To recognize and celebrate Bettye J. Stull for her five years of service as a Columbus Recreation and Parks Department Commissioner and her commitment to enriching the community through the power of the arts
WHEREAS, Bettye J. Stull has made an outstanding contribution to Columbus by giving her talents, energy, and time to the betterment of our community through her dedicated service on the Columbus Recreation and Parks Department Commission; and
WHEREAS, Ms. Stull served for 30 years as an administrative coordinator and center manager within the City of Columbus Recreation and Parks Department, where her direct service impacted hundreds of lives and she implemented creative and artistic programs at Sawyer, Beatty, and Barack Community Centers; and
WHEREAS, Stull has demonstrated a lifelong to commitment to Columbus Recreation and Parks Department’s mission to connect our community through the power of nature, wellness, and creativity; and
WHEREAS, Commissioner Stull has strengthened the arts community through her service on numerous boards of and as a consultant to public and private institutions for national, state, and local artistic initiatives, including the Michigan Arts Council, Kuumba Theatre of Chicago, Columbus International Program Executive Board, Columbus Museum of Art Cultural Committee, Columbus Public Schools African American Advisory Council, Columbus Association of African-American Galleries, ArChSafe Board of Trustees, and Rickenbacker Woods Museum Board of Trustees; and
WHEREAS, Ms. Stull is the recipient of several awards for outstanding services and contributions to the arts, has designed logos for local and national civic and social organizations, and was a USIA Arts Administrator Fellow to Ghana, West Africa; and
WHEREAS, throughout her career, Commissioner Stull has been a preserver of African Art, a nurturer of artists and youth, a role model, a major historical resource and a caring, compassionate person; now, therefore
BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLUMBUS: That this Council does hereby honor and recognize Bettye J. Stull for her contributions to the Columbus community.