1. BACKGROUND: This legislation authorizes the Director of Public Utilities to enter into a professional engineering agreement with EMH&T for the Rickenbacker Area Sanitary Pump Station. This pump station (also known as SA-15) is located on the south side of Columbus off of London Groveport Road and is located at 2849 Rickenbacker Parkway West.
Proposed improvements to be investigated shall include, but are not limited to the following: upgrade or replacement of the existing overhead electrical service and associated electrical panels, addition of an electrical transfer switch and generator plug for the existing SMOC trailer mounted generator, and replacement of the existing sanitary pumps, pump well piping, guide rails, and pump controls due to the 20 plus year age of the currently installed system. Newer technology installed at other City pump stations has made the current system obsolete and the new systems are more reliable and easier to maintain and troubleshoot. The consultant shall prepare a design report for the City which contains cost estimates to update the existing equipment. Upon successful review of the report, the consultant will then prepare construction documents and plans to update the pumps and controls at this station.
An 'Arc Flash Hazard Analysis' report is required for all City maintained pump stations. The consultant will be tasked to provide an arc flash hazard analysis of their proposed design and include this information with their design report as referenced above. Additionally the City desires to add a SCADA system to provide real time control of all operational functions via the SCADA system to the Sewer Maintenance Operations Center. The consultant shall coordinate with City staff and the City's Instrumentation and Controls Consultant to investigate and recommend alternatives where installation of flow meters, advanced electronic measurement devices, or sensors would enhance system knowledge thru the SCADA system.
Additional information regarding the 'Arc Flash Hazard Analysis' system and the SCADA system can be found in the attached Director's Information Report.
2. PROJECT TIMELINES: The entire scope of work for CIP 650775 shall be completed within twelve months (with the exception of Tasks A9, A11, and A12) as indicated in Appendix A - Time Schedule following the Notice to Proceed. This time frame shall also include the following:
- 2 weeks for City review of letter report
- 1 month for City review of Draft (50%) Construction Plans
- 1.5 months for City Departmental review of Draft Final Construction Plans
- 1.5 months for City Departmental (compliance) review of Final Construction Plans
3. PROCUREMENT INFORMATION: The Division advertised Request for Proposals (RFP's) for the subject services in the City Bulletin in accordance with the provisions of Section 329.14 of Columbus City Codes. The Division of Sewerage and Drainage received proposals on October 18, 2013 from the following companies:
Name C.C. No. / Exp City/State TYPE
Dynotec 31-1319961 03/04/2015 Columbus, Ohio MBE
CCI 31-1390280 11/08/2014 Columbus, Ohio FBE
EMH&T 31-0685594 08/02/2015 Columbus, Ohio MAJ
4. These proposals were reviewed and ranked by a Professional Engineering Services Selection Committee in order to determine the consultant best qualified to provide the services for this project. The committee ranked the proposals on quality and feasibility. After careful consideration, the committee recommended that EMH&T be selected to provide the engineering services for this project.
5. CONTRACT COMPLIANCE NO.: 31-1319961 | Expires: Expires: 03/04/2015 | MAJ
Searches in the Excluded Party List System (Federal) and the Findings for Recovery list (State) produced no findings against EMH&T.
6. EMERGENCY DESIGNATION: Emergency designation is not requested at this time.
7. ECOMONIC IMPACT: This is a required project by our CMOM (Capacity Management Operations Maintenance) agreement with EPA as to the continued maintenance of our existing infrastructure.
8. FISCAL IMPACT: This ordinance authorizes the transfer with of $96,903.42 in funds and the expenditure of up to $196,903.42 from the Sanitary Sewer General Obligation Bond Fund, Fund 664 and an amendment to the 2013 Capital Improvements Budget.
To authorize the Director of Public Utilities to enter into an engineering agreement EMH&T for professional engineering services for the Rickenbacker Area Sanitary Pump Station (SA-15) Project; to authorize the transfer of $96,903.42 and the expenditure up to $196,903.42 from the Sanitary Sewer General Obligation Bond Fund for the Division of Sewerage and Drainage, and to amend the 2013 Capital Improvements Budget. ($196,903.42)
WHEREAS, the Division of Sewerage and Drainage, Department of Public Utilities, hereby requests this City Council to authorize the Director of Public Utilities to enter into an agreement for professional engineering services with EMH&T in the amount of $196,903.42 in order to provide engineering services for the for the Rickenbacker Area Sanitary Pump Station (SA-15) Project; and
WHEREAS, the procurement was conducted in accordance with the Request For Proposals (RFP) process set forth in Section 329.14, Columbus City Codes: three proposals were received and the Division determined EMH&T was qualified to provide the services for this project; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary to authorize the transfer of $96,903.42 and the expenditure of $196,903.42 from the Sanitary Sewer General Obligation Bond Fund, Fund 664 for purposes of providing authority and sufficient funding for the aforementioned project expenditure; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary for this Council to authorize the Director of Public Utilities to enter into a professional engineering agreement with EMH&T for the Rickenbacker Area Sanitary Pump Station ( SA-15) project; to authorize the transfer of $96,903.42 and the expenditure of $196,903.42 from the Sanitary Sewer General Obligation Bond Fund, Fund 664 for the aforementioned project at the earliest practical date; Now, Therefore:
SECTION 1. That the Director of Public Utilities be, and hereby is, authorized to enter into a professional engineering agreement with EMH&T, Inc., 5500 New Albany Road, Columbus, Ohio, 43054, in connection with Rickenbacker Area Sanitary Pump Station (SA-15) project, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract on file in the office of the Division of Sewerage and Drainage.
SECTION 2. That the City Auditor is hereby authorized to transfer $96,903.42 within the Department of Public Utilities, Division of Sewerage and Drainage | Dept. /Div. No. 60-05 | Sewerage and Drainage Sanitary Sewer General Obligation Bond Fund | Fund 664 | Object Level Three 6676, as follows:
Project No. | Project Name | OCA Code | Change
650739-100000 | Petzinger Rd Sanitary Improvements | 664739 | - $96,903.42
Project No. | Project Name | OCA Code | Change
650775-100000 | Rickenbacker Area Sanitary Pump Station | 664775 | +$96,903.42
SECTION 3. That the Director of Public Utilities be and hereby is authorized to expend up to a total of $196,903.42 in the following manner:
Div. 60-05| Fund 664 | 650775-100000 | Rickenbacker Area Sanitary Pump Station | Object Level Three 6676 | 664775 | $196,903.42
SECTION 4. That the 2013 Capital Improvements Budget Ordinance No. 0645-2013 is hereby amended as follows, to provide sufficient budget authority for the Capital Improvement Projects listed herein:
Fund No. | Proj. No. | Proj. Name | Current Authority | Revised Authority | (Change)
650739-100000 | Petzinger Rd Sanitary Improvements | $103,860 | $6956 | (-$96,904)
650775-100000 | Rickenbacker Area Sanitary Pump Station | $100,000 | $196,904 | (+$96,904)
SECTION 5. That the said engineering firm, EMH&T, shall perform the work to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Utilities and the Administrator of the Division of Sewerage and Drainage.
SECTION 6. That the funds necessary to carry out the purpose of this Ordinance are hereby deemed appropriated, and the City Auditor shall establish such accounting codes as necessary.
SECTION 7. That the City Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to transfer any unencumbered balance in the project account to the unallocated balance within the same fund upon receipt of certification by the Director of the Department administering said project that the project has been completed and the monies no longer required for said project; except that no transfer shall be made from a project account by monies from more than one source.
SECTION 8. That the City Auditor is authorized to establish proper project accounting numbers as appropriate.
SECTION 9. That the City Auditor is authorized to make any accounting changes to revise the funding source for all contracts or contract modifications associated with this Ordinance.
SECTION 10. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law.