This legislation authorizes the Chief Innovation Officer to enter into a contract with Gudenkauf Corporation for the SCC-Connected Vehicle Environment project and to provide payment for construction, construction administration and inspection services.
The Smart City Challenge is a U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) grant program seeking to “create a fully integrated, first-of-its kind city that uses data, technology and creativity to shape how people and goods move in the future.” In 2016, the City of Columbus, acting through the Department of Public Service, applied for and won the Smart City Challenge, receiving a $40 million dollar grant from USDOT and a $10 million grant from the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation (Vulcan).
This contract includes splicing into existing fiber optic cable, installing messenger wire, fiber optic cables and Ethernet cables, Ethernet switches, and DRSC radios to create a connected vehicle environment that will serve Central Ohio stakeholders for the deployment of testing of vehicle to infrastructure communication technologies at 77 traffic signals. The limits of the project are Cleveland Avenue from Second Avenue to Morse Road, High Street from Fifth Avenue to Morse Road, and Morse Road from High Street to Stygler Road.
The estimated Notice to Proceed date is July 30, 2019. The project was let by the Department of Public Service, Office of Support Services through Vendor Services and Bid Express. One bid was received on June 6, 2019, and tabulated as follows:
Company Name Bid Amount City/State Majority/MBE/FBE
Gudenkauf Corporation $2,071,566.81 Columbus, Ohio Majority
Award is to be made to Gudenkauf Corporation as the lowest responsive, responsible and best bidder for their bid of $2,071,566.81. The amount of construction administration and inspection services will be $207,156.68. The total legislated...
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