File #: 3046-2021    Version: 1
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 11/12/2021 In control: Finance Committee
On agenda: 12/6/2021 Final action: 12/8/2021
Title: To amend the 2021 Capital Improvement Budget; to authorize the transfer of $500,000.00 between projects within the Safety Voted Bond Fund; to authorize the Director of Finance and Management to enter into contract, on behalf of the Office of Construction Management and the Department of Public Safety, with Roberts Service Group, Inc. for a Construction Services - Task Order Basis contract; to authorize the expenditure of $500,000.00 from the Construction Management Capital Improvement Fund; to authorize the expenditure of $500,000.00 from the Public Safety Voted Bond Fund; to authorize the appropriation and expenditure of $175,000.00 from the Law Enforcement Contraband Seizure Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($1,175,000.00)
Attachments: 1. Construction Blanket Funding.pdf


BACKGROUND:  This legislation authorizes the Finance and Management Director to enter into a contract on behalf of the Office of Construction Management and the Department of Public Safety with Roberts Service Group, Inc. in an amount up to $1,175,000.00 for Construction Services - Task Order Basis contract. This would include but not limited to small-scale renovation projects for City facilities that may include electrical, plumbing, concrete/asphalt replacement, roof renovations, HVAC replacement, fire suppression systems, and window and door installation.


The Department of Finance and Management (DOFM) initiated a procurement effort that will result in the award and execution of a contract for small-scale renovation projects completed on a task order basis.  The intent of the contract is to provide the Office of Construction Management with contractual resources to respond to needs quickly, as well as provide technical expertise to implement projects for various City of Columbus departments. 


The Department of Finance and Management, on behalf of the Office of Construction Management and Department of Public Safety, solicited Requests for Proposals for the Construction Services - Task Order Basis contract.  The project was formally advertised on the Vendor Services website. On October 8, 2021 the city received four (4) responses (0 FBE, 0 MBE, 2 WBE) as listed. All proposals were deemed responsive and were fully evaluated by the Evaluation Committee: 




BOMAR Construction Co., Inc.

Grove City


Elford, Inc.



Roberts Service Group, Inc.



Setterlin Building Company




Roberts Service Group, Inc. received the highest score by the evaluation committee and therefore the Office of Construction Management is recommending the contract award to Roberts Service Group, Inc.


The contract compliance number for Roberts Service Group, Inc. is 31-0858835 and it expires on June 30, 2023.


Emergency action is requested so that necessary small-scale renovation projects can be implemented immediately.


Fiscal Impact: This ordinance authorizes the expenditure of $500,000.00 from the Construction Management Capital Improvement Fund, $500,000.00 from the Public Safety Voted Bond Fund, and the appropriation and expenditure of $175,000.00 from the Law Enforcement Contraband Seizure Fund with Roberts Service Group, Inc. for small-scale Construction Services for various City of Columbus departments.



To amend the 2021 Capital Improvement Budget; to authorize the transfer of $500,000.00 between projects within the Safety Voted Bond Fund; to authorize the Director of Finance and Management to enter into contract, on behalf of the Office of Construction Management and the Department of Public Safety, with Roberts Service Group, Inc. for a Construction Services - Task Order Basis contract; to authorize the expenditure of $500,000.00 from the Construction Management Capital Improvement Fund; to authorize the expenditure of $500,000.00 from the Public Safety Voted Bond Fund; to authorize the appropriation and expenditure of $175,000.00 from the Law Enforcement Contraband Seizure Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($1,175,000.00)



WHEREAS, the Finance and Management Department, on behalf of the Office of Construction Management and the Department of Public Safety desires to enter into a contract for a Construction Services - Task Order Basis contract for small-scale renovation projects at various City of Columbus departments; and

WHEREAS, the Department of Finance and Management solicited Requests for Proposals (RFP's) for small-scale construction services and the City received four bids on October 8, 2021; and

WHEREAS, four firms submitted bids and Roberts Service Group, Inc. achieved the highest score from the evaluation committee; and


WHEREAS, the Department of Public Safety has approved the use of the Law Enforcement Contraband Seizure Funds for a Construction Services - Task Order Basis contract for small-scale renovation projects at various City of Columbus departments; and


WHEREAS, this contract will focus on small-scale renovation projects that may include electrical, plumbing, concrete/asphalt replacement, roof renovations, HVAC replacement, fire suppression systems, and window and door installation for various City departments; and


WHEREAS, it is necessary to authorize the expenditure of $500,000.00 from the Construction Management Capital Improvement Fund, $500,000.00 from the Public Safety Voted Bond Fund, and $175,000.00 from the Law Enforcement Contraband Seizure Fund; and


WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the usual daily operation of the Department of Finance and Management, Office of Construction Management, in that it is immediately necessary to authorize the Director to enter into a contract with Roberts Service Group, Inc. so that small-scale renovation projects can proceed on behalf of City departments without delay; now, therefore:


SECTION 1. That the 2021 Capital Improvement Budget authorized by ordinance 2707-2021 be amended as follows to establish sufficient authority for this project:

Fund 7701

Project Name / Project Number / Current Authority / Revised Authority/Difference

30-03 Police Facility Renovation / P330021-100000 / $682,688 /$182,688 / ($500,000)

Professional Arch Svcs / P310004-100000 / $0 /$500,000/ $500,000

Fire Generators (Voted Carryover) / P340134-100000/ $57,798  /  $7,798 / ($50,000)

Fire Equipment (Voted Carryover) / P340123-100000/  $0  / $50,000 / $50,000

Fund 7733

Project Name / Project Number / Current Authority / Revised Authority/Difference

Facility Renovations Various / P570030-100120-100000 / $1,377,198 /$877,198 / ($500,000)

Construction Management - Project Management/ P570030-100209/ $0 /$500,000/ $500,000

SECTION 2.  That the Finance and Management Director is hereby authorized to enter into a contract, on behalf of the Office of Construction Management and the Department of Public Safety, with Roberts Service Group, Inc. for small-scale Construction Services.

SECTION 3.  That the expenditure of $500,000.00, or so much thereof that may be necessary in regards to the action authorized in SECTION 1, is hereby authorized in the Construction Management Capital Improvement Fund 7733, in Object Class 06 - Capital Outlay, per the accounting codes in the attachment to this ordinance. 


SECTION 4.  That the expenditure of $500,000.00, or so much thereof that may be necessary in regards to the action authorized in SECTION 1, is hereby authorized in the Public Safety Voted Bond Fund 7701, in Object Class 06 - Capital Outlay, per the accounting codes in the attachment to this ordinance. 


SECTION 5. That the appropriation and expenditure of $175,000.00, or so much thereof that may be necessary in regards to the action authorized in SECTION 1, is hereby authorized in the Law Enforcement Contraband Seizure Fund 2219, in Object Class 06 - Services, per the accounting codes in the attachment to this ordinance. 


SECTION 6. That the monies in the foregoing Sections shall be paid upon order of the Director of Finance and Management, and that no order shall be drawn or money paid except by voucher, the form of which shall be approved by the City Auditor.


SECTION 7.  That the funds necessary to carry out the purpose of this ordinance are hereby deemed appropriated, and the City Auditor shall establish such accounting codes as necessary.


SECTION 8.  That the City Auditor is authorized to make any accounting changes to revise the funding source for all contracts or contract modifications associated with this ordinance.


SECTION 9. That the City Auditor is hereby authorized to transfer the unencumbered balance in a project account to the unallocated balance account within the same fund upon receipt of certification by the Director of the Department administering said project that the project has been completed and the monies are no longer required for said project.


SECTION 10.  That for the reasons stated in the preamble hereto, where is hereby made a part hereof, this Ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure, which shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor, or ten days after passage if the Mayor neither approves nor vetoes the same.