File #: 0036-2019    Version: 1
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 12/20/2018 In control: Public Service & Transportation Committee
On agenda: 1/14/2019 Final action: 1/16/2019
Title: To authorize the Chief Innovation Officer to modify a professional services contract with GPD Group relative to the Smart City Challenge - Vulcan Charging and Decarbonization project, contingent upon the execution of the revised amendment obligated by Paul G. Allen Philanthropies; to authorize the expenditure of up to $351,000.00 from the Smart City Private Grant Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($351,000.00)
Attachments: 1. 0036-2019 Mod 2 Legislation Stream 121818



This legislation authorizes the Chief Innovation Officer to execute a second planned contract modification with Glaus, Pyle, Schomer, Burns & DeHaven, Inc., dba GPD Group, related to the Smart City Challenge - Vulcan Charging and Decarbonization project, contingent upon the execution of the revised amendment obligated by Paul G. Allen Philanthropies, for various expenses related to the implementation of the Smart Columbus Electrification Plan.


In 2016, the City of Columbus applied for and won the Smart City Challenge, resulting in the award of a $40 million grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) and a $10 million grant from the Paul G. Allen Philanthropies (Vulcan) to assist in implementation of the City’s proposal to demonstrate how advanced data and intelligent transportation systems (ITS) technologies and applications can be used to reduce congestion, keep travelers safe, protect the environment, respond to climate change, connect underserved communities, and support economic vitality.


Ordinance 1863-2016 authorized the Director of Public Service to enter into agreements with and to accept grant monies and other resources from Vulcan to advance the Smart Columbus Electrification Plan, which aims to lay a practical path to replacing carbon-based fuel consumption through critical system improvements that increase safety, reduce carbon emissions, and enhance mobility. 


Ordinance 1294-2017 authorized the Director of Public Service to initiate a procurement effort that resulted in the award and execution of a professional services contract, effective June 30, 2017, with GPD Group in the amount of up to $1,198,892.87 for the provision of various professional services related to the Smart City Challenge.


Ordinance 1901-2017 authorized the transfer of signature authority from the Director of Public Service to the Chief Innovation Officer or the Chief Innovation Officer's designee for all past, present and future documents and contracts entered into by the City of Columbus in connection with Smart Columbus, the Smart City Challenge, and Vulcan projects.


Ordinance 1333-2018 authorized the execution of the first planned contract modification to support the continued delivery of requisite program and project management services related to the implementation of the Smart Columbus Electrification Plan.


This Ordinance is seeking Council approval to expend funds received from Vulcan to support the continued delivery of requisite program and project management services related to the implementation of the Smart Columbus Electrification Plan, contingent upon the execution of the revised amendment obligated by Paul G. Allen Philanthropies.


Original contract amount:                                                               $1,198,892.87 (Ord. 1294-2017, PO069940)                         

Contract Modification #1:                                                               $   621,103.26 (Ord. 1333-2018, PO124575)

This Modification:                                                                                    $   351,000.00

Contract amount including all modifications:                       $2,170,996.13


Due to the nature of the USDOT and Vulcan grant reimbursements, professional support for the Smart City Challenge Program will be awarded in annual funding phases.  Additional contract modifications are expected on an annual basis throughout the four-year Smart City Challenge grant period.  Legislation authorizing the Chief Innovation Officer to execute another planned contract modification with GDP Group is projected to be brought before City Council for approval by March 31, 2019.



The contract compliance number for GPD is CC006560, which expires on June 29, 2019.



Funding in the amount of $351,103.26 is available in Fund 7768 Smart City Private Grant Fund for this project expenditure.  This legislation is contingent upon the execution of the revised amendment obligated by Paul G. Allen Philanthropies.



Emergency action is requested in that it is immediately necessary to authorize the Chief Innovation Officer to execute a second contract modification with GPD Group authorizing the encumbrance and expenditure of requisite engineering and design funding so as to prevent unnecessary delays in the department's Smart City Challenge schedule.



To authorize the Chief Innovation Officer to modify a professional services contract with GPD Group relative to the Smart City Challenge - Vulcan Charging and Decarbonization project, contingent upon the execution of the revised amendment obligated by Paul G. Allen Philanthropies; to authorize the expenditure of up to $351,000.00 from the Smart City Private Grant Fund; and to declare an emergency.  ($351,000.00)



WHEREAS, on December 7, 2015, the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) announced the Smart City Challenge, a collaborative effort by the USDOT and Vulcan seeking to “create a fully integrated, first-of-its kind city that uses data, technology and creativity to shape how people and goods move in the future”; and


WHEREAS, on June 23, 2016, the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation (Vulcan) awarded the City of Columbus a $10 million grant for the purpose of replacing carbon-based fuel consumption through critical system improvements that increase safety, reduce carbon emissions, and enhance mobility; and


WHEREAS, Ordinance 1863-2016 authorized the Director of Public Service to enter into agreements with and to accept grant monies and other resources from Vulcan, which are to be distributed to the City over the course of four years; and


WHEREAS, Ordinance 1294-2017 authorized the Director of Public Service to execute a professional service contract with GDP Group for the provision of various professional services related to the implementation of the Smart Columbus Electrification Plan; and


WHEREAS, Ordinance 1333-2018 authorized the execution of the first planned contract modification to support the continued delivery of requisite program and project management services related to the implementation of the Smart Columbus Electrification Plan.


WHEREAS, it is necessary to modify the aforesaid professional services contract with GPD Group, contingent upon the execution of the revised amendment obligated by Paul G. Allen Philanthropies, to provide the Smart Columbus Program Office with additional resources to accomplish the objectives of the Vulcan grant award; and


WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the usual daily operation of the Smart City Program Management Office in that it is immediately necessary to authorize the Chief Innovation Officer to execute said contract modification with GPD Group and to authorize the encumbrance and expenditure of requisite engineering and design funding so as to prevent unnecessary delays in the development and deployment of Smart City Challenge initiatives, thereby preserving the public health, peace, property, safety and welfare; now, therefore:




SECTION 1.  That the Chief Innovation Officer be and is hereby authorized to execute a contract modification with GPD Group related to the Smart City Challenge - Vulcan Charging and Decarbonization project, contingent upon the execution of the revised amendment obligated by Paul G. Allen Philanthropies.


SECTION 2.   That the expenditure of $351,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be and is hereby authorized in Fund 7768 (Smart City Private Grant Fund), Dept-Div 5912 (Division of Design and Construction), Grant G591611 (Private Grant), in Object Class 03 (Contractual Services) per the accounting codes in the attachment to this ordinance.


SECTION 3.  That the funds necessary to carry out the purpose of this ordinance are hereby deemed appropriated, and the City Auditor shall establish such accounting codes as necessary.


SECTION 4.  That the City Auditor is authorized to make any accounting changes to revise the funding source for all contracts or contract modifications associated with this ordinance.


SECTION 5.  That the City Auditor is hereby authorized to transfer the unencumbered balance in a project account to the unallocated balance account within the same fund upon receipt of certification by the Director of the Department administering said project that the project has been completed and the monies are no longer required for said project.


SECTION 6.  That for the reasons stated in the preamble hereto, which is hereby made a part hereof, this ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor, or 10 days after passage if the Mayor neither approves nor vetoes the same.