This ordinance is to modify and extend an existing contract for the continued purchase of Process Control Computer Maintenance from Schneider Electric Systems USA Inc. (formerly Telvent USA, Inc.). Ordinance # 1587-2017 was passed to change the company name and Federal Identification Number for FL005598 and all appropriate and related contracts and future business done by the City of Columbus with Telvent USA LLC (Fed ID # 52-1366064) to Schneider Electrical Systems USA, Inc.(Fed ID # 04-1339430). The Process Control Computer Maintenance is an automated computer system that monitors and controls the water production in the water treatment plants and in the distribution system, monitors and controls flow of water throughout the City. The contract (FL005598) was established in accordance with SA004896 and will expire August 31,2017.
The Department of Public Utilities, Division of Water and the Purchasing Office are finalizing specifications and contract language for a new contract. Until the next approach is procured and implemented, the City must continue using our present Process Control Computer Maintenance system to monitor and control flows of water throughout the City. This contract will allow for a four (4) month contract extension beyond August 31, 2017 on contract # FL005598 to allow the Division of Water and the Purchasing Office time to implement a new contract agreement for the above stated services. All
Schneider Electric Systems USA, Inc.; Fed. ID #: 04-1339430, Vendor #: 000162 Expires 06/07/2019
Estimated Annual Expenditure: $275,000.00
1. Amount of additional funds: No additional funds are necessary to modify the contract.
2. Reason additional needs were not foreseen: It is necessary to extend the contract for four (4) months to incorporate the changes made due to a merger, change in leadership and operations with the vendor and how the City plans to utilize this contract in the future.
3. Reason other procurement processes not used: N/A
4. How cost was determined: N/A
FISCAL IMPACT: No additional monies are required to modify this option contract. The Public Utilities Department, Division of Water must set aside their own funding for their estimated expenditures.
EMERGENCY: The current contract ends 8/31/2017. In order to maintain an uninterrupted supply of services to the Water Division through this Universal Term Contract and open Purchase Orders, this ordinance is being submitted as an emergency.
To authorize the Finance and Management Director to modify and extend the Process Control Computer Maintenance Universal Term Contract with Schneider Electric Systems USA, Inc.; and to declare an emergency.
WHEREAS, the Finance and Management/Purchasing Office established contract FL005598 with Schneider Electric Systems USA, Inc. for the Department of Public Utilities in order to purchase Process Control Computer Maintenance to monitor and control the water production and flow throughout the City; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary to modify and extend the contract to allow for four (4) additional months beyond the August 31, 2017 ending date; and
WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the usual daily operations of the Department of Public Utilities, Water Division, in that it is immediately necessary to authorize the Finance and Management Director to modify FL005598 with Schneider Electric Systems USA, Inc. to maintain an uninterrupted supply of products and services, thereby preserving the public health, peace, property, safety, and welfare, now, therefore,
SECTION 1. That the Finance and Management Director is hereby authorized to modify contract FL005598 with Schneider Electric Systems USA, Inc., to extend the contract for four (4) additional months in accordance with the modification agreed to by both Schneider Electric Systems USA, Inc. and the City.
SECTION 2. That this modification is in accordance with relevant provisions of chapter 329 of the Columbus City Code.
SECTION 3. That for the reasons stated in the preamble hereto, which is hereby made a part hereof, this ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor, or ten days after passage if the Mayor neither approves nor vetoes the same.