This ordinance will authorize the Directors of the Departments of Technology and Public Utilities to continue the annual agreement with Labworks, LLC, for the maintenance and support of the Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS). The original agreement (EL008929) was authorized by ordinance 1738-2008, passed November 24, 2008. The agreement was most recently continued under the authority of ordinance 0667-2018, passed April 2, 2018, establishing PO115496, for software maintenance and support services. This contract agreement will provide software maintenance and support services for the term period June 1, 2019 through May 31, 2020, at a cost of $54,792.00.
LIMS enables the Division of Sewer and Drainage (DOSD) and the Division of Water (DOW) to manage water quality sample information, incorporate input from plant operations data sources, track over 79,000 tests on 16,000 different samples annually, and transfer approved results to end users automatically. The LIMS system allows DOSD and DOW to satisfy their regulatory reporting requirements more efficiently. This annual maintenance and support agreement is needed to provide for updated LIMS software and access to LIMS technical support. Without this agreement, the City would need to pay a substantially higher new license fee to obtain the latest version of LIMS software, and would be unable to resolve problems with the software requiring LIMS technical support.
This ordinance also requests approval to continue services provided by Labworks, LLC., Inc. in accordance with sole source procurement provisions of Chapter 329 of the Columbus City Code; as it has been determined Labworks, LLC. is the sole distributor of LIMS, and does not utilize distributors or re-sellers due to the complex nature of its product.
In 2017 and 2018, $51,006.00 and $52,194.00 respectively was legislated for software maintenance and support services to support the Laboratory Informat...
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