The Columbus Department of Building and Zoning Services is the agency that is certified by the Ohio Board of Building Standards to enforce all provisions of Chapters 3781 and 3791 of the Ohio Revised Code and the rules of the board. The Ohio Building Code, also known as the OBC, is incorporated into the Columbus Building Code, through Columbus City Codes Chapter 4103.
Following the provisions of Chapter 17 of the OBC, the Chief Building Official of a certified agency may allow for the creation of minimum qualifications for Special Inspectors, review the qualifications of the Special Inspectors, maintain a posted, approved list of qualified Special Inspectors, hear complaints against Special Inspectors, and suspend/revoke a Special Inspector from the approved list. It has been determined that these duties should be handled by the Columbus Building Commission, which is comprised of a practicing architect, a general building contractor, a house builder, a structural engineer, a mechanical engineer, a representative of building labor, and a representative of building material supplies;
A Public Hearing was held before the Columbus Building Commission on April 19, 2022, whereupon the Building Commission voted to amend City Code Chapters 4107 and 4114 relating to Special Inspector qualifications and recommended this proposed Ordinance be forwarded to the Columbus City Council for adoption.
FISCAL IMPACT: No funding is required for this legislation.
To amend various sections in Chapters 4101, 4107, and 4114 of Title 41 of the Columbus City Codes, entitled “Building Code,” in order to provide for the creation and administration of Special Inspectors as provided for under Chapter 17 of the Ohio Building Code.
WHEREAS, the Department of Building and Zoning Services is the agency that is certified by the Ohio Board of Building Standards to enforce provisions of the rules of the Board, Chapters 3781 and 3791 of the Ohio Revised Code and of Chapter 4101:1-17-01 and section 1704 of the Ohio Administrative Code relating to special inspector qualifications; and
WHEREAS, the Ohio Building Code, known as “OBC”, allows the Chief Building Official of a certified department to create minimum qualifications for special inspectors, review the qualifications and approve or deny requests; and
WHEREAS, this code change places this authority with the Columbus Building Commission, comprised of a practicing architect, a general building contractor, a house builder, a structural engineer, a mechanical engineer, a representative of building labor, and a representative of building material supplies; and
WHEREAS, the Chief Building Official, also known as the CBO, acts as secretary to the Columbus Building Commission; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary to amend various sections in Chapters 4101, 4107, and 4114 of Title 41 of the Columbus City Codes, entitled “Building Code,” in order to provide for the creation and administration of Special Inspectors as provided for under Chapter 17 of the Ohio Building Code; and
WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held before the Columbus Building Commission on April 19, 2022, whereupon the Building Commission voted to recommend this proposed Ordinance be forwarded to the Columbus City Council for adoption; NOW, THEREFORE,
(See ORD1207-2022 Attachment)