Background: This ordinance authorizes the Director of the Recreation and Parks Department to enter into contract with Marker Construction for the Case Road Park Project. The contract amount is $5,000,000.00, with an additional $7,500.00 for interdepartmental inspections and fees, for a total of $5,007,500.00 being authorized by this ordinance.
In 2018, Recreation and Parks acquired the former Ohio State University Agricultural Extension Sheep Farm at 2425 West Case Road. For several years, the Department had identified the 58 acre site as a key community park space, as the parcel is one of the largest remaining undeveloped open spaces in the entire Northwest Community. The surrounding neighborhoods have played an active role in providing support for the Recreation and Parks Department’s investment in developing this into a signature green space for a highly underserved area. The property is surrounded by high density housing with over 1,000 households within a 10 minute walk. The Carriage Place Community Center is also within 200 yards of the parkland.
The central core of the property will be developed into a community park with a balance of active and passive amenities, as well as, supportive infrastructure. The active amenities will include sports fields, playgrounds, and sports courts. The passive amenities will be walking trails, meadows, and naturalized areas. An outpost for the City Forestry section will occupy the northeast corner of the site. In addition, area will be reserved for a future Columbus Metropolitan Library Branch at the northwest corner of the property. Coordination between the Recreation and Parks Department and the Columbus Metropolitan Library is ongoing, including potential cost sharing agreements for shared infrastructure.
The Recreation and Parks Department proposes to deliver this project using a Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) contract. This delivery method will save the project money and time compared to traditional project delivery methods in this labor short market. CMAR is a “best value” selection in lieu of a “low bid” selection associated with traditional project deliveries. During a “best value” selection, a vendor’s qualifications are evaluated and weighted as part of a total score. Costs, including project overhead, profit, and contingencies are evaluated, weighted, and scored. The vendor with the highest combined score represents the “best value”. During this selection process, Marker Construction represented the “best value”.
This contract will allow for procurement of long lead time materials such as electrical materials, building materials, and roofing. Plans are currently fifty percent complete and materials are ready to be procured. Procuring these materials early reduces the duration of the construction schedule, saving overhead costs for the project which translates into significant project savings for the project. Furthermore, this contract will allow non-permitted and short permitted construction activities, such as demolition and limited site grading, to begin.
The scope of the work shall include complete construction services starting with planning confirmation, design review, and completion of construction. This project will be constructed under a CMAR delivery method. The selected CMAR will coordinate work with the project design team. This $5,000,000.00 contract is the first of multiple authorizations that will fund the construction of this park. There will be future guaranteed maximum price amendments for this contract provided by the CMAR after completion of design and competitive bidding for construction. The budget for construction is anticipated to be a total of approximately $16,000,000.00.
Vendor Bid/Proposal Submissions (Office of Diversity and Inclusion designation status):
Proposals were advertised through Vendor Services, in accordance with City Code Section 329, on July 16, 2024 and initial responses were received by the Recreation and Parks Department on September 3, 2024. Following the receipt and evaluation of initial proposals and qualifications by the Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) selection committee, three vendors were provided a request for technical proposals and costs. Initial proposals were received from the following vendors:
Marker Construction (WBE)
Ruhlin Co. (MAJ)
RW Setterlin (MAJ)
Elford (MAJ)
They Love Abe (MAJ)
After initial proposals were evaluated by the committee, Marker Construction, The Ruhlin Company and R.W. Setterlin Building Co. were the vendors selected to submit technical proposals for review. The selection team recommend Marker Construction to perform the work. The firm was chosen based on their referenced projects, experience, qualifications, availability, timeline, project approach, and proposed fees. Marker Construction and all proposed subcontractors have met code requirements with respect to prequalification, pursuant to relevant sections of Columbus City Code Chapter 329.
Principal Parties:
Marker Construction
2011 Riverside Drive
Columbus, Ohio 43201
Mike Girouard, (614) 736-1019
Contract Compliance Number: 006989
Contract Compliance Expiration Date: September 27, 2026
Emergency Justification: Emergency action is requested so that construction can keep on schedule, allowing for construction to begin in fall 2025 and to avoid escalation of construction material costs due to supply chain issues.
Benefits to the Public: West Case Park will be one of the major greenspaces for the entire northwest region of the City of Columbus. The scale of this park will accommodate a wide range of passive and active recreation for all ages. The park will be designed to maximize walking and biking access. In addition, it will take advantage of the close proximity to Carriage Place Community Center.
Community Input/Issues: Since 2017, the local communities have been extensively engaged with the Recreation and Parks Department in the acquisition and development of this greenspace. The Department has engaged directly with the Northwest Civic Association.
Area(s) Affected: Northwest (34)
Master Plan Relation: This project will support the Recreation and Parks Master Plan by providing quality parks and trails while adding easy connectivity for Columbus residents of all ages.
Fiscal Impact: $5,007,500.00 is budgeted and available from within the Recreation and Parks Voted Bond Fund 7702 and Permanent Improvement Fund 7747 to meet the financial obligations of this contract.
To authorize the Director of Recreation and Parks to enter into contract with Marker Construction for the Case Road Park Project; to authorize the appropriation of $330,677.52 within the Recreation and Parks Permanent Improvement Fund; to authorize the transfer of $5,007,500.00 within the Recreation and Parks Voted Bond Fund and Permanent Improvement Fund; to authorize the amendment of the 2024 Capital Improvements Budget; to authorize the expenditure of $5,007,500.00 from the Recreation and Parks Voted Bond Fund and Permanent Improvement Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($5,007,500.00)
WHEREAS, it is necessary to authorize the Director of the Recreation and Parks to enter into contract with Marker Construction for the Case Road Park Project; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary to authorize the appropriation of $330,677.52 within the Recreation and Parks Permanent Improvement Fund 7747; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary to authorize the transfer of $5,007,500.00 within the Recreation and Parks Voted Bond Fund 7702 and Permanent Improvement Fund 7747; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary to authorize the amendment of the 2024 Capital Improvements Budget Ordinance 1907-2024 in order to provide sufficient budget authority for this and future projects; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary to authorize the expenditure of $5,007,500.00 from the Recreation and Parks Voted Bond Fund 7702 and Permanent Improvement Fund 7747; and
WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the usual daily operations of the Recreation and Parks Department in that it is immediately necessary to authorize the Director to enter into contract with Marker Construction so that construction can keep on schedule, allowing for construction to begin in fall 2025 and to avoid escalation of construction material costs due to supply chain issues, all for the preservation of the public health, peace, property, safety, and welfare and, NOW, THEREFORE
SECTION 1. That the Director of Recreation and Parks be and is hereby authorized to enter into contract with Marker Construction for the Case Road Park Project.
SECTION 2. That the funds necessary to carry out the purpose of this ordinance are hereby deemed appropriated, and the City Auditor shall establish such accounting codes as necessary.
SECTION 3. That the City Auditor is authorized to make any accounting changes to revise the funding source for all contracts or contract modifications associated with this ordinance.
SECTION 4. That the City Auditor is hereby authorized to transfer the unencumbered balance in a project account to the unallocated balance account within the same fund upon receipt of certification by the Director of the Department administering said project that the project has been completed and the monies are no longer required for said project.
SECTION 5. That the appropriation of $330,677.52 is authorized within the Recreation and Parks Permanent Improvement Fund 7747 per the accounting codes in the attachment to this ordinance.
SECTION 6. That the transfer of $5,007,500.00 or so much thereof as may be needed, is hereby authorized between projects within the Recreation and Parks Bond Fund 7702 and Permanent Improvement Fund 7747 per the account codes in the attachment to this ordinance.
SECTION 7. That the 2024 Capital Improvements Budget Ordinance 1907-2024 is hereby amended as follows in order to provide sufficient budget authority for this ordinance and future projects.
Fund / Project / Project Name / Current Revised Authority / Current Remaining Authority / Change / Amended Revised Authority / Amended Remaining Authority
Fund 7747 / P510734-100000 / CC Northwest - Parkland Dedication (Carryover) / $328,204 / $328,204 / $2,474 / $330,678 / $330,678 (to match cash)
Fund 7702 / P511051-100000 / Bridge Conditions Assessment Implementation (Voted Carryover) / $357,706 / $190,819 / ($137,805) / $219,901 / $53,014
Fund 7702 / P512000-100000 / New Development - Misc. (Voted Carryover) / $1,402,267 / $1,402,267 / ($1,402,267) / $0 / $0
Fund 7702 / P512043-100000 / Indoor Aquatics Center (Voted Carryover) / $799,927 / $799,927 / ($799,927) / $0 / $0
Fund 7702 / P513016-100000 / Eastmoor Green Line Acquisition (Voted Carryover) / $500,000 / $500,000 / ($500,000) / $0 / $0
Fund 7702 / P513017-100000 / Greenlawn Avenue Property Acquisition (Voted Carryover) / $1,424,605 / $1,424,605 / ($1,424,605) / $0 / $0
Fund 7702 / P517007-100000 / Priscilla R. Tyson Cultural Arts Center - Interior Improvements (Voted Carryover) / $480,000 / $480,000 / ($220,145) / $259,855 / $259,855
Fund 7702 / P517008-100000 / Marion Franklin, Southfield Park Improvements (Voted Carryover) / $41,328 / $41,328 / ($41,328) / $0 / $0
Fund 7702 / P517011-100000 / Woodward Park Square Improvements (Voted Carryover) / $200,000 / $200,000 / ($117,000) / $83,000 / $83,000
Fund 7747 / P510061-100000 / Parkland Dedication - Northwest (Rec & Parks Perm Improv Carryover) / $33,745 / $33,745 / ($33,745) / $0 / $0
Fund 7747 / P510734-100000 / CC Northwest - Parkland Dedication (Rec & Parks Perm Improv Carryover) / $330,678 / $330,678 / ($330,678) / $0 / $0
Fund 7702 / P512003-100000 / West Case Road Park Development (Voted Carryover) / $0 / $0 / $4,643,077 / $4,643,077 / $4,643,077
Fund 7747 / P512003-100000 / West Case Road Park Development (Rec & Parks Perm Improv Carryover) / $0 / $0 / $364,423 / $364,423 / $364,423
SECTION 8. For the purpose stated in Section 1, the expenditure of $5,007,500.00 or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the cost thereof, be and is hereby authorized from the Recreation and Parks Voted Bond Fund 7702 and Permanent Improvement Fund 7747 in object class 06 Capital Outlay per the accounting codes in the attachments to this ordinance.
SECTION 9. That for the reasons stated in the preamble hereto, which is hereby made a part hereof,, this ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor, or ten days after passage if the Mayor neither approves nor vetoes the same.