This Ordinance authorizes the Director of Public Utilities to execute a planned contract modification for the professional engineering services contract with Burgess & Niple, Inc. for the Dam Engineering Services Project, Capital Improvements Project No. 690555-100000, for Division of Water Contract No. 2136 in an amount up to $150,000.00.
This contract is a “task order” type contract to augment existing engineering personnel within the Water Supply Group, Division of Water on an as-authorized, as needed basis for Dam Engineering Services. This modification is needed to add funding to pay for Dam Engineering Services as they are identified as needed.
To be proactive and practice responsible dam safety, the City will conduct recurring assessments and regulatory compliance activities for its multiple water supply dams. The assessments will examine the physical condition, safety, and operational aspects of the dams. Based on the nature of the findings and recommendations, tasks may also include design of recommended improvements and associated engineering services during construction (SDCs).
Tasks completed under the original contract include:
1. Creating new inundation maps for the O’Shaughnessy Dam Emergency Action Plan.
2. Annual alignment survey for the O’Shaughnessy Dam.
3. Update of the Emergency Action Plan for the O’Shaughnessy Dam following the Tabletop and Functional Exercises performed under a separate contract.
4. Inspection of the stop logs for Hoover Dam.
Tasks completed and identified to be completed under the contract renewal contract include:
1. Inspection of the concrete barrier plug at the mouth of McKinley Quarry. If needed and if authorized, design improvements will be made based on the results of the inspection.
2. External Audit of the City’s Dam Safety Program.
Potential Tasks that m...
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