protection corridors for walking and biking and outdoor experiences. Improved and equitable access to trails and greenways.
Fiscal Impact: This ordinance requires $0.00 city of Columbus funds. If awarded the grant, future legislation will accept and appropriate the grant funds as well as the city match.
To authorize the Director of the Recreation and Parks Department to apply for grant funding from the Ohio Public Works Commission to acquire properties along the Scioto River and Dysart Run, and to provide the necessary match funds; and to declare an emergency. ($0.00)
WHEREAS, the Ohio Public Works Commission is accepting applications; and
WHEREAS, the Recreation and Parks Department wishes to apply for a grant to acquire properties along the Scioto River and Dysart Run, and to provide the necessary match funds; and
WHEREAS, future legislation would accept and appropriate the grant funds as well as identify a city match; and
WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the usual daily operation of the Recreation and Parks Department in that it is immediately necessary to authorize the Director to apply for said grant to meet application deadlines, all for the public, health, safety and welfare; NOW, THEREFORE
SECTION 1. That the Director of Recreation and Parks be and is hereby authorized and directed to apply for grant funding from the Ohio Public Works Commission to acquire properties along the Scioto River and Dysart Run, and to provide the necessary match funds.
SECTION 2. That this ordinance authorizes an application for the grant funds only and is not a commitment to expend city funds.
SECTION 3. That future legislation will follow to authorize acceptance, appropriation, and expenditure of funds.
SECTION 4. That the City of Columbus does agree to obligate the funds required to satisfactorily complete the proposed project and become eligible for reimbursement under the terms and conditions of the Ohio Public Works Commission.
SECTION 5. That for the reasons stated in the preamble hereto, which is hereby made a part hereof, this ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor, or 10 days after passage if the Mayor neither approves nor vetoes the same.