File #: 0717-2018    Version: 1
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 3/2/2018 In control: Public Utilities Committee
On agenda: 4/2/2018 Final action: 4/4/2018
Title: To authorize the Director of Public Utilities to renew the Specialty Maintenance Crafts Services contract with Righter Company, Inc., for the Department of Public Utilities; and to authorize the expenditure of $600,000.00 from the Sewerage System Operating Fund and $200,000.00 from the Electricity Operating Fund. ($800,000.00)
Attachments: 1. 0717-2018 Financial Coding, 2. 0717-2018 Information Form, 3. 0717-2018 Subcontractor Form



The Director of Public Utilities entered into a contract with Righter Company, Inc. to provide Specialty Maintenance Crafts for various Divisions of the Department of Public Utilities, FEM Project No. 0101.5.  This renewal No. 3 is to add additional funding for repairs at various locations of the Division of Sewerage and Drainage and the Division of Power.


The Department of Public Utilities advertised Request for Proposals (RFP's) for the subject services, in the City Bulletin in accordance with the relevant provisions of City Code Section 329 (SA005659).  Ninety-one (91) vendors (82 MAJ, 3 MBE, 6 M1A) were solicited and one (1) proposal (1 MAJ), from Righter Company, Inc., was received on December 4, 2014.  The proposal was reviewed based on quality and feasibility and Righter Company, Inc. was determined to be qualified to provide the services for the Specialty Maintenance Crafts project, for which the Director of Public Utilities and the Division of Sewerage and Drainage Administrator have concurred.  The original contract was for a period of one year with three (3) one year renewal options on a year-to-year basis upon mutual agreement, availability of funding, and Columbus City Council approval.  This is the 4th year of a four (4) year contract.  This contract renewal No. 3 will extend the contract through and including May 7, 2019.


The contract renewal will continue to provide Specialty Maintenance Crafts Services for the Department of Public Utilities facilities.  Anticipated DOSD work for this renewal includes repair of trench drains, paving repair at various facilities, and concrete restoration.  Anticipated DOP work for this renewal includes the repair and/or replacement of various components at substations.


SUPPLIER:  Righter Company, Inc. (31-0889208) Expires January 19, 2020

Righter Company, Inc. does not hold MBE/FBE status.


The company is not debarred according to the Excluded Party Listing System of the Federal Government or prohibited from being awarded a contract according to the Auditor of State Unresolved Findings for Recovery Certified Search. 


1.    Amount of additional funds:  Total amount of additional funds needed for this contract renewal No. 3 is $600,000.00 for the Division of Sewerage and Drainage, and $200,000.00 for the Division of Power, for a total contract renewal amount of ADD $800,000.00.  Total contract amount including this renewal is $2,800,000.00.


2.    Reason additional funds were not foreseen:  The need for additional funding was known at the time of the original contract.  The original legislation, under Ordinance No. 0480-2015, anticipated the contract would be funded incrementally with renewals on an approximate annual basis. It was also anticipated that if unforeseen issues or difficulties were encountered that would require additional funding, a modification would be requested.  This legislation is to encumber the funds budgeted for fiscal year 2018 that are necessary to complete work for the Department of Public Utilities at various facilities of the Divisions of Sewerage and Drainage and Power.


3.    Reason other procurement processes not used:  Work under this renewal is a continuation of services included in the scope of the original bid contract.  No lower pricing/more attractive terms and conditions are anticipated at this time.


4.    How was cost determined:  The cost, terms and conditions to provide Specialty Maintenance Services for DPU facility equipment and components are in accordance with the original agreement.


FISCAL IMPACT:  $600,000.00 was budgeted and is needed from within the Sewerage System Operating Fund, and $200,000.00 was budgeted and is needed from within the Electricity Operating Fund for these expenditures.


Prior Year Expenditures from Sewerage System Operating Fund

2017 - $350,166.81

2016 - $409,848.83


Prior Year Expenditures from Electricity Operating Fund

2017 - $262,109.93

2016 - $34,594.08




To authorize the Director of Public Utilities to renew the Specialty Maintenance Crafts Services contract with Righter Company, Inc., for the Department of Public Utilities; and to authorize the expenditure of $600,000.00 from the Sewerage System Operating Fund and $200,000.00 from the Electricity Operating Fund.  ($800,000.00)




WHEREAS, the Department of Public Utilities has a contract with Righter Company, Inc. for Specialty Maintenance Crafts Services, FEM Project No. 0101.5, and

WHEREAS, the original contract was for one (1) year through May 7, 2016 and upon mutual agreement and approval of Columbus City Council, this contract can be extended for three (3) additional years on a year-to-year basis, and


WHEREAS, the Department of Public Utilities wishes to renew EL016943 with Righter Company, Inc. for Specialty Maintenance Crafts Services to provide additional funding necessary for 2018, and to extend the contract through and including May 7, 2019, and


WHEREAS, the vendor has agreed to renew EL016943 at current prices and conditions, and it is in the best interest of the City to exercise this option, and

WHEREAS, this renewal is in accordance with the relevant provisions of Chapter 329 of City Code relating to contract renewals, and

WHEREAS, it has become necessary in the usual daily operation of the Department of Public Utilities, Division of Sewerage and Drainage, and Division of Power, to authorize the Director of Public Utilities to renew the current contract for Specialty Maintenance Crafts Services with Righter Company, Inc.; now, therefore



SECTION 1.  That the Director of Public Utilities be and is hereby authorized to renew Contract No. EL016943 with Righter Company, Inc., 2424 Harrison Road, Columbus, Ohio 43204, for Specialty Maintenance Crafts Services for the various Divisions of the Department of Public Utilities, FEM Project No. 0101.5, in accordance with the terms and conditions on file in the office of the Division of Sewerage and Drainage.  Total amount of renewal No. 3 is ADD $800,000.00.  Total contract amount including this renewal is $2,800,000.00.  This renewal will extend the contract through and including May 7, 2019.


SECTION 2.  That the expenditure of $800,000.00, or so much thereof as may be needed, is hereby authorized in Fund 6100 Sewerage System Operating Fund in object class 03 Services, in the amount of $600,000.00; and in Fund 6300 Electricity Operating Fund in object class 03 Services, in the amount of $200,000.00 per the accounting codes in the attachment to this ordinance.


SECTION 3.  That the funds necessary to carry out the purpose of this ordinance are hereby deemed appropriated, and the City Auditor shall establish such accounting codes as necessary.


SECTION 4.  That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law.