File #: 0457-2022    Version: 1
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 2/8/2022 In control: Public Safety Committee
On agenda: 3/28/2022 Final action: 3/30/2022
Title: To authorize the Finance and Management Director to enter into a contract with Axon Enterprise, Inc. for the Division of Police for the option to purchase next generation Body Worn Cameras, in-car cameras, interview room cameras, and associated accessories, software, maintenance, and support; to authorize the expenditure of $1.00 to establish the contract from the General Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($1.00)



Background:  This legislation authorizes the Finance and Management Director to enter into an option contract (UTC) to purchase next generation Body Worn Cameras (BWC), in-car cameras, interview room cameras, and associated accessories, software, maintenance, and support for the Division of Police with Axon Enterprise, Inc.  These video camera systems are typically utilized by law enforcement to record interactions with the public. This technology promotes both transparency and accountability. The term of the proposed option contract is for three (3) years from the contract execution.  The contract may be extended for up to two additional one (1) year periods, subject to mutual agreement by both parties.

The initial body-worn camera (BWC) program was initiated in 2015 by then City Council President Andrew J. Ginther. A committee comprised of community members, academia, the Fraternal Order of Police, and support staff from the Department of Public Safety and City Attorney’s Office: (1) promulgated policies for deployment, public records retention, and redaction by reviewing and evaluating virtually every BWC policy in the nation; and (2) purchased first-generation Body-Worn cameras from the vendor WatchGuard, who were later purchased by Motorola and now operate under that name.

Since 2016, approximately 3,470,283 body camera videos (over 593 TB) have been taken with these Motorola cameras. The millions of videos taken are public records thanks to the City's work leading to the passage of Ohio House Bill 425, which declared police videos to be public records. This legislation is nationally recognized as a model for effectively balancing transparency for the public and individual privacy.

To bring the next generation of video technology to the Columbus Division of Police, the Department of Public Safety assembled a multi-disciplinary team comprised of internal and external stakeholders with expertise and experience in technology, finance, law enforcement, procurement, and legal. Included on the team was President of the Columbus Chapter of the NAACP, Nana Watson, who gave invaluable community insight to this initiative. A solicitation was published in early 2021, seeking competitive proposals from nationally recognized camera system providers.


Bid Information:   RFQ019158 was advertised and Best Value Procurement proposals were received on August 12, 2021.  Six (6) responses with pricing were received.

An evaluation committee consisted of representatives from: Columbus City Council; Department of Finance and Management; Assistant Director, Mayor’s Office; Deputy Director, Department of Public Safety; Director, Department of Technology; Chief Counsel, City Attorney’s Office; Deputy Chief, Division of Police and President, NAACP.  Of the six (6) vendors that submitted proposals, three (3) were selected for presentations.  After further evaluations and scoring, two (2) vendors were selected for field testing.  The Division of Police provided approximately thirty police officers to participate in a pilot program to test all provided equipment. Likewise, the Evidence Management System was evaluated by the City Prosecutor's Office, the Franklin County Prosecutor's Office, and the Division of Police Record’s Unit.  After presentation from both the pilot program and evidence management systems, the committee presented its rankings to the Finance and Management Director. The Finance and Management Director instructed the committee to proceed with negotiations with Axon Enterprise, Inc.  The results of the negotiation were successful.

It is therefore recommended that the Universal Term Contract be awarded as follows: Axon Enterprise, Inc.; CC#038851, Expires 2/9/2024 Categories - Negotiated Contract, $1.00

Total Estimated first year expenditure: $7,500,000.00. Total estimated five year expenditure: $18.9 million.

This company is not debarred according to the Excluded Party Listing System of the Federal Government or prohibited from being awarded a contract according to the Auditor of State Unresolved Findings for Recovery Certified Search.

Emergency action is requested so that Body Worn Cameras can be utilized in the Division of Police as soon as practical.

Fiscal Impact:  Funding to establish this $1 option contract is from the General Fund.  City agencies will be required to obtain approval to expend from their own appropriations for their estimated annual expenditures.



To authorize the Finance and Management Director to enter into a contract with Axon Enterprise, Inc. for the Division of Police for the option to purchase next generation Body Worn Cameras, in-car cameras, interview room cameras, and associated accessories, software, maintenance, and support; to authorize the expenditure of $1.00 to establish the contract from the General Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($1.00)



WHEREAS, there is a need to purchase Body Worn Cameras for the Division of Police; and

WHEREAS, the Purchasing Office advertised and solicited Best Value Procurement proposals; and

WHEREAS, after review the Directors of Finance and Management and Public Safety recommend acceptance of the proposal submitted by Axon Enterprise, Inc., and

WHEREAS, this ordinance addresses Purchasing objectives of 1)maximizing the use of City resources by obtaining optimal products/services at low prices and 2) encouraging economic development by improving access to City bid opportunities and 3) providing effective option contracts for City agencies to efficiently maintain their supply chain and service to the public; and

WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the usual daily operation of the Department of Public Safety, Division of Police, in that it is immediately necessary to authorize the Finance and Management Director to enter into an option contract for the purchase of Body Worn Cameras for use by Police Officers, for the immediate preservation of the public health, peace, property, safety and welfare; now, therefore


SECTION 1. That the Finance and Management Director is hereby authorized to establish an option contract for Body Worn Cameras (BWC) with Axon Enterprise, Inc. and associated accessories, software, maintenance, and support for the Division of Police in accordance with solicitation RFQ019158 for the term expiring three (3) years from contract execution. The contract may be extended for up to two additional one (1) year periods, subject to mutual agreement by both parties.

Axon Enterprise, Inc., Negotiated Contract, $1.00

SECTION 2. That the expenditure of $1.00 is hereby authorized from General Budget Reservation BRPO001670 of this ordinance to pay the cost thereof.

SECTION 3. That for the reasons stated in the preamble hereto, which is hereby made a part hereof, this ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor or ten days after passage if the Mayor neither approves nor vetoes the same.