File #: 2642-2020    Version: 1
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 11/12/2020 In control: Health & Human Services Committee
On agenda: 12/14/2020 Final action: 12/17/2020
Title: To authorize the Office of the Mayor to modify, by increasing and extending, the contract with Erin Shafer for research and evaluation services in support of the Healthy Beginnings at Home program; and to declare an emergency. ($7,280.00)
Attachments: 1. 2642-2020 Fiscal.pdf


This ordinance authorizes the  Office of the Mayor to modify and extend a contract to provide additional funding in the amount of $7,280.00 and to change the contract end date to March 31, 2021. This modification is needed for continued  research and evaluation  services provided for the  Healthy Beginnings at Home Program. The funding is contingent on Ordinance 2434-2020 in Private Grant 2291Grant G401901 from the Columbus Foundation


A contract was established with Erin Shafer via PO235425 for research and evaluation services supporting epidemiologists, administering social media for these participants to connect to other women and resources. Development and implementation of surveys, designing educational materials  and social media groups have been established for the woman who are part of this program. A contract modification is needed to revise the contract term date through March 31, 2021.




Emergency action is requested for this contract to be modified and extended in order to ensure that the work on Healthy Beginnings at Home Housing Stabilization Program for pregnant women continues without interruption.


Fiscal Impact:  Funding is contingent on passage of Ordinance 2434-2020 which will appropriate funds into the Columbus Foundation Private Grant Fund 2291,Grant G401901



To authorize the Office of the Mayor to modify, by increasing and extending, the contract with Erin Shafer for research and evaluation services in support of the Healthy Beginnings at Home program; and to declare an emergency. ($7,280.00)



WHEREAS, Ordinance 2434-2020 authorizes the appropriation  in Grant G401901 for this contract in Healthy Beginnings at Home housing stabilization research and evaluation services for pregnant women; and


WHEREAS,  it is necessary to modify a contract with Erin Shafer, by increasing and extending the contract term date, so that research and evaluation and social media services can continue for the participants in the current  housing stabilization for pregnant women services within the Healthy Beginnings at Home program; and,


WHEREAS, this ordinance is being submitted as an emergency measure so that timely services can proceed without interruption; and


WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the usual daily operation of the Office of the Mayor in that it is immediately necessary to authorize the modification to extend and increase the contract with Erin Shafer for research, evaluation and social media services, for the immediate preservation of the public health, peace, property, safety and welfare;  Now, therefore,




SECTION 1. That the Office of the Mayor is hereby authorized to modify, by increasing and extending the end contract term date, as follows:



Contract                                                                               Modification Amount         Revised End Date

Erin Shafer  PO235425                                                          $7,280.00                                     3/31/2021



SECTION 2. That the expenditure of up to $7,280.00, or so much thereof as may be needed pursuant to the action authorized in SECTION 1, is hereby authorized in the Private Grants Fund 2291, in Object Class 03 - Contractual Services, per the accounting codes in the attachment to this ordinance.


SECTION 4. That this modification is in compliance with Chapter 329 of the Columbus City Code.


SECTION 5. That the funds necessary to carry out the purpose of this ordinance are contingent on ordinance 2434-2020 and will be hereby deemed appropriated, and the City Auditor shall establish such accounting codes as necessary. 


SECTION 6.  That the monies appropriated in the foregoing Sections shall be paid upon the order of the Office of the Mayor, and that no order shall be drawn or money paid except by voucher, the form of which shall be approved by the City Auditor.


SECTION 7.  At the end of the grant period, any repayment of unencumbered balances required by the grantor is hereby authorized and any unused City match monies may be transferred back to the City fund from which they originated in accordance with all applicable grant agreements.


SECTION 8. That for the reasons stated in the preamble hereto, which is hereby made a part hereof, this ordinance is hereby declared an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor, or ten days after passage if the Mayor neither approves nor vetoes the same.