File #: 2079-2024    Version: 1
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 7/5/2024 In control: Zoning Committee
On agenda: 7/22/2024 Final action: 7/24/2024
Title: To rezone 1834 SULLIVANT AVE. (43223), being 4.03± acres located at the northwest corner of Sullivant Avenue and Townsend Avenue, From: AR-1, Apartment Residential District and R, Rural District, To: CPD, Commercial Planned Development District (Rezoning #Z23-071).
Attachments: 1. ORD2079-2024.Attachments, 2. ORD2079-2024.Labels



Rezoning Application Z23-071


APPLICANT:  Bhakti Bania; 326 South High Street; Columbus, OH 43215.                     


PROPOSED USE:  Police substation.






CITY DEPARTMENTS' RECOMMENDATION:  Approval. The site consists of one undeveloped parcel in the AR-1, Apartment Residential and R, Rural districts. The requested CPD, Commercial Planned Development District will allow the development of a police substation. The CPD text establishes use restrictions and includes supplemental development standards that address building and parking setbacks, required parking, and site access. Additionally the text includes commitments to develop the site in accordance with the submitted site plan and building elevations. The site is within boundaries of the Hilltop Land Use Plan (2019), which recommends “Institutional” land uses for this location. The Plan also includes the complete adoption of Columbus Citywide Planning Policies (C2P2) Design Guidelines (2018). The proposal will not introduce an incompatible use to the area, and is consistent with the Plan’s “Institutional” land use recommendation. The submitted building elevations are also consistent with C2P2 Design Guidelines.




To rezone 1834 SULLIVANT AVE. (43223), being 4.03± acres located at the northwest corner of Sullivant Avenue and Townsend Avenue, From: AR-1, Apartment Residential District and R, Rural District, To: CPD, Commercial Planned Development District (Rezoning #Z23-071).




WHEREAS, application #Z23-071 is on file with the Department of Building and Zoning Services requesting rezoning of 4.03± acres from AR-1, Apartment Residential District and R, Rural District, to CPD, Commercial Planned Development District; and


WHEREAS, the Development Commission recommends approval of said zoning change; and


WHEREAS, the Greater Hilltop Area Commission recommends approval of said zoning change; and


WHEREAS, the City Departments recommend approval of said zoning change because the requested CPD, Commercial Planned Development District is consistent with the Hilltop Land Use Plan’s recommendation of “Institutional” land uses, and includes site design consistent with C2P2 Design Guidelines; now, therefore:




SECTION 1.  That the Official Zoning Map of the City of Columbus, as adopted by Ordinance No. 0179 -03, passed February 24, 2003, and as subsequently amended, is hereby revised by changing the zoning of the property as follows:


1834 SULLIVANT AVE. (43223), being 4.03± acres located at the northwest corner of Sullivant Avenue and Townsend Avenue, and being more particularly described as follows:


Situated in the State of Ohio, County of Franklin, City of Columbus, being part of Virginia Military Survey No. 2666, part of Lot 1 of M.L Sullivant’s Land Plat, as the same is numbered and delineated upon the recorded plat thereof, of record in Plat Book 11, Page 21, Franklin County Recorder’s Office, and part of the 24 Acres and 123 Poles conveyed to the Trustees of Ohio State Asylum for Idiots as shown in the record in Deed Book 103, Page 174 and being more particularly described as follows:


Beginning at a mag nail with spangle set being the southeast corner of Lot 16 of Buckingham Heights (P.B. 14, Page 4), being thirty (30) feet north of the centerline of Sullivant Avenue (60’ wide) and being on the west line of said Lot 1;


Thence, along part of the west line of said Lot 1, along the east line of said Lot 16 and along the east line of a sixteen (16) foot wide Alley as shown on said Buckingham Heights, North 03° 56’ 07” West, 450.00 feet to a point, said point being referenced by an iron pipe set North 76° 37’ 57” East, 5.00 feet therefrom;


Thence, across said Lot 1 the following four (4) courses:


North 75° 37’ 57” East, 303.18 feet to a set iron pipe (passing said reference iron pipe at 5.00 feet),


South 06° 54’ 31” East, 276.20 feet to a set iron pipe;


North 81° 51’ 28” East, 221.46 feet to a set iron pipe;


South 07° 49’ 00” East, 150.00 feet to a point on the north right of way line of said Sullivant Avenue, passing an iron pipe set for reference at 145 feet;


Thence, across said Lot 1, along the north right of way line of said Sullivant Avenue, South 76° 37’ 57” West, 551.88 feet to the place of beginning CONTAINING 4.029 ACRES (175,491SF). Iron pipes are set 30” x 1” O.D with a plastic plug inscribed “MEYERS P.S. 6579” unless otherwise noted. The bearings are based on the Ohio State Plane Coordinate System, South Zone, NAD 83 (NSRS 2911 Adjustment). Said bearings were derived from GPS Observations of selected stations in Ohio Department of Transportation Virtual Reference Station Network. The north right of way line for Sullivant Avenue, between the monuments shown hereon, have a bearing of South 76° 37’ 57” West, is designated as the basis of bearings for this survey.                     


To Rezone From:  AR-1, Apartment Residential District and R, Rural District,


To:  CPD, Commercial Planned Development District.


SECTION 2.  That a Height District of thirty-five (35) feet is hereby established on the CPD, Commercial Planned Development District on this property.


SECTION 3.  That the Director of the Department of Building and Zoning Services be, and is hereby authorized and directed to make the said change on the said original zoning map and shall register a copy of the approved CPD, Commercial Planned Development District and Application among the records of the Department of Building and Zoning Services as required by Section 3311.12 of the Columbus City Codes; said site plan being titled, “SITE PLAN,” dated June 26, 2024, signed by Matt Baxendell, Engineer for the Applicant, and building elevations titled, “BUILDING ELEVATIONS - SHEETS A-300 & A-301,” dated June 27, 2024, and text titled, “DEVELOPMENT TEXT,” dated June 5, 2024, both signed by Bhakti Bania, Applicant, and the text reading as follows:





PROPOSED ZONING: CPD, Commercial Planned Development District

PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1860 Sullivant Ave.; Columbus, Ohio 43223

ACREAGE: +/- 4.029 Acres

PARCEL: 010-308998

APPLICANT: BBCO, 326 S. High Street; Columbus, OH 43215

OWNER: City of Columbus, 90 W. Broad Street; Columbus, OH 43215

DATE OF TEXT: June 5, 2024


I. INTRODUCTION: The subject property (“Site”) is approximately 4.029 acres and located on the north side of Sullivant Avenue and about 184 feet east of Columbian Avenue. The Site is currently zoned for Rural and AR-1 use.


The Applicant proposes to rezone the Site to CPD, Commercial Planned Development District. The rezoning will permit, subject to this zoning text, construction of a City of Columbus Police Substation. The building will house 1 Precinct, a Detective Unit, and the Community Response Team (CRT) Unit.


II. PERMITTED USES: The current intended use for the subject site shall be a police substation and supporting parking lots. Other permitted uses shall include the uses of Section 3353.03, C-2 Permitted Uses.


III. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: Unless otherwise indicated on the Site Plan or in this written text, the applicable development standards shall be those standards contained in Chapter 3353 of the Columbus City Code.


A. Density, Height, Lot and/or Setback Requirements:


1. Building setback along Sullivant Avenue shall be a minimum of 40 feet.


2. The minimum parking setback shall be 15 feet from the Sullivant Avenue right-of-way.


B. Access, Loading, Parking, and/or Other Traffic Related Commitments:


1. There shall be two access points along Sullivant Avenue as shown on the attached Site Plan unless otherwise approved by the Department of Public Service.


2. Parking shall be provided as indicated on the attached Site Plan and calculations below.


Minimum Spaces Required:

Non-Assembly (12,325 sf) 25 spaces min.

Assembly Use (1,086 sf) 37 spaces min.

62 total spaces required


Provided Spaces:

Visitor Parking 28 spaces (includes 2 accessible spaces)

Cruiser & Secure Parking 92 spaces (includes 3 accessible spaces)

120 total spaces provided


C. Buffering, Landscaping, Open Space and/or Screening Commitments:


The location of landscaping on the submitted site plan is generally shown. Final details will be determined during site compliance.


D. Building, Design and/or Interior-Exterior Treatment Commitments:


The building’s design will conform to the submitted building elevations. See miscellaneous commitments below.


E. Dumpsters, Lighting, Outdoor Areas and/or Other Environmental Commitments:




F. Graphic and Signage Commitments:


Graphics on the Site will comply with the Graphics Code, Article 15, Title 33 of the Columbus City Code as it applies to the C-2 Commercial District. Variances to the sign requirements shall be submitted to the Columbus Graphics Commission or master graphic plan for the Site may be submitted to the Columbus Graphics Commission for consideration.


G. CPD Criteria:


1. Natural Environment. The Site is approximately 4.029 acres and the north side of Sullivant Avenue and about 184 feet east of Columbian Avenue. The site is currently vacant except for an existing garage on the east side of the parcel.


2. Existing Land Use. The Site is currently zoned for Rural and AR-1 use.


3. Circulation. Access to and from the site is via Sullivant Avenue. The access and internal circuity shall be as shown in the submitted CPD Site Plan.


4. Visual Form of the Environment. The neighborhood is predominantly residential use and the visual form of the environment is that of a residential district. To the east of the property is a State of Ohio owned facility.


5. View and Visibility. The Site can be viewed from Sullivant Avenue.


6. Proposed Development. Police Substation.


7. Behavior Patterns. This rezoning will not significantly alter the existing behavior patterns for the property, or for its surroundings.


8. Emission. No adverse effect from emissions shall result from the proposed development.


H. Modification of Code Standards:


3321.09 - Screening. This section shall be modified to remove the screening requirement between residential districts and public portions of the non-residential district. This includes but is not limited to public parking and public plazas. Screening shall be provided between residential and non-residential district beginning at the front building line extending to the rear of the lot. No screening shall be required between districts from the front building line extending to the front of the lot to ensure security and provide an open and welcoming environment.


I. Miscellaneous Commitments:


The Subject Site shall be developed in accordance with the submitted Site Plan and Building Elevations. The plans may be slightly adjusted to reflect engineering, topographical or other site data developed at the time that development and engineering plans are completed. Any slight adjustment to the plans herein shall be reviewed and may be approved by the Director of the Department of Building and Zoning Services, or a designee, upon submission of the appropriate data regarding the proposed adjustment.


SECTION 4.  That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law.