File #: 0331-2022    Version: 1
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 1/25/2022 In control: Public Service & Transportation Committee
On agenda: 2/28/2022 Final action: 3/2/2022
Title: To authorize the City Auditor to appropriate funds within the Federal Transportation Grants Fund; to authorize the City Auditor to transfer funds within the Federal Transportation Grants Fund; to authorize the City Auditor to transfer funds between the Federal Transportation Grants Fund and Streets and Highways Bonds Fund in connection with the Intersection Improvements - Livingston Avenue at Barnett Road project. ($200,030.41)
Attachments: 1. Ord. 0331-2022 G591805 legislation_revised 22.01.28.pdf



This ordinance authorizes the Director of Public Service to accept additional grant funding from the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) for the Intersection Improvements - Livingston Avenue at Barnett Road PID 98518 construction project.


Ordinance 3040-2018 authorized the Director of Public Service to enter into a contract with Shelly & Sands, Inc. for the construction of the Intersection Improvements - Livingston Avenue at Barnett Road PID 98518 and to provide for construction administration and inspection services in an amount up to $1,304,035.13, of which $719,969.59 was in grant funding from ODOT. 


An amendment to the grant agreement on January 15, 2019 with ODOT added additional construction dollars available for reimbursement to make the total reimbursable grant amount $920,000.00. The project was completed and reimbursements were submitted to ODOT for the full eligible amount of $920,000.00 and the same amount was paid to the City. 


This ordinance allows the Director of Public Service to accept the additional grant funding from ODOT so expenses can be transferred into grant number G591805 Livingston Ave at Barnett Rd 98518 in order to complete final accounting and close the grant out.  The total amount of grant funding from ODOT is $920,000.00 of which $200,030.41 needs to be appropriated.



Funds in the amount of $217,168.48 are available for transfer from Fund 7765, the Federal Transportation Grants Fund in G591805 (Livingston Ave at Barnett Rd 98518) to Fund 7704, the Streets and Highways Bond Fund, P530086-100031 (Intersection Improvements - Livingston Avenue at Barnett Road).  Funds in the amount of $200,030.41 need to be appropriated.



To authorize the City Auditor to appropriate funds within the Federal Transportation Grants Fund; to authorize the City Auditor to transfer funds within the Federal Transportation Grants Fund; to authorize the City Auditor to transfer funds between the Federal Transportation Grants Fund and Streets and Highways Bonds Fund in connection with the Intersection Improvements - Livingston Avenue at Barnett Road project. ($200,030.41)



WHEREAS, the City of Columbus Department of Public Service completed the Intersection Improvements - Livingston Avenue at Barnett Road project; and


WHEREAS, Federal Transportation Grant Funds were used to pay for a portion of this project; and


WHEREAS, there is a remaining cash balance in the Federal Transportation Grants Fund; and


WHEREAS, funds in the amount of $200,030.41 must be appropriated within the Federal Transportation Grants Fund, and


WHEREAS, it is necessary to authorize a transfer of funds within the Federal Transportation Grant Fund, Fund 7765; and


WHEREAS, it is necessary to authorize a transfer of funds and appropriation between the Federal Transportation Grant Fund, Fund 7765 and Streets and Highways Bond Fund, Fund 7704; and


WHEREAS, the remaining cash balance is to be transferred to the Intersection Improvements - Livingston Avenue at Barnett Road project from the Livingston Ave at Barnett Rd 98518 project; and


WHEREAS, it has become necessary in the usual daily operation of the Department of Public Service to authorize the City Auditor to appropriate funds within the Transportation Grants Fund; now, therefore




SECTION 1.  That from the unappropriated monies and from all monies estimated to come into said fund from any and all sources and unappropriated for any other purpose during the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022, the sum of $200,030.41 is appropriated in Fund 7765 (Federal Transportation Grants Fund), Dept-Div 5912 (Design and Construction), Project G591805 (Livingston Ave at Barnett Rd 98518), in Object Class 10 (Transfer Out) per the account codes in the attachment to this ordinance.


SECTION 2. That the transfer of $17,138.07, or so much thereof as may be needed, is hereby authorized within Fund 7765 (Federal Transportation Grants Fund), from Dept-Div 5912 (Design and Construction), Project G591805 (Livingston Ave at Barnett Rd 98518), Object Class 06 (Capital Outlay) to Dept-Div 5912 (Design and Construction), Project G591805 (Livingston Ave at Barnett Rd 98518), Object Class 10 (Transfer Out) per the account codes in the attachment to this ordinance.


SECTION 3.  That the City Auditor be and is hereby authorized to transfer $217,168.48 or so much thereof as may be needed, is hereby authorized from Fund 7765 (Federal Transportation Grants Fund), Dept-Div 5912 (Design and Construction), Project G591805 (Livingston Ave at Barnett Rd 98518), Object Class 10 (Transfer Out) to Fund 7704 (Streets and Highways Bond Fund), Dept-Div 5912 (Design and Construction), Project P530086-100031 (Intersection Improvements - Livingston Avenue at Barnett Road), Object Class 80 (Transfer In) per the account codes in the attachment to this ordinance.


SECTION 4.  That Funds are hereby deemed appropriated and expenditures and transfers authorized to carry out the purposes of this ordinance and the City Auditor shall establish such accounting codes as necessary.


SECTION 5.  That the City Auditor is authorized to make any accounting changes to revise the funding source for all contracts or contract modifications associated with this ordinance.


SECTION 6.  That the City Auditor is hereby authorized to transfer the unencumbered balance in a project account to the unallocated balance account within the same fund upon receipt of certification by the Director of the Department administering said project that the project has been completed and the monies are no longer required for said project.


SECTION 7.  That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period by law.