File #: 2813-2024    Version: 1
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 10/9/2024 In control: Housing, Homelessness, & Building Committee
On agenda: 11/4/2024 Final action: 11/8/2024
Title: To accept the application (AN24-002) of Kathleen Ann Chapin and Karen Chapin Ohlemacher, et al. for the annexation of certain territory containing 22.0± acres in Franklin & Norwich Township.
Attachments: 1. 2813-2024 AN24-002 Legal, 2. 2813-2024 AN24-002 Service Statement




This ordinance approves the acceptance of certain territory (AN24-002) by the city of Columbus. The Ohio Revised Code stipulates that to be effective, City acceptance must take place a minimum of 60 days from the receipt by the City Clerk of the approval notice from the county. If City Council does not accept the ordinance within 120 days of its first consideration, the annexation will be considered rejected. This petition was filed with Franklin County on June 28, 2024. City Council approved a service ordinance addressing the site on July 15, 2024. Franklin County approved the annexation on July 30, 2024 and the City Clerk received notice on August 12, 2024.


Provision of municipal services does represent cost to the City; however, the annexation of land also has the potential to create revenue to the City


To accept the application (AN24-002) of Kathleen Ann Chapin and Karen Chapin Ohlemacher, et al. for the annexation of certain territory containing 22.0± acres in Franklin & Norwich Township.



WHEREAS, a petition for the annexation of certain territory in Franklin & Norwich Township was filed on behalf of Kathleen Ann Chapin and Karen Chapin Ohlemacher, et al. on June 28, 2024; and

WHEREAS, the petition was considered and approved by the Franklin County Board of Commissioners at a hearing on July 30, 2024; and

WHEREAS, on August 12, 2024, the City Clerk received from Franklin County a certified copy of the resolution addressing the petition; and

WHEREAS, sixty days have now elapsed since receipt of the resolution in accordance with the provisions of the Ohio Revised Code; and

WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the city of Columbus to accept the annexation of the territory addressed by the petition; now, therefore,


SECTION 1. That the annexation proposed by Kathleen Ann Chapin and Karen Chapin Ohlemacher, et al.  in a petition filed with the Franklin County Board of Commissioners on June 28, 2024 and subsequently approved by the Board on July 30, 2024 is hereby accepted and said territory is hereby annexed to the city of Columbus. Said territory is described as follows:

Situate in the State of Ohio, County of Franklin, Township of Franklin and Norwich, being in Virginia Military Survey Numbers 544 and 875, being all of Lots 12 through 14, inclusive, and all of Lots 20 through 21 of the North Skidmore Addition, of record in Plat Book 15, Page 14, as conveyed to Kathleen Ann Chapin, Steven John Chapin, and Karen Chapin Ohlemacher by Affidavit recorded in Instrument Number 202304140035895 and Instrument Number 201512150175126, originally transferred in Official Record Volume 24461, Page 114 (Lots 13 and 20), all of a 0.899 acre tract also as conveyed to Shaffer Investment Co., LLC in Instrument Number 202405230050762 (part of Lot 14 ), being all of a 8.115 acre tract as conveyed to Myflori, LLC in Instrument Number 201601190006746, all of a 5.595 acre tract as conveyed to V3 Group LLC in Instrument Number 201904300049592, being all of a 1.188 acre tract (contains Lot 21) as conveyed to Arbook, LLC in Instrument Number 202206070085370, and being the remainder of Parcels One, Two, and Three (contains Lot 12) as conveyed to Garshar Asset Mgmt., LLC in Instrument Number 201504210050475, being part of a 215.670 acre tract as conveyed to the City of Columbus in Deed Book 1507, Page 396, being all of a 0.0395 acre tract designated 2WD as conveyed to Franklin County Commissioners in Official Record Volume 982, Page J03, being part of a 0.1665 acre tract designated 1 WO as conveyed to Franklin County Commissioners in Official Record Volume 1078, Page 119, being part of a 1.563 acre tract conveyed to the City of Columbus in Official Record Volume 12785, Page 120, being part of a 1.318 acre tract designated Parcel 38-WD as conveyed to Franklin County Commissioners in Instrument Number 199807080170993, all records being of the Recorder's Office, Franklin County, Ohio, and being more particularly bounded and described as follows:

BEGINNING at the northerly common corner of Scioto Woods Section 1, of record in Plat Book 71, Page 70, and Scioto Woods Section 2, of record in Plat Book 73, Page 12, being the westerly corner of Lot 119, the northerly corner of Lot 14, and the easterly corner of Lot 13 of said Scioto Woods Sections 1 and 2, also being a southerly corner of said 8.115 acre tract, being on the existing City of Columbus Corporation line, as shown in Case Number 34-71, Ordinance Number 1843-71, and recorded in Miscellaneous Record 155, Page 052;

Thence along said City of Columbus Corporation line, in part along a southerly line of said 8.115 acre tract and said 2WD and along the northerly line of said Scioto Woods Section 1 and said 1WD and in part across Trabue Road (Width Varies} (Road Record 16, Page 44 and Road Record 7, Page 435), North 66°23'53" West, 237.8± feet to a point on the westerly line of said 1WD;

Thence continuing across said Trabue Road right-of-way, across said 1WD and said 1.563 acre tract, and along said northerly existing City of Columbus Corporation line, South 66°21 '07'' West, 1220.6± feet to a point, being an easterly corner of the existing City of Columbus Corporation line, as shown in Case Number 38-00, Ordinance Number 2112-00, and recorded in Instrument Number 200011150231301;

Thence along the northeasterly line of said existing City of Columbus Corporation line, across said Trabue Road right-of-way, said 1.563 acre tract, and said 38-WD, North 23°38'53" West, 60.0± to an easterly corner of the existing City of Columbus Corporation line;

Thence along the southeasterly existing City of Columbus Corporation line, as shown in Case Number 12-69, Ordinance Number 1239-69, and recorded in Miscellaneous Record 148, Page 277, in part across said 38-WD, in part across said 215.670 acre tract, and in part along the northwesterly right-of-way line of said Trabue Road, North 66°21 '07" East, 2626.1± feet to a point;

Thence leaving said existing City of Columbus Corporation line and said northwesterly right-of-way line, across Trabue Road, and along the northeasterly line of said Lot 20 and the southwesterly line of Lot 19 of said Skidmore Addition, South 24°17'53" East, 279.6± feet to the easterly corner of said Lot 20, being the northerly corner of said Lot 13, being the westerly corner of said Lot 14, and being the southerly corner of said Lot 19;

Thence along the northwesterly line of said Lot 14 and the southwesterly line of said Lot 19, North 66°21'07" East, 88.0± feet to a point in the westerly line of a 0.601 acre tract and a northerly corner of a 0.899 acre tract as conveyed to Shaffer Investment CO., LLC in Instrument Number 202405230050762;


Thence across said Lot 14, along the common line of said 0.601 and 0.899 acre tracts the following two (2) courses:

1)                     South 24°17'53" East, 50.8± feet to a point;

2)                     North 66°21 '07" East, 86.6± feet to a point, being on the northeasterly line of said Lot 14 and the westerly line of Lot 15 of said Skidmore Addition;

Thence along the northeasterly line of said Lot 14 and the westerly line of said Lot 15, South 24 °17'53" East, 198.8± feet to the easterly corner of said Lot 14 and southerly corner of said Lot 15, being on the northwesterly right-of-way line of Britton Avenue (50' -Plat Book 15, Page 14) as delineated in said North Skidmore Addition;

Thence along the southeasterly line of said Lots 12 through 14, inclusive, and along the northwesterly right-of-way line of said Britton Avenue, South 66°21'07" West, 523.6± feet to the southerly corner of said Lot 12 and terminus of Britton Avenue;

Thence along the northeasterly corner of the remainder of said Garshar Parcel One and the southwesterly terminus of said Britton Avenue, South 24°17'53" East, 39.6± feet to the southeasterly corner of said remainder and the northeasterly corner of Parcel 2 as conveyed to Michael 0. Trettel in Instrument Number 200710260186688;

Thence along the southeasterly line of said remainder and said 5.595 acre tract, along the northerly lines of Parcel 1 and Parcel 2 of said Trettel Tract, South 66°40'12" West, 80.5± feet to a corner of said 5.595 acre tract;

Thence along the easterly lines of said 5.595 acre tract and the westerly lines of said Parcel 1, the following three (3) courses:

1)                     South 24°17'53" East, 150.3± feet to a corner thereof;

2)                     North 66°36'22" East, 32.0± feet to a corner thereof;

3)                     South 24°17'53" East, 669.0± feet to a corner thereof, being on the northwesterly line of Scioto Woods Section 4, of record in Plat Book 73, Page 72, being the existing City of Columbus Corporation line, as shown in Case Number 14-69, Ordinance Number 1155-69, and recorded in Miscellaneous Record 148, Page 229;

Thence along the southeasterly line of said 5.595 acre tract and the northwesterly line of said Scioto Woods Section 4, along said existing City of Columbus Corporation line, South 66°05'46" West, 186.2± feet to the southerly corner of said 5.595 acre tract, being the southeasterly corner of said Scioto Woods Section 2;

Thence along the southwesterly line of said 5.595 acre tract and the northeasterly line of said Scioto Woods Section 2, also being the existing City of Columbus Corporation line, as shown in said Case Number 34-71, North 23°52'53" West, 330.6± feet to the southeasterly corner of said 8.115 acre tract;

Thence along the southwesterly lines of said 8.115 acre tract and the northeasterly lines of said Scioto Woods Section 2, along said existing City of Columbus Corporation line, the following eight (8) courses:

1)                     North 88°33'02" West, 143.5± feet to a corner thereof;

2)                     North 28°33°51" West, 176.9± feet to a corner thereof;

3)                     South 69°46'55" West, 122.6± feet to a corner thereof;

4)                     North 42°20'24" West, 233.4± feet to a corner thereof;

5)                     North 15°35'14" West, 223.6± feet to a corner thereof;

6)                     North 48°23'14" West, 149.4± feet to a corner thereof;

7)                     South 81 °06'46" West, 183.4± feet to a corner thereof;

8)                     South 45°57'33" West, 132.1 ± feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 22.0 acres, more or less in the proposed annexation.

The total acreage of the combined boundary described herein contains a net acreage of 22.0 acres, being 0.9 acres out of PIO 140-002393, being 0.5 acres out of PIO 140-002392, being 0.5 acres out of PID 140-002399, being 0.5 acres out of PIO 140-003351, being 0.5 acres out of PIO 140-003352, being 1.2 acres out of PIO 140-002391, being 1.2 acres out of PIO 140-002400, being 5.7 acres out of PIO 140-004031, being 8.3 acres out of PIO 140-004316, being 1.8 acres out of PIO 560-154646, being 0.05 acres of fee simple right-of-way within Norwich Township, and being 0.85 acres of fee simple right-of-way within Franklin Township.

This description and exhibit are intended for annexation purposes only and is not to be used for transfer of property.

The total perimeter of annexation is 8224.9± feet, of which 6,001.2± feet is contiguous with the City of Columbus by Case Number 14-69 (Ordinance Number 1155-69, City of Columbus), Case Number 34-71 (Ordinance Number 1843-71, City of Columbus), Case Number 38-00

(Ordinance Number 2112-00, City of Columbus) and Case Number 12-69 (Ordinance Number 1239-69, City of Columbus) giving 73% border continuity.

SECTION 2. That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make three copies of this ordinance to each of which shall be attached a copy of the map accompanying the petition for annexation, a copy of the transcript of proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners relating thereto, and a certificate as to the correctness thereof, the City Clerk shall then forthwith deliver one copy to the County Auditor, one copy to the Board of Elections thereof and do such other things as may be required by law.

SECTION 3. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law.