File #: 2509-2019    Version: 1
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 9/23/2019 In control: Economic Development Committee
On agenda: 10/14/2019 Final action: 10/16/2019
Title: To accept the application (AN19-006) of George and Ann Shaner for the annexation of certain territory containing 0.66± acres in Pleasant Township.
Attachments: 1. ORD2509-2019 AN19-006 Service Statement, 2. ORD2509-2019 AN19-006 Plat Map, 3. ORD2509-2019 AN19-006 Legal Description




This ordinance approves the acceptance of certain territory (AN19-006) by the city of Columbus. The Ohio Revised Code stipulates that to be effective, City acceptance must take place a minimum of 60 days from the receipt by the City Clerk of the approval notice from the county. If City Council does not accept the ordinance within 120 days of its first consideration, the annexation will be considered rejected. This petition was filed with Franklin County on May 22, 2019. City Council approved a service ordinance addressing the site on June 3, 2019. Franklin County approved the annexation on June 25, 2019 and the City Clerk received notice on July 26, 2019.


Provision of municipal services does represent cost to the City; however, the annexation of land also has the potential to create revenue to the City.


To accept the application (AN19-006) of George and Ann Shaner for the annexation of certain territory containing 0.66± acres in Pleasant Township.


WHEREAS, a petition for the annexation of certain territory in Pleasant Township was filed on behalf of George and Ann Shaner on May 22, 2019; and

WHEREAS, the petition was considered and approved by the Franklin County Board of Commissioners at a hearing on June 25, 2019; and

WHEREAS, on July 26, 2019, the City Clerk received from Franklin County a certified copy of the resolution addressing the petition; and

WHEREAS, sixty days have now elapsed since receipt of the resolution in accordance with the provisions of the Ohio Revised Code; and

WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the city of Columbus to accept the annexation of the territory addressed by the petition; now, therefore,




SECTION 1. That the annexation proposed by George and Ann Shaner in a petition filed with the Franklin County Board of Commissioners on May 22, 2019 and subsequently approved by the Board on June 25, 2019 is hereby accepted and said territory is hereby annexed to the city of Columbus. Said territory is described as follows:

Situate in the State of Ohio, County of Franklin, and Township Pleasant, being a part of Virginia Military Survey Number 3028, being a part of a 1.072 acre tract as conveyed to George M. Shaner & Ann M. Shaner by Official Record 2435 DOS, described as follows:

COMMENCING at a found aluminum cap in concrete in a monument box (FCGS 2223) marking the centerline intersection of Norton Road (CR 3) (R/W varies) and Johnson Road (TR 293) (R/W varies), the north line of Virginia Military Survey Number 3028, the south line of Virginia Military Survey Number 1436, the township line between Prairie and Pleasant Townships, the northwesterly corner of said Shaner tract;

Thence in a SOUTHERLY direction, 156 '± along said centerline of Norton Road, and the westerly line of said Shaner tract to the northwesterly corner of a 0.317 acre tract as conveyed to the Franklin County Commissioners by Instrument Number 201902120016806;

Thence in an EASTERLY direction, 47'± along said Franklin County Commissioner's northerly line, and the southerly line of said Shaner tract to the northeasterly corner of said Franklin County Commissioner's tract, being the proposed easterly right of way line of Norton Road, and also being the northwesterly corner of an original 2.291 acre tract as conveyed to Keith A. Aldrich, Trustee and Phyllis C. Aldrich, Trustee by Instrument Number 200612260253794, THE POINT OF BEGINNING;

Thence in a NORTHERLY direction, 79'± crossing said Shaner tract, along the proposed right of way line to an angle point in said proposed easterly right of way line, said angle point being 40' perpendicular to the centerline of Norton Road;

Thence in a NORTHEASTERLY direction, 91 '± crossing said Shaner tract, along the proposed right of way line to an angle point, being 40' perpendicular to the centerline of Johnson Road;

Thence in an EASTERLY direction, 185'± crossing said Shaner tract, also along the proposed right of way line, being 40' perpendicular and parallel to the centerline of Johnson Road to the westerly line of a 1.087 acre tract as conveyed to Tammy S. Davis & Michael Anthony Brintlinger by Instrument Number 201209070132588, and also being an existing City of Columbus Corporation Line as established by Ordinance Number 1844-71 and recorded in Miscellaneous Record 155 Page 77;

Thence in a SOUTHERLY direction, 110'± along said existing City of Columbus Corporation Line, along the westerly line of a said Davis & Brintlinger tract, along the easterly line of said Shaner to said Aldrich's northerly line;

Thence in a WESTERLY direction, 282'± along the southerly line of said Shaner tract and the northerly line of said Aldrich's tract to THE PLACE OF BEGINNING.

Being approximately 0.664 acres of land, more or less.

The total perimeter of the proposed annexation is 747'± of which 110'± is contiguous with the City of Columbus, having 15% contiguity.

The above description was prepared by David L. Pearson, P.S. #7298, in April of 2019. This information was not derived from an actual field survey. The above description is not valid for the transfer of real property, and is not to be utilized in place of a Boundary survey as defined by Ohio Administrative Code in Chapter 4733-37. The information herein is based upon records of the Franklin County Recorder's Office, the Franklin County Engineer's Office, and is to be used for annexation purposes only.

SECTION 2. That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make three copies of this ordinance to each of which shall be attached a copy of the map accompanying the petition for annexation, a copy of the transcript of proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners relating thereto, and a certificate as to the correctness thereof, the City Clerk shall then forthwith deliver one copy to the County Auditor, one copy to the Board of Elections thereof and do such other things as may be required by law.

SECTION 3. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law.