BACKGROUND: This ordinance authorizes the expenditure of up to $162,955.55 ($141,330.30 LHRD21014, and $21,625.25 Healthy Homes) from the Office of Healthy Homes and Lead Hazard Reduction Demonstration program of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Of these funds $141,330.30 are LHRD2014 funds and $21,625.25 are Healthy Homes funds. The funds will allow the Lead Safe Columbus Program to continue provide grants for property owners to create lead safe, affordable housing for families with low and moderate income under HUD guidelines. Activities include conducting lead hazard control projects.
These funds are available due to canceled funds from Healthy Homes and lead hazard control projects in the Lead Safe Columbus program.
Emergency action is requested to allow for continuation of services without interruption.
FISCAL IMPACT: $162,955.55 will be expended from the General Government Grant Fund.
To authorize the Director of the Department of Development to provide grant assistance under the Lead Safe Columbus and Healthy Homes Programs; to authorize the expenditure of $162,955.55 ($141,330.30 LHRD21014, and $21,625.25 Healthy Homes) from the General Government Grant Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($162,955.55)
WHEREAS, this ordinance authorizes the expenditure of $141,330.30 (LHRD21014) and $21,625.25 (Healthy Homes) of General Government Grant funds under Lead Hazard Reduction Demonstration (LHRD) program; and
WHEREAS, Lead Safe Columbus funding provides grants for property owners to create lead safe, affordable housing for families with low and moderate income under HUD guidelines. Activities will include conducting lead hazard control projects; and
WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the usual daily operation of the Department of Development in that it is immediately necessary to authorize the Director to provide grant assistance and appropriate and expend said funds, all for the immediate preservation of the public health, property, safety and welfare; NOW, THEREFORE,
SECTION 1. That the Director of the Department of Development is hereby authorized to provide Grant Assistance under the Lead Safe Columbus and Healthy Homes Programs for to create lead safe, affordable housing for families with low and moderate income under HUD guidelines.
SECTION 2. That the monies expended in the foregoing Section 1 shall be paid upon the order of the Development Director and that no order shall be drawn or money paid except by voucher, the form of which shall be approved by the City Auditor.
SECTION 3. That for the purpose stated in Sections 1, the expenditure of $141,330.30 (LHRD2014) and $21,625.25 (Healthy Homes) or so much thereof as may be necessary is hereby authorized in Fund 2220, General Government Grants, Object Class 03, Contractual Services , per the accounting codes in the attachment to this ordinance.
SECTION 4. That the funds necessary to carry out the purpose of this ordinance are hereby deemed appropriated, and the City Auditor shall establish such accounting codes as necessary.
SECTION 5. That for the reasons stated in the preamble hereto, which is hereby made a part hereof, this Ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its approval by the Mayor, or ten days after passage if the Mayor neither approves nor vetoes the same.