1.0 BACKGROUND: This legislation authorizes the Director of Public Utilities to modify and increase the 2017 - 2019 Construction Administration and Inspection Services Agreement with PRIME AE Group, Inc. Funding for this modification will be for the following Division of Water projects:
1. Arcadia Avenue Area Water Line Improvements (CIP 690236-100069, C-2046); Planning area - Near North / University and North Linden (see project map)
2. 910 Dublin Road - Shower Room Renovations (CIP 690573-100000, C-2200); Planning area - West Olentangy
1.1. Amount of additional funds to be expended: $534,997.97
Original Agreement Amount: $ 547,217.50 (PO060735 & PO060753)
Modification 1: $ 65,977.17 (PO078653)
Modification 2: $ 32,806.63 (PO086718)
Modification 3 (current): $ 534,997.97
Total (Orig. + Mods. 1 - 3) $1,180,999.27
1.2. Reasons additional goods/services could not be foreseen:
This is a three-year agreement for fiscal years 2017-2019 and modifications were anticipated and explained in the original legislation under Ordinance No. 0838-2017, Modification No. 1 under Ordinance No. 1747-2017, and in Modification No. 2 under Ordinance No. 2170-2017.
1.3. Reason other procurement processes are not used:
Terms under the original Request for Proposal (RFP) indicated three firms were to provide Construction Administration and Inspection Services for projects in 2017, 2018, and 2019. The procurement process for selecting PRIME AE Group, Inc. was explained in Ordinance No. 0838-2017.
1.4. How cost of modification was determined:
Cost proposals were provided by PRIME AE Group, Inc., reviewed by the Division of Water, and deemed acceptable.
2.0 ECONOMIC IMPACT/ADVANTAGES; COMMUNITY OUTREACH; PROJECT DEVELOPMENT; ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS/ADVANTAGES OF PROJECT: The goal of the water line project is to replace or rehabilitate the existing 6-inch, 8-inch, and 12-inch water lines that have a high break frequency. Replacement of these water lines will improve water service, decrease burden on water maintenance operations, and reduce water loss. The Neighborhood Liaison(s) will be contacted and informed of this project during the design phase. Further community outreach may result through the Neighborhood Liaison Program.
The 910 Dublin Road - Shower Room Renovations project will provide for renovations to the shower and toilet rooms at 910 Dublin Road. These showers and toilets are utilized by the Water Distribution Maintenance staff and are adjacent to the locker rooms. The fixtures in 910 Dublin Road Shower Room were originally installed in 1982 and are outdated and at the end of their useful life. Renovating the shower and toilet rooms will allow installation of ADA compliant and energy efficient upgrades. As this renovation is being performed in a work area not accessible to the public no community outreach or input on the project was sought.
3.0 FUTURE MODIFICATION(S): The original agreement was established for projects commencing 2017 through 2019. Future modifications are anticipated, but unknown at this time.
4.0 CONTRACT COMPLIANCE INFO: 26-0546656 | ASN | Expires 10/4/18, DAX Vendor No. 002102.
Searches in the Excluded Party List System (Federal) and the Findings for Recovery list (State) produced no findings against PRIME AE Group, Inc.
5.0 EMERGENCY DESIGNATION: It is requested that this Ordinance be handled in an emergency manner in order to meet the projects’ timeline and deliverables schedules.
6.0 FISCAL IMPACT: A transfer of funds is needed within the Water G.O. Bonds Funds as well as an amendment to the 2018 Capital Improvements Budget.
To authorize the Director of Public Utilities to execute a planned modification of the 2017 - 2019 Construction Administration and Inspection Services Agreement with PRIME AE Group, Inc., for the Division of Water’s Arcadia Avenue Area Water Line Improvements and 910 Dublin Road - Shower Room Renovations Projects, to authorize a transfer and expenditure up to $534,997.97 within the Water General Obligations Bond Fund; to authorize an amendment to the 2018 Capital Improvements Budget; and to declare an emergency. ($534,997.97)
WHEREAS, original contract numbers PO060735 and PO060753, for a grand total of $547,217.50 were authorized by Ordinance No. 0838-2017, passed May 1, 2017, were executed on May 2, 2017, and was approved by the City Attorney on May 5, 2017 for the 2017 - 2019 Construction Administration and Inspection Services Agreement, for two Division of Water projects; and
WHEREAS, Contract Modification No. 1 PO078653 to Contract No’s PO060735 and PO060753, was authorized by Ordinance No. 1747-2017, passed July 24, 2017, for the Division of Power’s Southeast Lions Park and Livingston Avenue Street Lighting Improvements Projects; and
WHEREAS, Contract Modification No. 2 PO086718 to Contract No’s PO060735 and PO060753, was authorized by Ordinance No. 2170-2017, passed September 18, 2017, for the Division of Power’s McCutcheon Road Street Lighting Improvements; and
WHEREAS, Modification No. 3 is needed to provide Construction Administration and Inspection Services for the Division of Water’s Arcadia Avenue Area Water Line Improvements and 910 Dublin Road - Shower Room Renovations Projects; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary to authorize the Director of the Department of Public Utilities to execute a contract modification for the Department of Public Utilities’s 2017 - 2019 Construction Administration and Inspection Services Agreement, to provide funding for the Division of Water’s Arcadia Avenue Area Water Line Improvements and 910 Dublin Road - Shower Room Renovations Projects, with PRIME AE Group, Inc.; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary to authorize a transfer and expenditure of funds within the Water G.O. Bonds Fund; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary to authorize an amendment to the 2018 Capital Improvements Budget for the purpose of providing sufficient spending authority for the aforementioned project expenditure; and
WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the usual daily operation of the Department of Public Utilities, Division of Water, in that it is immediately necessary to authorize the Director to modify and increase the 2017 - 2019 Construction Administration and Inspection Services Agreement with PRIME AE Group, Inc. for the Division of Water’s Arcadia Avenue Area Water Line Improvements and 910 Dublin Road - Shower Room Renovations Projects, in an emergency manner in order to meet the projects’ timeline and deliverables schedules; for the preservation of the public health, peace, property, safety, and welfare; Now, therefore:
SECTION 1. That the Director of Public Utilities is hereby authorized to modify and increase the 2017 - 2019 Construction Administration and Inspection Services Agreement with PRIME AE Group, Inc., (FID# 26-0546656); in the amount of $534,997.97 for the Division of Water’s Arcadia Avenue Area Water Line Improvements and 910 Dublin Road - Shower Room Renovations Projects, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract on file in the offices of the Division of Water.
SECTION 2. That the expenditure of $534,997.97 or so much thereof as may be needed, is hereby authorized in Fund 6006 - Water G.O. Bonds Fund in Object Class 06 - Capital Outlay, per the accounting codes in the attachment to this ordinance.
SECTION 3. That the 2018 Capital Improvements Budget is hereby amended, within Fund 6006 - Water G.O. Bond Fund, per the accounting codes in the attachment to this ordinance.
SECTION 4. That the funds necessary to carry out the purpose of this Ordinance are hereby deemed appropriated, and the City Auditor shall establish such accounting codes as necessary.
SECTION 5. That the City Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to transfer any unencumbered balance in the project account to the unallocated balance within the same fund upon receipt of certification by the Director of the Department administering said project that the project has been completed and the monies no longer required for said project; except that no transfer shall be made from a project account by monies from more than one source.
SECTION 6. That the City Auditor is authorized to establish proper project accounting numbers as appropriate.
SECTION 7. That the City Auditor is authorized to make any accounting changes to revise the funding source for all contracts or contract modifications associated with this Ordinance.
SECTION 8. That for reasons stated in the preamble hereto, which is hereby made a part hereof, this Ordinance is declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor, or ten days after passage if the Mayor neither approves nor vetoes the same.