File #: 0219-2022    Version: 1
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 1/13/2022 In control: Environment Committee
On agenda: 2/7/2022 Final action: 2/10/2022
Title: To authorize the Finance and Management Director, on behalf of the Department of Public Service, to modify a contract with The Lion Electric Co. for acquisition of a Electric Powered Automated Side Loading Truck; and to declare an emergency.



1. BACKGROUND: The purpose of this ordinance is to authorize the Director of Finance and Management to modify the contract with The Lion Electric Corp. for one Electric Powered Automated Side Loading Truck.


The Department of Finance and Management, on behalf of the Department of Public Service, solicited a Best Value Procurement bid for one Electric Powered Automated Side Loading Refuse Truck. An evaluation committee consisting of two (2) representatives from the Department of Public Service and one (1) from the Division of Fleet Management that provided technical expertise.  Each member of the committee scored and ranked written proposals submitted by the offerors. The Lion Electric Corp received the highest overall score. Previous legislation 3003-2021 authorized the Director of Finance and Management to enter into a contract and authorized the expenditure on behalf of the Department of Public Service.


After the award was complete, The Lion Electric Corporation notified the Director of Finance and Management that due to supply chain and labor issues beyond their control the delivery of the truck would be delayed beyond the previously anticipated delivery date. In addition to a later anticipated delivery date, the manufacturer is also no longer able to provide the truck as previously defined. Changes to the truck include paint color and traction control features.


This ordinance authorizes the Director of Finance and Management to modify the existing contract to extend the delivery date and accept the changes to the paint color and traction control features. The Department feels these changes are de minimis and the vehicle offered by The Lion Electric Corp. is still the best value.  



This ordinance authorizes ACPR007200 from ordinance 3003-2021 to be associated with The Lion Electric Co.




The department requests emergency designation so this equipment can be put into service as quickly as possible to prevent interruption to, or disruption of, the Division of Refuse Collection operations.





To authorize the Finance and Management Director, on behalf of the Department of Public Service, to modify a contract with The Lion Electric Co. for acquisition of a Electric Powered Automated Side Loading Truck; and to declare an emergency.




WHEREAS, the Department of Public Service, Division of Refuse Collection, has a need for an electric-powered automated side loading refuse truck; and


WHEREAS, proposals were solicited for the truck; and


WHEREAS, the proposal from The Lion Electric Corporation received the highest score from the evaluation committee; and


WHEREAS, after the award was complete, The Lion Electric Corp. notified the Director of Finance and Management that due to supply chain and labor issues beyond their control the delivery of the truck would be delayed beyond the previously anticipated delivery date; and


WHEREAS, the Department feels these changes are de minimis and the vehicle offered by The Lion Electric Corp. is still the best value; and


WHEREAS, it is necessary to authorize the Director of Finance and Management to modify the contract with The Loin Electric Corporation to accept a later delivery date and de minimis specifications changes to the paint and traction control system; and


WHEREAS, this legislation authorizes the Finance and Management Director to associate ACPR007200 with The Lion Electric Co.; and


WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the usual daily operation of the Department of Finance in that it is immediately necessary to authorize the Director to modify the contract for the Electric Powered Automated Side Loading Truck so this equipment can be put into service as quickly as possible to prevent interruption to, or disruption of, the Division of Refuse Collection operations, thereby preserving the public health, peace, property, safety, and welfare; now, therefore:




SECTION 1.  That the Finance and Management Director is hereby authorized to modify the contract with The Lion Electric Corp. for one Electric Powered Automated Side Loading Truck.


SECTION 2.  That the Finance and Management Director is hereby authorized to associate ACPR007200 with The Lion Electric Co.


SECTION 3.  That the City Auditor is authorized to make any accounting changes to revise the funding source for all contracts or contract modifications associated with this ordinance.


SECTION 4.  That the City Auditor is hereby authorized to transfer the unencumbered balance in a project account to the unallocated balance account within the same fund upon receipt of certification by the Director of the Department administering said project that the project has been completed and the monies are no longer required for said project.


SECTION 5.  That for the reasons stated in the preamble hereto, which is hereby made a part hereof, this ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor or ten days after passage if the Mayor neither approves nor vetoes the same.