File #: 2593-2013    Version:
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 10/30/2013 In control: Zoning Committee
On agenda: 11/18/2013 Final action: 11/20/2013
Title: To amend Ordinance No. 0018-2007, passed on January 29, 2007 (Z05-094), for property located at 6037 CENTRAL COLLEGE ROAD (43054), by repealing Section 3 and replacing it with a new Section 3 to amend the CPD, Commercial Planned Development District text to modify the architectural standards in Subarea 2 and to declare an emergency (Z05-094A).
Attachments: 1. ORD2593-2013Attachments
Ordinance No. 0018-2007, passed on January 29, 2007 (Z05-094), rezoned 12.47± acres to the CPD, Commercial Planned Development District.  That rezoning established specific land use prohibitions and development standards including building design, height, setbacks, landscaping, lighting, and graphics restrictions.  This legislation will amend Ordinance No. 0018-2007, passed on January 29, 2007, to modify the architectural standards in the CPD, Commercial Planned Development District text for Subarea 2 to allow the construction of a building in accordance with the attached building elevation.  All other conditions and restrictions of Ordinance No. 0018-2007 remain in effect and are unchanged by this legislation.
To amend Ordinance No. 0018-2007, passed on January 29, 2007 (Z05-094), for property located at 6037 CENTRAL COLLEGE ROAD (43054), by repealing Section 3 and replacing it with a new Section 3 to amend the CPD, Commercial Planned Development District text to modify the architectural standards in Subarea 2 and to declare an emergency (Z05-094A).
WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 0018-2007, passed on January 29, 2007 (Z05-094), established the CPD, Commercial Planned Development District on property located at 6037 CENTRAL COLLEGE ROAD (43054), being 12.47± acres located on the south side of Central College Road, 300± feet west of New Albany Road West; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary to amend the Commercial Planned Development District text for Subarea 2 identified in Section 3 of said Ordinance to allow minor alterations to existing text commitments; and
WHEREAS, this amendment modifies the architectural standards in Subarea 2 to allow the construction of a building in accordance with the attached building elevation, and in no other way alters the other conditions of the Commercial Planned Development District text; and
WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the usual daily operation in the City of Columbus in that it is immediately necessary to pass this ordinance to begin construction as soon as possible for the immediate preservation of the public peace, property, health and safety; now, therefore:
SECTION 1.  That Section 3 of Ordinance No. 0018-2007, passed on January 29, 2007 (Z05-094), is hereby repealed and replaced with a new Section 3 to read as follows:
SECTION 3.  That the Director of the Department of Development of Building and Zoning Services be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to make the said changes on the said original zoning map in the office of the Building Services Division and shall register a copy of the approved CPD, Commercial Planned Development District and Application among the records of the Department of Building and Zoning Services Division as required by Section 3311.12 of the Columbus City Codes; said plans being titled, "ZONING EXHIBIT," signed by Jeffrey L. Brown, Attorney for the Applicant, and dated December 18, 2006, and "BUILDING ELEVTION," signed by Jeffrey L. Brown, Attorney for the Applicant, and dated October 30, 2013, and text titled, "COMMERCIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT TEXT," signed by Jeffrey L. Brown, Attorney for the Applicant, and dated December 19, 2006 October 30, 2013, and the text reading as follows:
PROPOSED DISTRICT:  Commercial Planned Development (CPD)
PROPERTY ADDRESS:   6037 Central College Road
OWNER:  New Albany Company LLC
APPLICANT:  Same as Owner
DATE OF TEXT: 10/30/13
1.  INTRODUCTION:  This property was annexed to the City of Columbus in 1991.  Columbus City Ordinance 3096 - 1998 rezoned this portion of the property to L - ARO, Limited Apartment Residential Office District and CPD, Commercial Planned Development for the purpose of permitting uses specified as office, retail, and multi-family residential.  Because of the changing characteristics and the development of proximate properties, the property owner is requesting rezoning to expand the existing Commercial Planned Development District (CPD) to eliminate the multi-family use and to permit a mix of office, retail, and commercial uses for approximately 12.5± acres within a portion of the property that is Subarea 4 and Subarea 5 of Columbus City Ordinance 3096 - 1998.
In this request to rezone the subject property, the applicant is requesting zoning in two subareas.  The first subarea is to be developed purely with office uses; the second subarea is to be developed with retail uses.  This rezoning request is in response to market demand, as well as the expressed sentiment from the City of Columbus that this property is better suited to office and retail/commercial uses than the multi-family uses permitted under its current zoning classification.
Amendment: This request is to amend the zoning text to permit alternative building materials for part of the site.
Subarea 1      6.170± Acres  (CPD)
Subarea 1 consists of approximately 6.170± acres and shall be comprised of office uses.
1.  Permitted Uses:
A.  The following uses shall be permitted in Subarea 1, those uses listed in Columbus City Code Section 3353, Office Commercial District.
2.  Development Standards:  Except as otherwise noted herein, the applicable development standards of Chapter 3353, Office Commercial District, shall apply to Subarea 1.
A.  Density, Height, Lot and/or Setback commitments.
1.  Setbacks from Central College Road shall be thirty-five feet for all buildings and twenty feet for parking, loading, and maneuvering areas.  A drive aisle and one row of parking spaces against the building shall be permitted along Central College Road.
2.  Setbacks from all other interior streets shall be zero for all buildings and parking, loading, and maneuvering areas.
3.  Setbacks from the west and south property lines of Subarea 1 shall be 25 feet for all buildings and 5 feet for parking, loading, and maneuvering areas.  All other setbacks from property lines shall be zero.
4.  Maximum office density shall be 12,000 sq. ft. per acre.
5.  Lot coverage for buildings and paved areas shall not exceed 80% of the lot area.
6.  The maximum height shall be three stories, not to exceed 65 feet in height.
B.  Access, Loading, Parking and/or other Traffic related commitments.
1.  The connecting driveway between Central College Road and New Albany Road West shall have no parking spaces on the driveway in Subarea 1.  This connecting driveway shall also be two-way.
C.  Buffering, Landscaping, Open space and/or Screening commitments.
1.  A street tree row shall be established along Central College Road and New Albany Road West containing one tree for every 30 feet of road frontage.  Such trees shall be those specified in the Columbus Street Program guidelines for the City of Columbus Forester and located a minimum of 1 foot from the edge of right-of-way unless the City of Columbus approves planting these trees within the right-of-way.  Unless otherwise specified in this text, minimum tree size at installation shall be 2 ½" caliper.  In addition a 3 or 4 rail white horse fence shall be installed along the frontage of Central College Road and New Albany Road West.
2. The developer shall plant four deciduous trees per 100 feet of frontage along Central College Road within the setback.  These trees shall be grouped to appear natural in character.
3.  Any driveway which connects Central College Road with New Albany Road West shall have street trees on each side of the driveway at a maximum separation of 30 feet apart.
4.  One tree shall be planted for every six parking spaces.  Trees shall be planted in islands at least five feet wide.  At least 5% of the vehicular use area (i.e. parking lot excluding the perimeter circulation drive exterior to the parking lot) shall be landscaped (including trees).
5.  Any surface parking lot adjacent to Central College Road or New Albany Road West shall be screened from view with a minimum 4 foot high continuous planting hedge, fence, wall, or earth mound, or any combination thereof.  If mounding is used for screening, the mounding shall have a maximum slope of three feet of rise for every one foot of run and include landscaping.
6.  All loading docks shall be screened from off-site view to a minimum height of 6 feet by either landscaping, fencing, walls or buildings used individually or in any combination thereof.
7.  The landscaping requirements of this section may be satisfied or offset by the preservation of existing vegetation.
8.  Unless otherwise specified in this text, minimum size of all trees at installation shall be 2 ½" caliper for deciduous, 6 feet in height for evergreens, and 1 ½" caliper for ornamental trees.  Tree caliper is measured 6 inches from the ground.
9.  The landscaping required in this section shall count toward satisfying the landscaping requirements of Chapter 3342 of the Columbus City Code.
10.  All landscaping shall be maintained in a healthy state.    All dead materials shall be removed and replaced with like material within six months or the next available planting season, whichever occurs first.
11.  Landscape design shall be reviewed and sealed by a registered landscape designer or landscape architect.
12.  Pursuant to its agreement with the Corp of Engineers, the developer shall grant a conservation easement to the City's Recreation and Parks Department over the drainage course along the west side of this subarea subject to utility crossings and stormwater outlets.
D.  Dumpsters, Lighting, Outdoor display areas and/or other environmental commitments.
1.  All external lighting shall be cutoff type fixtures (down-lighting), and shall provide no light spillage to off-site parcels.  However, buildings and landscaping at entry locations may be uplit or downlit provided that landscaping lighting is shielded and landscaped.  Any wall-mounted lighting shall be shielded to create a cut-off type fixture.  All security lighting shall be "motion sensor" type fixtures.
2.  All external outdoor lighting fixtures within a given area shall be from the same or similar manufacturer's type to ensure compatibility.
3.  Parking lot lighting standards shall not exceed 28 feet in height.
4.  All new or relocated utility lines shall be installed underground.
5.  All waste or refuse shall be containerized and fully screened from view by a solid wall or fence that is consistent with building architecture.
6.  Mechanical equipment or other utility hardware on the roof of a building shall be screened from view from ground level by the same materials utilized on building roof or exterior.  Color shall also match building exterior or roof.  Mechanical and all other equipment on the ground shall be fully screened from view from ground level by wall, fence, or landscape material utilizing the same material or character of the building.
E.  Graphics and Signage commitments.
1.  All signage and graphics shall conform to Article 15 of the Columbus City Graphics Code, as it applies to C-2, Commercial District.  Any variance to the sign requirements shall be submitted to the Columbus Graphics Commission.
2.  Entry features may be established within the subarea and may contain signage.  Minimum setback for entry features shall be 5 feet from right-of-way line.  In no case shall entry features interfere with maintaining safe clear sight distances at intersections.  Depending on the final form of the entry features, appropriate variances from the Columbus City Code may be required.
3.  No signs shall be painted directly on the surface of any building, wall, or fence.  No wall murals shall be allowed.
4.  No flashing, traveling, animated or intermittently illuminated signs shall be used.  No co-op signs, rotating signs, roof signs, banners shall be permitted.
5.  If site signage is illuminated, the signage shall be externally illuminated, internal illumination will be prohibited.  Signage light source shall be directed toward the sign and shall not cause visibility problems for motorists or adjacent property owners.
F.  Miscellaneous commitments:
1.  An internal sidewalk or asphalt bike path system shall be installed which will connect the buildings in Subarea 1 to the buildings in Subarea 2.  The pedestrian may have to cross the parking lot to reach the next section of sidewalk or asphalt bike path.
2.  A sidewalk or asphalt bike path shall be installed along Central College Road at a minimum setback of ten feet from the pavement.
3.  A bicycle rack shall be installed adjacent to the internal sidewalk / asphalt bike path system.
4.  The developer shall install either a white horse fence (the same type as used along Central College Road) along the boundary of the conservation easement within the subarea or a Columbus Recreation Parks approved post system.
G.  Architectural Standards - Office
1.  Buildings shall be sided with the longest and/or predominant building façade parallel to a major street.
2.  Buildings shall be designed to be seen from 360 degrees with the same caliber of finish on all facades/elevations.  Additional buildings, whether attached or detached, shall be of similar design, materials, and construction.  
3.  Building materials shall be limited to the following:  brick, precast, natural and cultured stone, E.I.F.S. (Exterior Insulated Finish Systems), glass, and masonry block as described below.  Wood and metal shall be allowed as accent features.  Each building façade shall be at a minimum 50 percent brick or precast.  Synthetic materials shall be permitted above the ground story and allowed on the ground story only as accent features (i.e. engaged columns, pediments, cornices, etc.).  Tinted glass shall be permitted, reflective or mirrored glass shall be prohibited. Prefabricated metal building, and untreated masonry block structures shall also be prohibited.
4.  Pitched, flat, or mansard roofs shall be permitted.  All flat roofs shall be required to have a parapet and/or a means of screening all rooftop mechanical equipment.  All rooftop screens must be consistent and harmonious to the building's façade and character.  However, office buildings which are less than 10,000 sq. ft. in area shall have a pitched roof.
5.  Poured concrete exterior walls are prohibited.
H.  CPD Criteria:
Natural Environment
The existing site consists primarily of open fields with some vegetation.
The property will be accessed primarily from Central College Road and secondarily from New Albany Road West.
Visual Form
The form of the development will be sensitive to the natural features of the site.  In addition, size and character of all structures will be in context with the local area and comply with all standards set forth in this development text.
Views into the site are primarily unobstructed however will be buffered as referenced is Section C herein.
Proposed Development
The size, type, and character of the proposed development will meet the zoning, land use and standards set forth in this development text.
Traffic Behavior Patterns
It is anticipated that most traffic will access the site from the north.
Noise and other vehicular emissions will be dependent on land use and potential users.
Subarea 2      6.298± Acres (CPD)
Subarea 2, because of its frontage along both Central College Road and New Albany Road West may be characterized by office, and retail/commercial development.
1.  The following uses shall be permitted within Subarea 2.  Those uses permitted under Chapter 3356, C-4, Commercial District and Chapter 3357, C-5 Commercial District of the Columbus City Code.  Excepting therefrom:
Animal Shelter
Armored car, investigation, guard and security services
Automotive sales
Astrology, fortune telling, and palm reading
Blood and organ banks
Butcher shops, fish, meat and seafood markets
Cabarets and nightclubs
Check cashing and loans
Coin-operated laundries
Community food pantry
Display advertising
Drive-in motion picture theaters
Farm equipment and supply stores
Funeral homes and services
Garden, landscaping and nursery centers and sales
Halfway house
Lawn and garden equipment and supplies stores
Missions / temporary shelters
Outdoor power equipment stores
Pawn broker
Performing arts, spectator sports and related industries
Repossession services
Used merchandise stores
Warehouse clubs and super centers
2.  DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: Except as otherwise noted above and therein, the applicable development standards of Chapter 3356 shall apply to Subarea 2.
A.  Density, Height, Lot and/or Setback commitments.
1.  Setbacks from Central College Road shall be twenty feet for all buildings, canopies and parking, loading, and maneuvering areas.
2.  Setbacks from all other interior streets shall be zero for all buildings, canopies and parking, loading, and maneuvering areas.
3.  Setback from New Albany Road West shall be 150 feet for all buildings, 100 feet for canopies, parking, loading, and maneuvering areas.
4.  Setbacks from any property line not adjacent to a public right-of-way shall be zero for all buildings and parking, loading, and maneuvering areas.
5.  Maximum office density shall be 12,000 sq. ft. per acre.
6.  Lot coverage for buildings and paved areas shall not exceed 80% of the lot area.
7.  The maximum height shall be three stories, not to exceed 65 feet in height.
B.  Access, Loading, Parking and/or other Traffic related commitments.
1.  Due to the mixed use nature of the proposed development it would be impossible to have each use on its own tax parcel with all its required parking and loading spaces.  In addition the mixture of the proposed uses would make it appropriate to consider the effect of a shared parking analysis on determining the required number of parking spaces.  Driveways, parking aisles, and maneuvering areas may be divided by property lines so long as the overall dimensions met the city zoning code minimum requirements.  The following parking ratios shall be provided unless varied by a shared parking analysis or by the Board of Zoning Adjustment.
Retail                                    1 parking space for every 250 sq. ft. of gross floor area
Restaurant                              1 parking space for every 75 sq. ft. of gross floor area
Office (general and medical)      1 parking space for every 333 sq. ft. of gross floor area
In order to arrive at the final required parking figure it is necessary to reduce the parking demand for each use by recognizing three reduction factors that are uses in the ULI shared parking analysis.  The reduction factors are vacancy allowance, non-auto transportation (walk, COTA, cab, bike) and captive market allowance (% of people visiting more than one business).
Reduction Factor            Retail            Restaurant       Office
Vacancy                              2%                 0%                  9%
Non-auto transportation     4%                 4%                  4%
Captive market allowance 18%              15%                  15%
The parking figures calculated from the ratios are then reduced by the appropriate reduction factor for each use to arrive at the total required number of parking spaces.  Division of Transportation may also give the applicant credit for on street parking spaces if the Division determines that such a request is appropriate for the proposed development.
Should the applicant decide to provide fewer parking spaces than calculated by the above method, they shall prepare a shared parking analysis for the proposed project pursuant to the requirements of the Division of Transportation.  The Division of Transportation shall review this shared parking analysis and if the Division approves the study, the applicant shall provide the number of parking spaces shown in the study.
C.  Buffering, Landscaping, Open space and/or Screening commitments.
1.  A street tree row shall be established along Central College Road and New Albany Road West containing one tree for every 30-feet of road frontage.  Such trees shall be those specified in the Columbus Street Program guidelines for the City of Columbus Forester and located a minimum of 1 foot from the edge of right-of-way unless the City of Columbus approves planting these trees within the right-of-way.  Unless otherwise specified, minimum tree size at installation shall be 2 ½" caliper.  In addition a 3 or 4 rail white horse fence shall be installed along the frontage of Central College Road and New Albany Road West.
2.  The developer shall plant four deciduous trees per 100-feet of frontage along Central College Road within the setback.  These trees shall be grouped to appear natural in character.
3.  Any driveway which connects Central College Road with New Albany Road West shall have street trees on each side of the driveway at a maximum separation of 30-feet apart.
4.  One tree shall be planted for every six parking spaces.  Trees shall be planted in islands at least five feet wide.  At least 5% of the vehicular use area (i.e. parking lot excluding the perimeter circulation drive exterior to the parking lot) shall be landscaped (including trees).
5.  Any surface parking lot adjacent to Central College Road or New Albany Road West shall be screened from view with a minimum 4-foot high continuous planting hedge, fence, wall, earth mound, or any combination thereof.  If mounding is used for screening the mounding shall have a maximum slope of three feet of rise for every one foot of run and include landscaping.
6  All loading docks shall be screened from off-site view to a minimum height of 6 feet by either landscaping fencing, walls or buildings used individually or in any combination thereof.
7.  The landscaping requirement of this section may be satisfied or offset by the preservation of existing vegetation.
8.  Unless otherwise specified, minimum size of all trees at installation shall be 2 ½" caliper for deciduous, 6-feet in height for evergreens, and 1 ½" caliper for ornamental trees.  Tree caliper is measured 6-inches from the ground.
9.  The landscaping required in this section shall count toward satisfying the landscaping requirements of Chapter 3342 f the Columbus City Code.
10.  All trees and landscaping shall be well maintained.  Dead items, weather permitting, shall be replaced within six months.
11.  Landscape design shall be reviewed and sealed by a registered landscape designer or landscape architect.
D.  Dumpsters, Lighting, Outdoor display areas and/or other environmental commitments.
1.  All external lighting shall be cutoff type fixtures (down-lighting), and shall provide no light spillage to off-site parcels.  However, buildings and landscaping at entry locations may be uplit or downlit provided that landscaping lighting is shielded and landscaped.  All security lighting shall be "motion sensor" type fixtures.
2.  All external outdoor lighting fixtures within a given area shall be from the same or similar manufacturer's type to ensure compatibility.
3.  Parking lot lighting standards shall not exceed 28-feet in height.
4.  All new or relocated utility lines shall be installed underground.
5.  All waste or refuse shall be containerized and fully screened from view by a solid wall or fence that is consistent with building architecture.
6.  Mechanical equipment or other utility hardware on the roof of a building shall be screened from view from ground level by the same materials utilized on building roof or exterior.  Color shall also match building exterior or roof.  Mechanical and all other equipment on the ground shall be fully screened from view from ground level by wall, fence, or landscape material utilizing the same material or character of the building.
E.  Graphics and Signage commitments.
1.  All signage and graphics shall conform to Article 15 of the Columbus City Graphics Code, as it applies to C-2, Commercial District.  Any variance to the sign requirements shall be submitted to the Columbus Graphics Commission.
2.  Entry features may be established within the subarea and may contain signage.  Minimum setback for entry features shall be 5-feet from right-of-way line.  In no case shall entry features interfere with maintaining safe clear sight distances at intersections.  Depending on the final form of the entry features, appropriate variances from the Columbus City Code may be required.
3.  No signs shall be painted directly on the surface of any building, wall, or fence.  No wall murals shall be allowed.
4.  No flashing, traveling, animated or intermittently illuminated signs shall be used.  No co-op signs, rotating signs, roof signs, banners shall be permitted.
5.  If site signage is illuminated, the signage shall be externally illuminated, internal illumination will be prohibited.  Signage light source shall be directed toward the sign and shall not cause visibility problems for motorists or adjacent property owners.
F.   Miscellaneous commitments:
1.  An internal sidewalk or asphalt bike path system shall be installed which will connect the buildings in Subarea 2 to the buildings in Subarea 1.  The pedestrian may have to cross the parking lot to reach the next section of sidewalk.
2.  A sidewalk or asphalt bike path system shall be installed along Central College Road and New Albany Road West at a minimum setback of ten feet from the pavement.
3.  A bicycle rack shall be installed adjacent to the internal sidewalk / asphalt bike path system.
G.  Architectural Standards - Commercial - Office and Institutional
1.  Retail center shall be sided with the longest and/or predominant building façade parallel to a major street.
2.  Outparcel buildings shall be designed to be seen from 360 degrees with the same caliber of finish on all facades/elevations.  Additional buildings, whether attached or detached, shall be of similar design, materials, and construction.  
3.  Building materials shall be limited to the following:  brick, precast, natural and cultured stone, E.I.F.S. (Exterior Insulated Finish Systems), glass, and masonry block as described below.  Wood and metal shall be allowed as accent features.  Each building façade shall be at a minimum 50 percent brick or precast.  Synthetic materials shall be permitted above the ground story and allowed on the ground story only as accent features (i.e. engaged columns, pediments, cornices, etc.).  Tinted glass shall be permitted, reflective or mirrored glass shall be prohibited.
Prefabricated metal building, and untreated masonry block structures shall also be prohibited.
4.  Pitched, flat, or mansard roofs shall be permitted.  All flat roofs shall be required to have a parapet and/or a means of screening all rooftop mechanical equipment.  All rooftop screens must be consistent and harmonious to the building's façade and character.
5.  Poured concrete exterior walls are prohibited.
6.  Notwithstanding the above commitments, part of the site may be developed with the building elevation as shown on Exhibit A, Titled, "Building Elevation."  The building elevation may be slightly adjusted to reflect engineering, building, topographical or other site data developed at the time that building and engineering plans are completed.  Any slight adjustment to the building elevation shall be reviewed and may be approved by the Director of the Department of Building and Zoning Services, or a designee, upon submission of the appropriate data regarding the proposed adjustment.
H.  CPD Criteria:
Natural Environment
The existing site consists primarily of open fields with some vegetation.
The property will be accessed primarily from Central College Road and from New Albany Road West.
Visual Form
The form of the development will be sensitive to the natural features of the site.  In addition, size and character of all structures will be in context with the local area and comply with all standards set forth in this development text.
Views into the site are primarily unobstructed however will be buffered as referenced is Section C herein.
Proposed Development
The size, type, and character of the proposed development will meet the zoning, land use and standards set forth in this development text.
Traffic Behavior Patterns
It is anticipated that most traffic will access the site from the north and west
Noise and other vehicular emissions will be dependent on land use and potential users.
SECTION 2.  That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law.  That for the reasons stated in the preamble hereto, which is hereby made a part hereof, this ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor or 10 days after its passage if the Mayor neither approves nor vetoes the same.