BACKGROUND: This ordinance authorizes the Board of Health to enter into a not for profit services contract with Mental Health America of Ohio (MHA Ohio) in the amount of $185,000.00. The contract compliance number is 314412697. This contractor is a nonprofit organization with expertise required for this service and is exempt from certification.
MHA Ohio is a non-profit providing expertise for established service that is not offered by others and cannot be provided by existing City of Columbus employees.
Columbus Public Health has a need for the implementation of the Resilience Organizer program. The program is aimed at utilizing community orientated and led resiliency interventions in neighborhoods in Columbus affected by collective trauma. The initial year of this program centers on providing a paid internship for four (4) community members to lead the resiliency interventions. This agreement will outline terms of a partnership with MHA Ohio to provide payment and incidentals for Resilience Organizers.
FISCAL IMPACT: $185,000.00 is budgeted in the Health Operating Fund for the implementation of the Resilience Organizer program.
To authorize the Board of Health to enter into a contract with MHA Ohio for the implementation of the Resilience Organizer program the period of June 1, 2022 through May 31, 2023; to authorize the expenditure of $185,000.00 from the Health Operating Fund- ACPO007263 to pay the costs thereof ($185,000.00).
WHEREAS, Columbus Public Health has a need for the implementation of the Resilience Organizer program; and
WHEREAS, MHA Ohio can provide the expertise required; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary in the usual daily operation of the city to authorize the Board of Health to contract with MHA Ohio, for the implementation of the Resilience Organizer program for Columbus Public Health, all for the immediate preservation of the public health, peace, property, safety and welfare;
SECTION 1. That the Board of Health is hereby authorized to enter into a contract with MHA Ohio for the implementation of the Resilience Organizer program for Columbus Public Health for the period of June 1, 2022 through May 31, 2023.
SECTION 2. That to pay the costs of said contract, the expenditure of $185,000.00 is hereby authorized from established ACPO007263.
SECTION 3. That this contract is in compliance with Chapter 329.30 of the Columbus City Code.
SECTION 4. That the funds necessary to carry out the purpose of this ordinance are hereby deemed appropriated, and the City Auditor shall establish such accounting codes as necessary.
SECTION 5. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law.