Background: This ordinance authorizes the Director of the Recreation and Parks Department to enter into contract with Pizzuti Solutions, LLC to provide owner’s representation, planning, and preliminary design services for the Community Creative Campus and Park project. The contract amount is $300,000.00, with a contingency of $30,000.00, for a total of $330,000.00 being authorized by this ordinance.
The department purchased the former Douglas School, a four-acre property and facility at 43 South Douglas Street, in September of 2020. With the property in hand, the department can now engage an owner’s representative to assist with the planning and development of this property for the residents of Columbus. By acquiring this property, the city has a unique opportunity to develop an integrative Community Creative Campus that will offer expanded, efficient space for programs, services, and recreational opportunities for the surrounding community. This contract with Pizzuti Solutions will assist the department with the planning and preliminary design stages of the Community Creative Campus and Park, including significant community engagement.
This ordinance will also authorize the City Auditor, on behalf of the Recreation and Parks Department, to create a new subfund within the City’s Special Purpose Fund to account for funds received for acquisition and new development related opportunities. Proceeds from the sale of assets and/or property as well as revenue intended to support the acquisition and/or development of assets and/or property will be supported by this subfund. The funds will be used for the purchase of future assets, property, supplies and services needed in conjunction with the evaluation, acquisition and/or new development of assets and property. Utilizing the City’s Special Purpose Fund will provide the best means for properly tracking and accounting for revenue and expenditures. The new subfund will be called “Recreation and Parks - Acquisition and New Development”.
Vendor Bid/Proposal Submissions (ODI designation status):
Proposals were advertised through Vendor Services, in accordance with City Code Section 329, on October 8, 2020 and received by the Recreation and Parks Department on October 26, 2020 Proposals were received from the following companies:
Pizzuti Solutions, LLC (MAJ)
Concord-Addis (MAJ)
XYZ Professional Services, LTD (MBE)
Of note, design contracts are quality based selections and not based on price. Costs were not requested nor where they part of this evaluation.
In accordance with City Code, a selection team evaluated the proposals and recommended Pizzuti Solutions, LLC be selected to perform the work. The firm was chosen based on their referenced projects, experience, qualifications, availability, timeline, and project approach.
Principal Parties:
Pizzuti Solutions, LLC
629 North High Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215
James Russell, 614-280-4038
Contract Compliance Number, Tax ID: 008612, 46-2372444
October 30, 2021
Emergency Justification: Emergency action is requested in order to establish the new subfund and allow the revenue correction noted herein to be done before year end deadlines.
Benefits to the Public: Providing inclusive park and facility space in the underserved Olde Towne East Community is a high priority for the city. The project will develop an improved creative facility that will combine programming offered at the former Golden Hobby Shop and Martin Janis Center, both of which were senior facilities promoting healthy aging that were closed for various reasons.
Community Input/Issues: Residents of Olde Towne East Staff as well as participants from the facilities being relocated to the Creative Campus will be engaged to gain an understanding of what programming, spaces, and outcomes they value and how the department might work to enhance their experiences.
Area(s) Affected: Near East (56), City-Wide service area for the Community Creative Campus
Master Plan Relation: This project supports the departments’ Master Plan by providing diverse, inclusive, and affordable recreational opportunities for all ages. This project also will provide ways to increase the operational efficiency and sustainability of the department.
Fiscal Impact: $330,000.00 is budgeted and available from within the Recreation and Parks Permanent Improvement Fund 7747 to meet the financial obligations of this contract. $1,225,000.00 in proceeds from the sale of city-owned property authorized to be deposited into the Recreation and Parks Permanent Improvement Fund 7747 in Ordinance 1194-2020 will be revenue corrected into the new subfund within the City’s Special Purpose Fund 2223 being established by this ordinance.
To authorize the Director of Recreation and Parks to enter into to enter into contract with Pizzuti Solutions, LLC to provide owner’s representation and planning services for the Community Creative Campus and Park project, to authorize the transfer of $330,000.00 in cash and appropriation within the Recreation and Parks Permanent Improvement Fund, to authorize the amendment of the 2020 Capital Improvements Budget; to authorize the expenditure of $330,000.00 from the Recreation and Parks Permanent Improvement Fund; to authorize the City Auditor, on behalf of the Recreation and Parks Department, to create a new subfund within the City’s Special Purpose Fund to account for funds received for acquisition and new development related opportunities; to authorize the revenue correction related to Ordinance 1194-2020 as described herein this ordinance; and to declare an emergency. ($330,000.00)
WHEREAS, it is necessary to authorize the Director of the Recreation and Parks to enter into contract with Pizzuti Solutions, LLC to provide owner’s representation and planning services for the Community Creative Campus and Park project; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary to authorize the transfer of $330,000.00 in cash and appropriation within the Recreation and Parks Permanent Improvement Fund 7747; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary to authorize the amendment of the 2020 Capital Improvements Budget Ordinance 2521-2020 in order to provide sufficient budget authority for this and future projects; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary to authorize the expenditure of $330,000.00 from the Recreation and Parks Permanent Improvement Fund 7747; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary to authorize the City Auditor, on behalf of the Recreation and Parks Department, to create a new subfund within the City’s Special Purpose Fund to account for funds received for acquisition and new development related opportunities; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary to authorize the revenue correction related to Ordinance 1194-2020 as described herein this ordinance; and
WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the usual daily operations of the Recreation and Parks Department in that it is immediately necessary to establish the new subfund and allow the revenue correction noted herein to be done before year end deadlines, all for the preservation of public peace, property, health, welfare, and safety; NOW, THEREFORE
SECTION 1. That the Director of Recreation and Parks be and is hereby authorized to enter into contract with Pizzuti Solutions, LLC to provide owner’s representation and planning services for the Community Creative Campus and Park project.
SECTION 2. That the City Auditor, on behalf of the Recreation and Parks Department, is hereby authorized to establish a subfund within the City’s Special Purpose Fund 2223, titled “Recreation and Parks - Acquisition and New Development” in order to properly track and account for the fiscal activities of revenue received for various acquisition and new development related opportunities.
SECTION 3. That any such future deposits as the City may receive are hereby deemed to be appropriated, and the City Auditor is hereby authorized to pay such amounts thereof, in accordance with payments made toward the City’s Special Purpose Fund 2223.
SECTION 4. That the sale proceeds from the actions authorized by Ordinance No. 1194-2020 (which authorized the Director of Recreation and Parks to enter into a Real Estate Purchase and Sale Contract with Robert J. Brennan, Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Columbus, for the sale of city-owned property located at 630 South Third Street and deposited the proceeds in the amount of $1,225,000.00 into the Recreation and Parks Permanent Improvement Fund 7747) will be revenue corrected into the new subfund within the City’s Special Purpose Fund 2223 being established by this ordinance.
SECTION 5. That the funds necessary to carry out the purpose of this ordinance are hereby deemed appropriated, and the City Auditor shall establish such accounting codes as necessary.
SECTION 6. That the City Auditor is authorized to make any accounting changes to revise the funding source for all contracts or contract modifications associated with this ordinance.
SECTION 7. That the City Auditor is hereby authorized to transfer the unencumbered balance in a project account to the unallocated balance account within the same fund upon receipt of certification by the Director of the Department administering said project that the project has been completed and the monies are no longer required for said project.
SECTION 8. That the transfer of $330,000.00 or so much thereof as may be needed, is hereby authorized between projects within the Recreation and Parks Permanent Improvement Fund 7747 per the account codes in the attachment to this ordinance.
SECTION 9. That the 2020 Capital Improvements Budget Ordinance 2521-2020 is hereby amended as follows in order to provide sufficient budget authority for this ordinance and future projects.
Fund / Project / Project Name / Current / Change / Amended
Fund 7747; P513003-100000; Columbus City Schools Acquisitions 2020 (Carryover) / $1,650,000 / ($330,000) / $1,320,000
Fund 7747; P512005-100000; Columbus Senior Creative Facility (Carryover) / $0 / $330,000 / $330,000
SECTION 10. For the purpose as stated in Section 1, the expenditure of $330,000.00 or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the cost thereof, be and is hereby authorized from the Recreation and Parks Permanent Improvement Fund 7747 in object class 06 Capital Outlay per the accounting codes in the attachments to this ordinance.
SECTION 11. That for the reasons stated in the preamble hereto, which is hereby made a part hereof, this ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor, or ten days after passage if the Mayor neither approves nor vetoes the same.