This ordinance authorizes the Director of Public Service to enter into a professional services contract with Cultivate Geospatial Solutions, LLC in the amount of up to $650,000.00 for the Asset Information Management System project.
The intent of this project is to provide the City of Columbus, Department of Public Service, professional services for the development of a web based “Asset Information Management System” (AIMS) that will be used to support the monitoring, analysis, reporting and visualization of the infrastructure of the City of Columbus. The project will have two phases. The first phase will be development of a Linear Referencing System (LRS) and preparation of existing data to be used to support the AIMS. The second phase will be development of the Asset Information Management System.
Searches in the Excluded Party List System (Federal) and the Findings for Recovery list (State) produced no findings against Cultivate Geospatial Solutions, LLC.
Cultivate Geospatial Solutions, LLC’s contract compliance number is CC033768 and expires 10/12/2022.
This project was formally advertised on the Vendor Services and Bonfire web sites from May 6, 2021, to May 27, 2021. The City did not receive any direct responses. The City received notification from a vendor that their submission had been posted to the wrong project. The Department of Public Utilities had an open advertisement for a “Work & Asset Management System”. The vendor’s proposal was received and evaluated by the committee. An interview and Q&A session was held with the committee and the vendor and the decision was made to proceed with the award of the contract. A bid waiver for City Code is requested to enter into contract.
Funding for this contract is available within Fund 7704, the Streets and Highways Bond Fund. An amendment to the 2020 Capital Improvement Budget and a transfer of cash and appropriat...
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