File #: 0205-2007    Version:
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 1/31/2007 In control: Utilities Committee
On agenda: 3/12/2007 Final action: 3/15/2007
Title: To authorize and direct the Finance & Management Director to modify and extend the current UTC contract with Medtronic Emergency Response Systems, Inc. for the option to purchase Automated Electronic Defibrillator Equipment, Supplies and Services and to declare an emergency.



City Council passed Ordinance #0773-2005 on 4/25/05 to establish a Universal Term Contract for the City and other governmental entities to purchase automated external defibrillators (AEDs) from Medtronic Emergency Response Systems, Inc.  as a part of the Public Access Defibrillation Outreach Program also authorized by Council Ordinance #0407-2005 (passed 3/2/05).  This program was initiated by Council member Patsy Thomas and implemented by Council action as a result of an RFP bid process (SA001327).  There are currently 100 AED units in place and plans to purchase additional units. Initially tracking services were provided by the vendor at no cost; however based on the number of units and the need for safety to those using AEDs, it is necessary to modify the contract to include a new Product List and a fee for tracking services. With the exception of the service tracking fee, all prices on the Products List have decreased. The UTC expires 3/31/07 and includes two, two-year extensions if agreeable to both parties. This is a request to exercise the first extension of  UTC #FL002648, to be in effect until 3/31/09.


Medtronic Emergency Response Systems, Inc. Contract Compliance is 910697691 (expires  2/18/2008).  This company is not debarred according to the Federal Excluded Parties Listing or prohibited from being awarded a contract according to the Auditor of State Unresolved Findings for Recovery Certified Search.


1. Amount of additional funds:  No additional funds are required to modify and extend the existing agreement. 

2. Reason additional needs were not foreseen:  Need was foreseen as an extension is provided for in the original contract.

3. Reason other procurement process not used:  Consistent tracking services for AED's with current vendor will ensure safe and reliable equipment for emergency use.

4. How was cost determined:  Negotiated with the vendor.


This ordinance is being submitted as an emergency to allow time to complete the modification agreement prior to the expiration date.


FISCAL IMPACT:  Agencies will be required to seek approval for their actual expenditures when purchasing from this contract.




To authorize and direct the Finance & Management Director to modify and extend the current UTC contract with Medtronic Emergency Response Systems, Inc. for the option to purchase Automated Electronic Defibrillator Equipment, Supplies and Services and to declare an emergency.




WHEREAS,  Columbus City Council initiated a program to save lives of visitors and employees in City-owned sites by providing access to safe and properly functioning AED equipment and  supplies, and


WHEREAS,  Medtronic  Emergency Response Systems, Inc. was awarded the City's UTC for automated external defibrillator (AEDs) as a result of a RFP bid process as well as Council legislative approval and that UTC expires on March 31, 2007; and


WHEREAS,  the contract allows for an extension if agreeable to all parties and it is in the best interest of the City to exercise this option; in addition, it is necessary to add a fee for providing tracking services to insure the safe and proper functioning of AED equipment at each location; and


WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the usual daily operation of the City in that it is immediately necessary for the Finance & Management Director to modify and extend the existing contract with Medtronic Emergency Response Systems, Inc. for the option to purchase Automated External Defibrillator Equipment, Supplies and Services for the immediate preservation of public peace, property, health, safety and welfare; now, therefore,




SECTION 1. That the Finance and Management Director be and is hereby authorized and directed to modify and extend FL002648 with Medtronic Emergency Response Systems, Inc. to and including March 31, 2009 in accordance with the City approved Product List, including a tracking service fee.


SECTION 2. That this modification is in accordance with Section 329.16 of the Columbus City Codes.


SECTION 3. That for the reasons stated in the preamble hereto, which is hereby made a part hereof, this ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor, or ten days after passage if the Mayor neither approves nor vetoes the same.


Section 3.  That this contract is subject to future monetary appropriations by Columbus City Council.


Section 4. That for the reasons stated in the preamble hereto, which is hereby made a part hereof, this ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor, or ten days after passage if the Mayor neither approves nor vetoes the same.