BACKGROUND: This legislation authorizes the Public Safety Director to modify the current contract with ShotSpotter, Inc. to continue a gunfire detection, alert, and analysis program for a year. The department has deployed technology commonly known as ShotSpotter, a subscription based service that involves the installation of a gunfire sensor network in areas identified by the City. These sensors connect to a cloud-based data center infrastructure, providing a 24/7/365 gunfire monitoring service within a nine (9) square-mile radius of the installed sensor infrastructure.
In addition to gunfire detection, the ShotSpotter service will notify law enforcement agencies of gunfire incidents and direct them to the precise location of illegal gunfire. The service also offers the capability to instantly notify officers of shootings in progress with real-time data delivered to dispatch officers, patrol cars, and smart phones. The alerts are intended to improve police response to incidents of gunfire, enhance officer safety, speed aid to victims, assist in investigations and the collection of evidence, and ultimately, the apprehension of dangerous offenders.
The data collected from this gunfire detection service can also be used to help prevent future crimes by informing law enforcement of prospective locations where gun related crimes are likely to occur. Agencies that have adopted ShotSpotter Technology as part of a comprehensive crime-reduction strategy have reported reductions in urban gunfire by up to 80 percent and related violent crime by as much as 40 percent. The gunfire detection system can also be integrated with existing City technology infrastructure to capture, layer, and share data across platforms.
This is a planned modification that is a continuation of existing services. The original contract for services dated October 4, 2018 was established by ordinance 2151-2018 for $685,000. Modification No 1 authorized via Ordinance 1218-2020 was for only 6 months for existing locations because of ongoing discussions for expansion that had not yet concluded. Modification, number two, was to extend the existing contract for eighteen months for $922,215.00 and to increase the coverage area for one year for $210,000. Previously established subscription price through negotiations was used for the cost of this modification. The third modification was to renew the services in the 9 mile radius for a year in the amount of $630,000.00. This Modification is to renew services in the 12 mile radius for a year in the amount of $840,000.00.
Because of the established relationship with this contractor and the fact that they have technology in place at the required locations to interface with Columbus police equipment, it is not practical to bid out this service and incur start-up fees and break in coverage.
Original Contract Amount = $685,000.00
Modification No 1 - $256,333.56
Modification No 2 - (Includes expansion and longer contracting period) $1,132,215.00
Modification No 3 - $630,000.00
Modification No 4 - $840,000.00
Contract amount including all modifications. $3,543,548.56
Fiscal Impact: This legislation authorizes an expenditure of $840,000.00 from the General Fund with Shotspotter, Inc. for a gunfire location, alert, and analysis system. These funds are available within the 2022 General Fund budget. $685,000.00 was encumbered in 2018 and spent in 2019, $1,388,548.56 was encumbered in 2020 and spent in 2020 and 2021 $630,000.00 was encumbered and spent in 2021-2022.
To authorize the Public Safety Director to modify the contract with ShotSpotter, Inc. to continue the use of a gunfire detection, alert, and analysis pilot program; to authorize the expenditure of $840,000.00 from the General Fund. ($840,000.00) (AMENDED BY ORD. 2543-2022 PASSED 10/03/2022) BA
WHEREAS, the Department of Public Safety has determined to continue the use of the gunfire detection, alert, and analysis service to assist law enforcement responding to incidents of gunfire in Columbus neighborhoods; and,
WHEREAS, the Department of Public Safety needs to modify the current contract to continue the below services with the system; and,
WHEREAS, ShotSpotter can deliver instant, accurate tactical awareness to the Division of Police including precise location anywhere within coverage area including latitude/longitude and street address, exact time and number of rounds fired and shooter position, speed and direction of travel; and,
WHEREAS, ShotSpotter will provide incident data and forensic data to the Columbus Division of Police including: sequence of rounds fired with time and position data, type or types of weapons used and number of weapons or shooters; and,
WHEREAS, ShotSpotter features built-in interoperability using standards-based communications protocols to share data across systems, roles, and other agencies for a streamlined and coordinated response to all critical events; and,
WHEREAS, ShotSpotter can interface with video surveillance systems that require guidance to train individual cameras and capture video intelligence at the scene of an incident; and,
WHEREAS, ShotSpotter may improve police response to incidents of gunfire, enhance officer safety, speed aid to victims, assist in investigations and the collection of evidence, and ultimately, the apprehension of dangerous offenders; and,
WHEREAS, agencies that have adopted ShotSpotter as part of a comprehensive crime-reduction strategy have reported reductions in urban gunfire by up to 80 percent and related violent crime by as much as 40 percent; and,
WHEREAS, Shotspotter, Inc. has the necessary skills, experience, and technology platform to ensure that this pilot program is quickly and successfully implemented; and,
WHEREAS, because of the established relationship with this contractor and the fact that they have technology in place at the required locations to interface with Columbus police equipment, it is not practical to bid out this service and incur start-up fees and break in coverage; and
WHEREAS, it has become necessary in the daily operation of the Department of Public Safety to authorize the Director modify a contract with ShotSpotter, Inc. for to continue the use of gunfire location, alert, and analysis system; now, therefore:
SECTION 1. That the Public Safety Director is hereby authorized to modify the contract with ShotSpotter, Inc. to extend the term for a period of one year for a gunfire detection, alert, and analysis system and to provide the capability of the system to be integrated with existing City technology infrastructure in order to adequately capture, layer, and share data across technology platforms.
SECTION 2. That the expenditure $840,000.00 or so much thereof as may be needed, is hereby authorized within Fund 1000 General Fund, from Dept-Div 30-3003 Public Safety, Object Class 03 - Contractual Services per the account codes in the attachment to this ordinance.
SECTION 3. The City Auditor shall establish such accounting codes as necessary.
SECTION 4. That the City Auditor is authorized to make any accounting changes to revise the funding source for all contracts or contract modifications.
SECTION 5. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law.