BACKGROUND: This ordinance is for the option to purchase Light Duty Trucks for the City of Columbus. Light Duty Trucks are used in various City agencies. The contract will allow the City to purchase any light duty truck manufactured by Ford. The majority of trucks to be purchased from this contract are the Ford F-150, the Ford Super Duty, and the Ford Econoline.
The term of the proposed option contract would be from the date of execution by the City up to and including December 31, 2012. The Purchasing Office opened formal bids on January 19, 2012.
The Purchasing Office advertised and solicited competitive bids in accordance with Section 329.06 (Solicitation No. SA00004207). Fifty Nine (59) bids were solicited; Five (5) bids were received. The specifications asked the bidders to provide a dollar amount over triple net dealer invoicing.
The Purchasing Office respectfully asks for a waiver of the competitive bidding requirements of Section 329 because all bidders took exceptions to various clauses of the bid specifications. All bidders made various changes to the warranty provisions of the bid. Some vendors, including the low bidder, Byers Ford, took exception to picking up and delivering the vehicles to the repair location for warranty work. The Purchasing Office in conjunction with the Fleet Management Division believes it is in the best interests of the City to accept these exceptions. If the award were made to the second-lowest bidder, it would result in an additional cost of $720 per truck. This would lead to additional costs of up to $72,000 for the year.
The Purchasing Office is recommending award of the contract through negotiation to the lowest, responsible and best bidder:
Byers Ford
Total Estimated Annual Expenditure: $1,000,000
This company is not debarred according to the Federal Excluded Parties Listing or the State Auditor's Findings For Recovery Database.
This ordinance is being submitted as an emergency because, without emergency action, the 2012 model year build-out dates will pass and the City would pay more money for 2013 model year light trucks.
FISCAL IMPACT: Funding to establish this option contract is budgeted in the Mail, Print Services and UTC Fund. City Agencies will be required to obtain approval to expend from their own appropriations for their estimated annual expenditures.
To authorize and direct the Finance and Management Director to enter into a contract for the option to purchase Light Duty Trucks with Byers Ford; to authorize the expenditure of one dollar to establish the contracts from the Mail, Print Services and UTC Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($1.00)
WHEREAS, the Purchasing Office advertised and solicited formal bids on January 19, 2012, seeking light duty trucks and selected the lowest, responsible and best bidder to negotiate with; and
WHEREAS, this ordinance addresses Purchasing objective of 1) maximizing the use of City resources by obtaining optimal products/services at low prices and 2) encouraging economic development by improving access to City bid opportunities and 3) purchasing environmentally preferred materials, supplies and equipment; and 4) providing effective option contracts for City agencies to efficiently maintain their supply chain and service to the public; and
WHEREAS, these light duty trucks will replace older, high maintenance units used in the daily operations of City Agencies, this is being submitted for consideration as an emergency measure; and
WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the City to waive the competitive bidding provisions of the Columbus City Codes, and
WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the usual daily operation of the Finance and Management Department in that it is immediately necessary to enter into contracts for an option to purchase Light Duty Trucks, so that the 2012 model build-out dates are not missed, thereby saving the City money, thereby preserving the public health, peace, property, safety, and welfare; now, therefore:
SECTION 1. That the Finance and Management Director be and is hereby authorized to enter into a contract for an option to purchase Light Duty Trucks in accordance with SA004207 thru December 31, 2012 as follows:
Byers Ford: Amount: $1.00
SECTION 2. That the expenditure of $1.00 is hereby authorized from the Mail, Print Services, and UTC Fund, Organization Level 1: 45-01, Fund: 05-517, Object Level 3: 2140, OCA: 451130, to pay the cost thereof.
SECTION 3. That the provisions of Sections 329.06 of the Columbus City Codes are hereby waived.
SECTION 4. That for the reason stated in the preamble here to, which is hereby made a part hereof, this ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor, or ten days after passage if the Mayor neither approves nor vetoes the same.