This legislation authorizes the Franklin County Municipal Court, Clerk of Court (“Municipal Court Clerk”) to enter into the second year of a three (3) year contract renewal with ITPartners+, for remote back-up and recovery storage services (“data storage services”) for the Franklin County Municipal Court in the amount of $71,658.00.
Ordinance 2246-2022 authorized the Franklin County Municipal Court, Clerk of Court (“Municipal Court Clerk”) to modify the contract with ITPartners+ for additional storage services.
Ordinance 1245-2022 authorized the Franklin County Municipal Court, Clerk of Court (“Municipal Court Clerk”) to enter into the first year of a three (3) year renewal with ITPartners+, for remote back-up and recovery storage services (“data storage services”) for the Franklin County Municipal Court.
Ordinance 1192-2021 authorized the Municipal Court Clerk to modify and extend the existing contract for an additional three (3) years with ITPartners+, and to upgrade the hardware for additional remote back-up and recovery storage services; to waive the competitive bidding provisions of Columbus City Code.
Ordinance 2080-2020 authorized the Municipal Court Clerk to modify all past, present, and future contracts and purchase orders with Computer Rescue 911; authorizes the assignment of all past, present and future business done by the Municipal Court Clerk with Computer Rescue to ITPartners+.
Ordinance 1137-2017 authorized the Municipal Court Clerk to enter into a one (1) year contract, with four (4) consecutive one (1) year renewal options with Computer Rescue 911, LLC for remote data back-up and recovery services (“data storage services”) for the Franklin County Municipal.
Bid Information: The Municipal Court Clerk's Office solicited competitive bids through RFQ004790 in accordance with Columbus City Code 329. Proposals were received from three (3) companies; two (2) of the proposals were incomplete. The proposals were reviewed by a committee and evaluated in accordance with the committee's criteria. Computer Rescue 911, LLC achieved the highest score. In agreement with the committee, the Municipal Court Clerk awarded the bid to Computer Rescue
Ordinance 1137-2017; PO058825; $22,587.00
Ordinance 2887-2017; PO090264; $16,800.00
Ordinance 2887-2017; PO090274; $12,385.00
2018; PO109833; $44,388.00
2019; PO177102; $44,388.00
2020; PO227321; $44,388.00
Ordinance 2080-2020: $0
Ordinance 1192-2021; PO276020; $66,292.00
Ordinance 1245-2022; PO332224; $63,588.00
Ordinance 2246-2022; PO346443; $6,789.00
Ordinance 1007-2023; $71,658.00
Contract Compliance:
Contract Compliance#: 84-2570784
Expiration Date: 05/03/2024
Vendor Number: 033511
Fiscal Impact: Funds totaling $71,658.00 are available within the Municipal Court Clerk Computer Fund.
To authorize the Municipal Court Clerk to enter into a renewal contract with ITPartners+ for data storage services for the Franklin County Municipal Court; to authorize the expenditure of $71,658.00 from the Municipal Court Clerk Computer Fund. ($71,658.00)
WHEREAS, it is necessary to enter into the second year of a three (3) year renewal contract with ITPartners+, for data storage services for the Franklin County Municipal Court; and
WHEREAS, 1192-2021 specifically authorized the Municipal Court Clerk to modify and extend the then-existing contract with an option for an additional three (3) years renewals with ITPartners+; and
WHEREAS, it has become necessary in the usual daily operation of the Franklin County Municipal Court to authorize the Municipal Court Clerk to enter into the second (2) year of a three (3) year contract renewal with ITPartners+ for data storage services, thereby preserving the public health, peace, property, safety, and welfare; NOW, THEREFORE,
SECTION 1. That the Municipal Court Clerk be and is hereby authorized to enter into the second year of a three (3) year renewal contract with ITPartners+, in the amount of $71,658.00 for the provision of data storage services for the Franklin County Municipal Court.
SECTION 2. That the expenditure sum of $71,658.00 or so much as may be needed, be and hereby is authorized in Fund 2227 (Computer Fund), Department-Division 2601 (Municipal Court Clerk), in Object Class 03 (Contractual Services), per the accounting codes in the attachment to this ordinance.
SECTION 3. That the funds necessary to carry out the purpose of this ordinance are hereby deemed appropriated, and the City Auditor shall establish such accounting codes as necessary,
SECTION 4. That the City Auditor is authorized to make any accounting changes to revise the funding source for all contracts or contract modifications associated with this ordinance.
SECTION 5. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law.