File #: 0801-2022    Version: 1
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 3/10/2022 In control: Health & Human Services Committee
On agenda: 3/21/2022 Final action: 3/23/2022
Title: To repeal and replace Ordinance 0551-2022 with this Ordinance to correct an organization name listed in Ordinance 0283-2022; and to declare an emergency.


BACKGROUND: This Ordinance will repeal and replace Ordinance number 0551-2022 which was intended to amend Ordinance 0283-2022, due to an incorrect organization name listed in the ordinance.  One of the vendor names listed in Ordinance No. 0283-2022 is “Martin de Porres Center”, but should have been “Dominican Sisters of Peace (sponsor of the Martin de Porres Center)”.  The Ordinance number listed in Ordinance 0551-2022 was transposed and listed as 0238-2022.  The legislation must be amended to allow execution of a valid agreement with the organization.


Emergency action is requested in order to ensure uninterrupted services.


FISCAL IMPACT: Funds for this agreement are allocated in the General Fund, Reimagine Safety subfund.


CONTRACT COMPLIANCE:  the vendor number is 029606 and expires on 2/10/2024.



To repeal and replace Ordinance 0551-2022 with this Ordinance to correct an organization name listed in Ordinance 0283-2022; and to declare an emergency.



WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 0283-2022, passed January 31, 2022,  authorized  the  Director  of  Development  to enter into a grant agreement with the Martin de Porres Center; and


WHEREAS, at the time of  agreement  execution,  it  was  discovered  that  the  organization  name was incorrect  in the ordinance; and


WHEREAS, the correct vendor name is Dominican Sisters of Peace, which is a sponsor of the Martin de Porres Center; and


WHEREAS, the ordinance number listed in Ordinance 0551-2022, passed February 28, 2022, that was intended to amend Ordinance 0283-2022, was transposed and must be repealed and replaced by this Ordinance; and


WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the usual daily operation of the Department of Development in that it is immediately necessary to amend the correct ordinance to ensure program services continue without interruption, all for the immediate preservation of the public health, peace, property, safety and welfare; NOW THEREFORE,




SECTION 1.  That Ordinance 0551-2022, passed February 28, 2022, is hereby repealed and is to be replaced with this Ordinance.


SECTION 2. That Section 1. of Ordinance No. 0283-2022, passed January 31,  2022,  be  amended  to  read  as follows:   “SECTION 1. That the Director of the Department of Development is hereby authorized and directed to enter into grant agreements with various organizations in support of Reimagine Safety initiatives:


                     •   MCS Touch - Restored Citizens Support ($250,000.00)

                     •   Dominican Sisters of Peace (sponsor of the Martin de Porres Center) - Reimagine Safety ($52,400.00)”


SECTION 3. That for the reasons stated in the preamble hereto, which is hereby made a part hereof, this Ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its approval by the Mayor, or ten days after passage if the Mayor neither approves nor vetoes the same.