To Recognize and Celebrate the Pastoral Installation of Pastor Leonard M Ervin, Jr.
WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Columbus, Ohio has the authority to recognize occasions of outstanding significance; and
WHEREAS, Pastor Ervin was licensed and ordained from Triedstone Missionary Baptist Church under the leadership of Bishop Jerome Ross. He also attended and completed coursework at Ohio Christian University, and is currently pursuing other Academia with the Christian Leadership University; and
WHEREAS, Pastor Ervin’s walk with God began after surviving a car accident that opened his eyes to the reality of God. Through this experience, God allowed him to see that he was in a war with the devil, who was trying to abort his God-given Destiny. From that time, the Holy Spirit lead him on a journey that ultimately brought him into a closer fellowship with God. He came to the acceptance that God is his True Father, who Loves him, and has a Good plan for his life. Walking in the Truth of that revelation opened his eyes even more to receive the Vision; and
WHEREAS, In March 2020, The Lord gave Pastor Leonard Ervin, Jr. a vision that answered the calling on his life. After witnessing the suffering and untimely death of friends and loved ones in his community, he embarked upon a personal journey of optimal mental, physical, and spiritual health. His supportive health partnerships with Bridgette Sanders, Michelle Hobbs, and Joyce Greenwood was a success and furthered his desire to offer the fruits of his journey as a solution to other people; and
WHEREAS, The Community of Wellness (COW) was established as a non-profit, multicultural, world-wide sanctuary for the family structure. The foundational pillars of Mental Health, Physical Health and Spiritual Health were expanded to include other areas such as Financial Literacy and Social Justice; and
WHEREAS, In September 2021, God added the increase to the spiritual foundation and established the Community of Wellness International Assemblies (COWIA), an e-church where a holistic encounter with Jesus Christ promotes salvation, healing, and deliverance; now therefore
BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLUMBUS: That this Council does hereby declare Pastor Leonard M. Ervin, Jr. be praised and recognized for his installation as Pastor of COWIA and for being a leader.