File #: 0301-2023    Version: 1
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 1/23/2023 In control: Public Safety Committee
On agenda: 2/13/2023 Final action: 2/15/2023
Title: To authorize the Public Safety Director to modify the contract with ShotSpotter, Inc. to expand the current coverage area of the gunfire detection, alert and analysis program by 0.64 square miles to include but not limited to the Wedgewood Village Apartments; to authorize the expenditure of $44,800.00 from the General Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($44,800.00)
Attachments: 1. ShotSpotter 2023-Modification #5.pdf



BACKGROUND:  This legislation authorizes the Public Safety Director to modify the current contract with ShotSpotter, Inc. by expanding the city's existing coverage area by an additional 0.64 square miles to include but not limited to the Wedgewood Village Apartments. The Department has deployed technology commonly known as ShotSpotter, a subscription based service that involves the installation of a gunfire sensor network in areas identified by the City. These sensors connect to a cloud-based data center infrastructure, providing a 24/7/365 gunfire monitoring service within a current twelve (12) square-mile radius of the installed sensor infrastructure. This ordinance will expand the twelve square-mile radius by additional 0.64 square miles.

In addition to gunfire detection, the ShotSpotter service will notify law enforcement agencies of gunfire incidents and direct them to the precise location of illegal gunfire. The service also offers the capability to instantly notify officers of shootings in progress with real-time data delivered to dispatch officers, patrol cars, and smart phones. The alerts are intended to improve police response to incidents of gunfire, enhance officer safety, speed aid to victims, assist in investigations and the collection of evidence, and ultimately, the apprehension of dangerous offenders.

This is a planned modification that is a continuation of existing services. The original contract for services dated October 4, 2018 was established by ordinance 2151-2018 for $685,000, by waiving competitive bidding provisions of the Columbus City Code. Modification No 1 authorized via Ordinance 1218-2020 was for only 6 months for existing locations because of ongoing discussions for expansion that had not yet concluded. Modification, number two, was to extend the existing contract for eighteen months for $922,215.00 and to increase the coverage area for one year for $210,000. Previously established subscription price through negotiations was used for the cost of this modification. The third modification was to renew the services in the 9 mile radius for a year in the amount of $630,000.00.  Modification No 4 was to renew services in the 12 mile radius for a year in the amount of $840,000.00.  This Modification is to increase the coverage area by additional 0.64 square miles for $44,800.00. This modification also authorizes a 36 month contract with annual funding contingent upon the approval each year of the three-year contract by City Council and the Auditor's certification of funds.


Because of the established relationship with this contractor and the fact that they have technology in place at the required locations to interface with Columbus police equipment, it is not practical to bid out this service and incur start-up fees and a break in coverage.


Original Contract Amount = $685,000.00

Modification No 1 - $256,333.56

Modification No 2 - (Includes expansion and longer contracting period) $1,132,215.00

Modification No 3 - $630,000.00

Modification No 4 - $840,000.00

Modification No 5 - $44,800.00

Contract amount including all modifications. $3,588,348.56


Fiscal Impact:  This legislation authorizes an expenditure of $44,800.00 from the General Fund with ShotSpotter, Inc. for the modification of a gunfire location, alert, and analysis system. These funds are available within the 2023 General Fund budget. $685,000.00 was encumbered in 2018 and spent in 2019, $1,388,548.56 was encumbered in 2020 and spent in 2020 and 2021 $630,000.00 was encumbered and spent in 2021-2022. This ordinance is contingent upon the passage of the 2023 City of Columbus operating budget by City Council.


To authorize the Public Safety Director to modify the contract with ShotSpotter, Inc. to expand the current coverage area of the gunfire detection, alert and analysis program by 0.64 square miles to include but not limited to the Wedgewood Village Apartments; to authorize the expenditure of $44,800.00 from the General Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($44,800.00)




WHEREAS, the Department of Public Safety has determined to continue the use of the gunfire detection, alert, and analysis service to assist law enforcement responding to incidents of gunfire in Columbus neighborhoods; and,

WHEREAS, the Department of Public Safety needs to modify the current contract to continue and expand the services with the system for 36 months with annual funding contingent upon approval each year of the three-year contract by City Council and the Auditor's certification of funds; and,

WHEREAS, this expansion will include but is not limited to the Wedgewood Village Apartments within the City of Columbus; and

WHEREAS, because of the established relationship with this contractor and the fact that they have technology in place at the required locations to interface with Columbus police equipment, it is not practical to bid out this service and incur start-up fees and break in coverage; and

WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the usual daily operation of the Department of Public Safety, in that it is immediately necessary to authorize the Director to modify the existing contract with  ShotSpotter Inc. by expanding the coverage area and allow protective services to begin in the designated area as soon as possible, thereby preserving the public health, peace, property, safety, and welfare; now, therefore



SECTION 1.  That the Director of Public Safety is hereby authorized to modify the existing contract with  ShotSpotter Inc. by increasing the coverage area by 0.64 square miles for a period of 36 months with annual funding contingent upon approval each year of the three year contract by City Council and the Auditor's certification of funds.


SECTION 2.  That the funds necessary to carry out the purpose of this ordinance are hereby deemed appropriated, and the City Auditor shall establish such accounting codes as necessary.


SECTION 3.  That the City Auditor is authorized to make any accounting changes to revise the funding source for all contracts or contract modifications associated with this ordinance.


SECTION 4.  That the expenditure of $44,800.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby authorized from the General Fund 1000-100010, per the accounting codes in the attachment to this ordinance.


SECTION 5.  That for the reasons stated in the preamble hereto, which is hereby made a part hereof, this ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor, or ten days after passage if the Mayor neither approves nor vetoes the same.